Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

You're Living A Lie, You Just Can't Hide From Me

Vic's POV:
I woke up next to a sleeping Marisa, my arm still around her waist. It felt so good to finally be back with Marisa. I was excited to ask her to be my girlfriend. She never liked extravagant things though, plus I'm sure if I simply asked she'd happily say yes. 

I kissed her bare shoulder and cuddled up to her from behind. I could feel her stir against me. She turned over and had a smile on her face.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"Morning," she said back, the smile remaining on her face.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, playing with her hair.

"Good, you?" 

"Great," I said, "What do you want to do today?" 

"I don't care," she said sleepily, cuddling up to my chest.

"You're adorable," I simply said, "We can go spend the day at mama and papa Fuentes' house. I know they've missed you."

"Okay! I've missed them too. We'll head over there around 1:00?"

"Sounds good!" 

After we got up to brush our teeth and wash up, we decided to spend more time in bed. Marisa laid down and I climbed on top of her. She smiled up at me and I took all her features in. Her brown messy hair, her perfectly shaped eyebrows, the way her lips curled into the cute smile, her small nose, and the big brown pools that were her eyes. How could I have been away from her for so long? In almost an instant, I kissed her smiling lips. Marisa held onto my face as we kissed. I let my tongue glide along her bottom lip and was immediately granted access. Our once smiling kiss had turned into a heated make out session. I took her shirt off and threw it on the floor. I missed her body, I missed her skin touching my skin. I went down and kissed all over her stomach, then trailing back up to her neck. I sucked lightly on her neck and she let out sounds of pleasure. I was ready to finally have sex with her after years since we last did it. But before I could even go on, the door flew open.

"Not so fun being interrupted is it?" Carolina asked. 

Marisa laughed, "I knew this was coming..."

"Morning sex guys, really?" she questioned. "Sick put a shirt on."

"Morning sex is a great way to start the day," I chuckled.

"And why do I need a shirt on. Vic's seen it all plus you and I have all the same body parts," she said to Carolina, sticking her tongue at her.

"Maybe you and Tortuga should get it on in the morning, you'll be in a brighter mood," I said.

"I cannot believe I'm still talking to you guys. You're on top of her and Iss doesn't have a shirt on."

"You are talking to the people who have sex on tour buses even when people are still on it," I laughed. 

"And I thought I wasn't classy," she rolled her eyes and left the room. 

"Dude, she totally killed the mood," I said.

"She did," Marisa grimaced. "Well we have tonight."

"...Or at my parent's house. Give my childhood bed some action."

She laughed, pushing me off slightly. "You really are sick!"

"I learned from the best," I said, rolling of her, pecking her lips quickly. She got off the bed and put her shirt back on. "I'm happy we're together," I admitted.

"I'm happy too," she smiled. I finally had Marisa back, I couldn't let her go now.

Carolina's POV:
I try erasing the image of shirtless Marisa and horny Vic from my head as I enter my room. I'm searching for my phone, which I thought I had left down stairs. Obviously, I didn't, as I see it on top of the messy covers on my bed. I smile to myself as I try fixing the bed sheets, thinking about Tony and I's activities from the day before. 
Once I'm done, I take a look at my phone and notice I have a picture message from an unknown number. I open it up and my heart drops when I see a picture of Tony and Marisa kissing. At first, I don't believe it's them at all. My mouth falls open as I notice Marisa's features and notice Tony's young aspects. I scroll down the message and read what it says after the picture. 

You think you know your friend? Think again. This is Cara, by the way. I'm just trying to show you how your "friend" really is.

I don't even give myself a chance to think this through. Anger fills me up like no other emotion and I forward the text to Tony. I storm out of my room and jog down the stairs quickly, eager to see his face. I hear chatter and laughing from the guys in the living room as I walk in. I see Marisa in all her glory cuddling next to Vic and Tony looks up at me with a bright smile. Once he sees my facial expression, he stands up and looks at me, worried 

"You okay?" he asks, walking to me. 
I put my hand up front of me and back away from him. 

"Get away from me," I say in a hard tone. He's taken back and stops where he is. The guys and Marisa all stare up at me, confused.

"What- did I-did I do something wrong? Baby, what's wrong?" he asks and takes a step closer. 

"Did you get the text I sent you?! Maybe that'll answer your fucking question," I spit out. 

He stares at me confused for a second, before pulling his phone out his back pocket and checking it. His eyes grow wide as he sees what's on his screen and he slowly looks up at me. 

"Carolina, please," he starts. 

"What the fuck is that?! Could you please explain to me what that is!?" I yell. At this point, everyone in the living room is standing up, trying to find out whats going on. 

"Dude, what's-" Marisa starts. 

"You should know! What the fuck, Marisa?" I yell at her. 

"Whoa, what the hell is going?!" Vic says to me. 

"Let me see," Marisa says to Tony before grabbing his phone. She gasps quietly to herself and stares at me. 

"Carolina, this was-this was nothing, okay?! This was so long ago- I- we- Tony and I-"

"Don't even try to cover that shit up, Marisa!"

"What's going on?" Mike and Vic yell out at the same time. Jaime grabs the phone from Marisa out of no where and his mouth opens, the same exact reaction I got when I first saw the picture. 

"Marisa... What-" he murmurs. 

"Jaime-" she says and runs her hands through her hair. 

"Marisa, what the hell is on that phone?!" Vic yells. 

"Carolina, listen to me, that was a long time ago, okay?! It was- it was nothing! We were both-" Tony starts to explain. He walks towards me and grabs my hands but I yank them back and walk to Marisa. 

"Don't try to fucking touch me, Tony! You! I thought I knew you- what- what the fuck?!" I yell at Marisa and feel tears swell up in my eyes. "You're my best friend! You're like a sister to me! Why would you keep something like this from me, Marisa?!" I yell. 

"Carolina! I swear, eventually, I- I was-"

"Let me see the phone!" Vic yells out. He grabs the phone from Marisa's hand and looks at the screen.

"Vic- no!" she says a little too late. 
"What the... fuck... Tony? Marisa? What- what is this?!"

"Vic, please- Both of you! Listen! It was nothing- nothing but-"

"Were you and Tony together?!  Did you and Tony date?!" he yells at her. 

"Carolina, listen to me, please," Tony says and tugs on my hand. I pull it back and stand next to Vic. 

"How- how could you hide this from me?" I ask him. "What's wrong with you?" I yell out to both of them. 

"Seriously! Tony too!? Marisa! I- I thought I fucking knew you! What is this shit?! Even you, Tony?!" Vic proceeds on yelling. 

"Bro, chill- come on now," Mike says and pushes Vic back, away from Tony. 

"If you would just listen! Vic! Please!" Marisa begs. "Carolina, it was such a long time ago! 

"No! No, this is bullshit, Marisa! We finally have something going on, we finally have a fucking chance to work this out and this comes out!? How long were you two planning on keeping this a secret?!" Vic yells. 

Tony and Marisa glance at each other for a second and then look back at Vic and I. 

"You weren't even planning on telling us... Weren't you?, I ask quietly. 

"Baby, please, we thought-" Tony starts.
"Stop calling me baby! You fucking liars!" I yell. Marisa walks closer to me and raises her hands up, trying to get my attention. 

"We dated a long time ago, it means nothing now! Please!" she says desperately. 

Tears roll down my face and I back away from all of them. "I- I can't believe you would keep this from me, Marisa. Tony- Tony he's my..., I trail off. "He was my boyfriend."

Tony's eyes grow wide and he steps in front of me. "No-no, don't do this, please! This fucking photo means shit! Carolina- please!"

"Marisa, why didn't you tell me this?! We've known each other for years!" Vic yells. 

"Vic, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was important enough to bring up again!" Marisa cries out. She touches his arm but he shakes it off. 

"I can't be here, I don't want to be here- I don't even know you anymore, Marisa," I say and start to walk away. "I feel disgusted even knowing I was with a liar like you, Tony. I can't believe this- I can't-"

"Carolina don't go!" Tony yells. 

"Fuck you!" I yell back and turn to him. "Consider yourself dead to me!"Tony backs off and his eyes grow watery. 

"Carolina," Vic says sternly. I stop and stare at him. He glares at Marisa for some seconds before walking to me. "You're coming with me. Let's go."

"Vic! Vic- no! Where are you- Carolina, please! Let us explain! Don't go!" Marisa says and grabs Vic. 

Vic pulls his arm away and we start to walk out the door. We ignore their yells and shut the door behind us.

"We're going to my parents house, is that okay?" Vic asks as we get into his car. 

"I don't care," I say as I try wiping away the on coming tears

"They fooled us both," he says before driving off. The ride to his parents house was silent the rest of the way.

Marisa's POV:
Mike and Jaime thought it'd be best to leave, in order to Tony and I to talk. Mike told us goodbye as I cried, Jaime said nothing to either of us. 

"Tony!" I cried. "How could we just let Carolina and Vic leave?" 

"We had to, they found out our secret and we need to give them time to process it all," he said calmly.

"It was finally working out for Vic and I though. God, why would Natalie and Jaxin keep that picture of us?!" 

"They're some of our best friends, plus Natalie loves keeping all of those pictures," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"B-but it's not like we could have just told Carolina and Vic..." I trailed.

"No," he nodded, "they never would have been with us then. We hid it so well."

"It just ended up not meaning that much," I sighed.

"But it paved the way for our futures. Us dating led us to be best friends, you with Vic, and me with Carolina. Now she hates me more than anything," he walked to the couch in frustration. Tony held his head in his hands and breathed heavily. "She's never going to take me back."

"Tone, don't stress over this. I'm sure she'll take you back. And not to be a dick, but if she doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be."

He chuckled, taking his head from his hands. "You suck at advice."

"Well I currently have my own problems, sorry," I sighed.

Carolina's POV:
We finally get to his parents home after some time. I have my arms crossed in front of me, looking down, as I enter their home. I still can't believe what had just happened. My best friend and my boyfriend, keeping this from me?! From Vic?! Vic... He must feel the exact same way. 

"My parents won't be home until later on- they're out with the family. You could sleep in my old room," Vic says as he takes his jacket off. 

I wipe away a stray tear from the corner of my eye and nod. "Where will you sleep?"

"On the couch. I'll be fine."
He leans against the couch and we both stand there, silent. Both consumed in our thoughts of what just went on. 
"I can't believe her..." Vic murmurs. "I thought I knew everything about her. I never expected this. Ever.."

I look up at him. "She's my best friend Vic, I didn't even know this. How could they keep all of this from us? Even when I started dating Tony! He wasn't even going to tell me this- I'm so confused. I don't get it. I thought I knew them," I say as I feel tears start to come back into my eyes. 

Vic sighs and I feel his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "There's nothing we could do. We were both fooled. They both were hiding this from us. I don't even know how to feel about this anymore."

Even though this feels weird, I hug Vic back. We've never really connected on that type of friendship level before, but now with this happening, it's unavoidable. 

Without even trying to stop, I let the tears come back. "I was going to tell Tony I loved him," I murmur quietly. "I was actually ready to do it."

Vic pulls away from me and stares into my eyes, his eyebrows crease and he immediately pulls me back into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry," he mumbles and squeezes me tighter. 

"Then I see this- I'm so confused. I'm so..."

"I know, I am too... I am too.."

"You and Marisa, I know you two were finally working this out and- fuck!" I yell out, frustrated. 

We pull away from each other again. "Why did they keep this from us?"

Vic sighs and moves his hair away from his face, leaning against the sofa again. "Maybe..." he starts but then stops. 

"What?" I ask and take a step closer. 

He looks up at me and presses his lips together for a moment. "Maybe it just wasn't ment to be. Marisa and I being together. You and Tony being together. Maybe all of this isn't ment to be. Why force it?"

I look down and realize that he might be right. Why else would this be happening now? At the peak of everything? Vic sighs again and stands up straight, walking to the kitchen in his house. 

"Would you like some water?"
I nod and follow him into the kitchen. 
"We have beer too," he says, looking into the fridge. 

I sigh. "I'll have one of those actually."
I hear him chuckle and he shuts the fridge door, handing me a cold beer, another in his hand for himself. We sit down at the kitchen table and proceed to talk about Marisa and Tony and this whole situation while chugging down a couple dozen beers. 

"I'm real sorry about you and Tony. I knew you two were barley together. I know you still love him," Vic says as he sets his now empty beer bottle down.
I chug down the last of mine and let out a deep breath. "I guess I had it coming. Something awful was bound to happen. I should have seen something bad coming.. Why did I think I was going to end up happy with him?" I chuckle at the end of my sentence and shake my head. "How stupid."

Vic looks up at me and taps on my hand. I look up at him. "You deserve to be happy, Carolina. Of course you do," he says sincerely. 

I give him a small smile and tap on his finger. "You do too, Vic."

He smiles back at me and we decide to give our emotions a break and call it a night. I make my way into his old room and get comfy into the bed sheets. 
Why does everything have to turn to shit? Even though everything about this is bad, I'm glad I'm not going through it alone. Or else I don't know what I'd do. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: This Is The End-The Maine

Our deepest apologies for taking so long to update this story. We haven't been on top of things but here is our apology: drama filled chapter. Tell us what you think! Leave some comments or message us on tumblr:
We'll try our hardest to update this story sooner!