Let's Take a Moment to Reflect on the Past Few Years of Our Lives

Chapter 9


It had been a week since the party. Alex hadn't pushed me to try and tell him much more, which I was grateful for. It meant I didn't have ti face up to all my worries. It meant I could at least have one nice Christmas before it all fell apart. Alex wasn't having a Christmas party this time. He wasn't even attending a new years party. He had told me it was because while he loved his friends and loved having a wild night more, he loved me and quiet nights in with me instead even more, which I found was quite sweet. He had moved in with me a couple of days ago, just so that Rian and Cassadee could spend alone time without feeling they were making things awkward for Alex. He couldn't go to Jack because he was with family in Lebanon, and Zack was another no because he was staying with his parents. Erica was happy about it, because it meant that she would be able to be around him longer after Christmas, as his parents didn't want him leaving until after new years. She'd been seeing more of him since that party than she had me, and we lived together for fuck sake! But she seemed happy, I guess, and that was all that mattered. I mean who am I to criticize a whirlwind romance?

But you see...I had my reasons for this fast falling in love with Alex. It was because it had to be fast. Because our time would be so short before he decided he wanted nothing to do with me.

I woke up before Alex, and a butterfly effect took its place in my stomach. It was Christmas morning. It was Christmas with Alex. It was one of the best feelings in the world. I looked to my right, and Alex's eyes were still closed, his stubble a little more noticeable, and his arm still slung sloppily around my middle. We had been sleeping in the same bed, seen as the guest room was filled with crap I hadn't even touched yet. i shuffled myself so I was in a position to face him.

I took his glorious beauty in before caressing his cheek and gently kissing him. When I pulled away his eyes fluttered open, but he still looked a little dazed and confused from the long sleep he was undoubtedly enjoying. "Merry Christmas," I whispered to him, before bestowing a deeper kiss on him.

"Mmm," he mumbled as he leaned back smiling. "I think I already got what I asked Santa for."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, get up, we have presents to open."

I didn't even bother changing into proper clothes, I just stayed in my warm pajamas. I raced down the stairs, stopping halfway when I thought I was being a little childish and Alex would think I was stupid. But then I heard Alex laugh behind me, fresh out of bed, and raced past me, jumping the last three steps to get to the bottom and into the living area where we had the tree with all the presents. When we reached it, Erica was already dressed to go out.

I pouted at her. "What are you doing? You look all dressed up, like you're going somewhere. Aren't you staying with us? I wanna spend Christmas with you!"

Erica laughed at me, and Alex and I looked at each other, confused faces mirroring each other. "Sweetie, you guys overslept. It's like 12:30. I'm going to see Zack and we're spending the rest of the day together." Erica blushed when she said that last part.

Alex laughed. "Damn, he must really like you. Already meeting the parents after a week, and on Christmas...I need to give that boy some credit. Must be me rubbing off on him," he said with a smug smile.

Erica turned a deeper shade of beetroot. "We get on well...what's wrong with that?"

"Absolutley nothing," Alex replied, smiling in order to suppress a laugh that was sure to bubble out of his throat.

She could tell...so she just scowled at him. "Well I'm going now. Thanks for the presents guys! I loved them!"

I pouted again. "You opened them without us?" I couldn't even remember what I had gotten her...just some girly things, some sort of smoothie recipe book because she was always downing them, a signed copy of So Wrong It's Right. It was signed, and an extended edition with a few songs no one had ever heard before, all courtesy of the All Time Low boys, as it was her favorite album. I recalled Jack writing a particularly long and soppy message, about her being his fan. But I think she was more interested in the simple message and heart Zack had left. I could remember picking her up a silver necklace with a little green frog charm with a green stone in. Her favorite Disney movie was Princess and the Frog you see.

"I had to get ready...you can thank me for mine later," she said, winking but the wink was aimed at me...oh god. I did not want to know.

Erica hugged us both, wished us a merry Christmas and left, whispering to me that she was spending the night at Zack's. To give me and Alex alone time. This time it was my turn to blush. She winked once more as she left, and when she was gone, I turned to Alex, who pulled me close to his chest, arms around my waist.

"So what time does your mom want us over?" I asked him, losing myself in those hazel brown eyes.

"She normally likes people to get there for two, so we have like an hour to open these presents, and half an hour to get ready to go."

I nodded and smiled. "Let's get cracking then!"

We opened the ones from my mom first. Normal mom stuff really, even for Alex. She even sent over a scrapbook I must have left behind, compiled of memories. I smiled as I opened the book.

I always used to sit on my bed going through it, smiling but mourning over the boy I could never remember, even when I most needed him. Memories fading in and out of my mind. Stroking pages and crying tears. You could still see some of the tear stains embedded in the old pages. That used to be my only connection to Alex, to my childhood. The only thing that kept me holding on when times got real tough recently. When I had tried to run away from my situation in the worst possible way.

Alex's parents had gotten me some typical girly stuff, but a lot of it was just silly stuff, referring back to our childhood, helping some of the old memories to come back. There was one box that should have held fireworks according to the outside, but was empty, aside from a small handwritten note which said "Never letting you two near fireworks again."

I laughed and Alex pouted. "No fair, we were only kids! How was I supposed to know how to control them?"

"Yeah Alex, I think that was kind of their point at the time," I said, giggling as his pout grew. It was such a cute pout though. How could I have ever forgotten it?

They got Alex some efficient stuff, you know like shirts and strings for his guitars and some CD's he wanted that he specifically hadn't bought so that his parents would have something to give him. He received a few ravens merchandise too. I was kinda scared in case my gifts for him looked insignificant.

I bit my lip and he saw the worry in my eyes, and tipped my chin up. "Hey, what;s up? Whaddya look so terrified for?"

"I just know you're going to hate my gifts."

Alex laughed at me and gave me a gentle kiss. "Nah, they're going to be awesome, how could they not be?"

The smile he gave me looked so sweet and reassuring that I pushed the thought out of my mind and insisted he opened them before he decided for sure that I was right and he would hate them. If this was going to be one of the last big celebrations we had together, I wanted it to at least be a happy time, for his sake. For his memory, so he wouldn't think back and realise he wasted time on me that could have been otherwise well spent.

I'd made him a couple of bracelets to add to his collection. They had some funky multicolored beads that spelled out "I Love You" on one, and "Best Friends Forever" on the other. Yeah, they were cheesy, but I didn't give a crap, and judging by Alex's smile and the way he kissed me, he loved them too. I rolled my eyes, blushing slightly, and encouraged him to continue opening his presents. Somehow, and don't ask me how I had done it, because I still wasn't quite sure myself, but I had collected a load of plectrums and stuck them down to a board, so as they completed a likeness of the All Time Low skull. He said he loved that one too, and told me this would be the first thing that went upon his living room wall at home. I also got him a ravens iPhone backing thing, and a jar of peanut butter. There were some other small, conventional gifts, but my favorite gift I had given him was probably the adult size baby grow that said "Party at my crib BYOB." Alex was adamant he would be wearing it to his parents when we went over.


"Okay, now your turn!" I yelled excitedly to Allie. I was so psyched that I would be spending this holiday with her, but I was also kinda bummed that she hadn't spilled to me what the hell was going on. Not that I hadn't figured it out. She had to be pregnant. I just wished she would be honest with me. I kept catching myself looking at her, imagining her pregnant or holding a child. It kinda suited her. And I wanted to be here for her, but I couldn't be unless she told me.

Allie flashed me a smile and started opening her presents. I had spoiled her and there was no doubt about it. I think she had a mini heart attack looking at the amount of very expensive branded clothing I had brought her. A lot was from Glamour Kills, so they were pretty much freebies, but the evening wear and such...yeah that was expensive. But I didn't care, not if it was for her. I got her a ton of new expensive shoes too. I knew she hadn't really brought much with her over here, so I liked to think I was just replenishing her wardrobe in one go. I got her a couple jokey presents, but the last one...I think that was the most important. Judging by the tear that escaped her eye.

"Alex..." she started, and I just pulled her close to me as we sat on the floor.

In her hands she held a photograph of me and her, in a silver frame, with the sunset and water behind us on the pier on her birthday in a silver frame. We had a guy who had gotten there early for fishing to take it for us. "Why don't you turn it over and slip it out of the frame?" I suggested, smiling.

She did so, and let out a happy little laugh. The note written on the back read "16.12.12 you remembered your best friend, you fell in love with him, I can't wait to marry you"

"Alex...it's perfect, thank you," she said, and turned to kiss me properly. I smiled into the kiss.

"Can you believe it's only been like almost two weeks, and we're so close together already. It's like you never even left." I said it with the intention to be loving, but she pulled back and looked a little sad. "Hey...are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"

Allie briefly looked up, a flutter of confusion in her eyes, but she blinked and it disappeared. "Oh...Alex, sorry. Spaced out. Sorry, what were you saying?"

I rolled my eyes. Hormones, I thought, even though she wouldn't admit it. "I was asking if you were okay, if I had said something wrong."

Allie smiled and shook her head. "No, everything is perfect," she said, and kissed me again. Okay...

I held her and put my hand on her stomach. "You know I'm here for you no matter what right? Always. I am never leaving you, okay?" I hoped the hint I was giving was strong enough, but she looked at me like I was being weird.

"Erm, okay? Well...good...oh shit! Alex, we need to get ready to go! It's already two!" Allie's eyes widened in alarm, and she clambered up from the floor.

"Wait! What about Erica's presents for you?" I called after her.

From halfway up the stairs I could see her blushing. "Uhm, no...I'll open those when we get back," she mumbled and continued up the stairs. I sighed and got up to follow her. My mom was gonna kill me for being late.
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WOOO SO IT'S THE EASTER HOLIDAYS!!! Two weeks XD so I'm gonna get my work done this week and update, then next week I'll have a load of free time so loads of updates! :D

Hope you liked it! THANKS FOR READING/COMMENTING/SUBSCRIBING! I actually thought this chapter was crappy though but hey, it's done now!