Status: New chapter whenever I can get one haha

Midnight Transformation

The transformation

I could see the Magic Swirling around me, there's that brief second of being naked that I always hated, but it was quickly over... I touched the necklace around my neck, and the swirling shimmer dispersed. The transformation was complete. I looked down and saw my usual jeans and sweater gone with a soft yellow gown in their place.. I smile softly "must be midnight," I said aloud, knowing I was now in my meadow.
I looked around, and saw the familiar trees surrounding the clearing, the small flowers that danced in the wind, surrounding my feet. I looked for any sign of Annabell, my best friend, but saw none.
"Annabell!" I called out. I jumped when I heard her voice right beside me, forgetting that she often didn't want to be seen.
"Hey," she said, I could hear the sadness of the dying forest in her voice. We still hadn't found the cause of the tree epidemic. Though I knew powerful magic was involved.
I should probably tell you a little bit about what is going on, I'm Ameranda and am 13 years old. My fairy friend Annabell is about 14. She's a fairy but she isn't how humans portray fairies in our time. These fairies are just like humans, but live in trees and are, to put it mildly, very smart plants. They don't have wings, and they aren't tiny, they only eat is fish, and, I admit they're kind of short, but still about the size of a 12 year old when they're fully grown. A few months ago, the trees started dying for no known reason. The elder fairies did some tests, and the trees didn't have a known virus, but there were traces of black magic in their root systems, closing them off and making it so they can't get water to make food. Basically they were starving. Annabell was sent to try and find the source of the magic, and I came feeling that there was something I needed to do to help.
"Hey Randy, snap out of it!" Annabell clapped her hands in front of my face, snapping me back into the present.
"Sorry," I said. I had a bad habit of zoning out.
Me and Annabell set off into the woods, we needed some food if we were going to continue our journey.
we found some berrys, and some plants to eat, we were both pescetarian, meaning the only meat we will at is fish, and thats only because we need protein.We headed to the shallow river, hoping to find at least a few small fish for supper, when we heard a twig snap.
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Hey, I had this idea of me wanting to have a non-stereotypical fairy in a story, and went with it, I'm making this all up as i go along, no planning or anything