Status: Work in progress(:

28 Things Guys Don't Know


Secret#7 Smiles and make-up cover up so much these days

Siri sighed as she twirled out into the front courtyard of the school. Second period was just finishing, and her History teacher had let the class out a few minutes early. She dropped her backpack down at the base of the maple tree and wandered around as the bell rang. People began streaming out of the classrooms and milled around, going to their lockers and talking with friends. Within a few minutes, the hallways began to empty as people walked outside into the bright sunshine. Siri walked through the hallways, hoping to find one of her friends soon.
She thought over the conversation she’d had with Jett last night. He hadn’t called terribly late, no later than around ten. She didn’t mind. She’d been awake anyways. They’d talked easily for quite a while, without a single awkward moment. It was actually quite surprising to Siri that they got along so well. After all, they’d been on speaking terms for barely a week.

Suddenly, the sound of something slamming into the lockers interrupted Siri’s thoughts, and a girl’s voice protesting could be heard. Siri curiously walked towards the noise, finding a girl pressed up against the lockers. She had curly, dyed pink hair and was substantially taller than Siri. Her thin limbs were trying to push a guy away from her. Siri felt her temper flash when she recognized the guy as Zane.
She marched up to him and forcefully pushed him away from the girl. He stumbled back a few steps before he locked eyes with Siri, his expression mirroring hers.

“Leave her alone,” Siri demanded. “She obviously doesn’t want to be bothered.”

“Oh really? And what’re you going to do about it?” Zane challenged.

Siri narrowed her eyes at him, her anger building. She’d tried so hard to stay out of trouble for the first month of school and would like to stay out of trouble. After all, it was part of the deal she’d made with her parents. They agreed to give her a monthly allowance so long as she didn’t get a detention. Luckily enough, Reese walked out of a nearby classroom and saw the situation. Obviously, Kelsey had informed him of her tendency to get in fights.

“C’mon, Siri,” he said, “Let’s go.”

He grabbed her arm and began pulling Siri down the hall. Siri motioned for the girl to follow and shot a glare in Zane’s direction. She pulled her arm out of Reese’s grasp and stormed out of the hallway. She walked over to the maple tree, where Kelsey and Jett were waiting, and sat down in a huff. Reese and the girl followed closely behind walked up to where everyone was, and Kelsey raised an eyebrow.

“What happened?” she asked. She turned to Siri, “Did you get in a fight?”

“She almost did,” Reese said.

“Yeah, ‘cause Zane was being his usual jerkass self,” Siri explained, her voice still angry. “He was trying to take advantage of her.”

Siri motioned towards the pink-haired girl. Jett made a face, “‘Jerkass’ isn’t a word.”

Siri stuck her tongue out at him half-jokingly. She brought her knees to her chest and sighed. Kelsey brought a finger to her lips and looked at Siri to tell her to be quiet for a while. When Siri was worked up, it took quite a while for her to get settled down again, and she generally wouldn’t stop talking if you got her started.

Kelsey turned to the pink-haired girl, “You’re Mackenzie, right?”

“We have math together,” Siri exclaimed.

Kelsey shot a look at Siri and Siri clamped her mouth shut, looking down. Kelsey smiled gently at Siri, who returned the smile.

Kelsey turned back to Mackenzie, “Sorry about that. Siri gets worked up pretty easily, and trust me; you don’t want to get her talking at that point.”

Siri smiled sheepishly at Kelsey’s comment, and Mackenzie giggled softly.

“Well, you probably want to go find your friends, right?” Kelsey guessed. “We won’t feel offended if you leave.”

“Oh, no, actually,” Mackenzie shook her head. “As awful as it sounds, I don’t really have friends. My best friend moved away at the end of last year, and I’ve had a really hard time making new friends.”

“Aw, well, you can hang out with us,” Kelsey offered, and Siri nodded in agreement.
Kelsey continued, “Why don’t you come Homecoming dress shopping with us tomorrow afternoon?”

“O-okay,” Mackenzie agreed. “Sure, that sounds fun.”

“Can I talk now?” Siri asked in a small voice.

“Are you calm?” Kelsey asked her.

“I am calm.”

“Then, you may talk,” Kelsey smiled.

Siri’s face broke out into a smile and she looked at Mackenzie, “Can I call you Kenzie? Mackenzie is too many syllables.”

Mackenzie giggled softly, “Sure.”

“Awesome,” Siri smiled, standing. She picked up her backpack and said, to no one in particular, “I’m going to walk around before third period.” – She turned to Jett – “Walk with me?”

“Not that I wouldn’t love to,” Jett said, “But why me?”

“Because we have math together next period,” Siri shrugged. “And, I left my money at home, and you have money and want to buy me a bottle of Coke from the vending machine right?”

“Nice try,” Jett shook his head as the two walked off through the courtyard.

Siri laughed softly and looked over her shoulder at the three still standing under the maple tree, “I hope Mackenzie’s okay. She’s probably pretty shaken.”

“She seemed fine,” Jett said.

“Yes,” Siri agreed, “But, secret number seven is that smiles and makeup cover up so much these days. It’s not hard to hide it when you’re hurt.”

Jett nodded, “Interesting. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Siri giggled and linked arms with him, continuing their stroll through the halls, more excited than she’d ever been. With their new group of five, things were bound to get really fun. And to think, all it took was for her to go out with Jett.