Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

I Won't Hold Your Hand Like You Want Me To

“Would you like something else to sleep in?” Tony asks me as he throws his shirts and jeans into his closet. I sit down on his bed and take my heels off. That feels so much better.

“Um- that’s okay. I could sleep in this.” I don’t want to be a big bother. He’s already giving up his room for Marisa and I.

“Well, even though that’s a really nice outfit you have on-” Oh my... There go my cheeks. “-it seems pretty uncomfortable to sleep in. Here-” He walks to one of his drawers and pulls one open. He takes out some red, flannel pajama pants and a black t-shirt. “Take these. I promise you’ll sleep well with these.”

I grin shyly at him as he hands me the clothes. “Wow, thank you.”

He rubs the back of his neck and smiles at me. “Of course.”

We stand there in silence for some seconds, Tony still smiling at me, until Marisa comes through the door.

“Tony- quit hitting on my best friend!” Marisa yells out. She seems pretty tipsy, but not hardcore drunk. She makes her way to the bed and immediately throws herself on it, letting out a loud sigh.

I laugh and glance at Tony, he looks at me then to Marisa. “Go to sleep, wastey. If you need something to sleep in, you know where to get it. I already gave Carolina something.”

Marisa lifts her head and looks at the PJs in my hands. “Aw! You gave her the best ones!”

He laughs and starts to head out the door. “Goodnight, Issa.”

She lays her head back down. “Night, dork.”

Tony looks at me and gives me a sweet smile. “Goodnight, Carolina. See you in the morning.”

I smash my lips together and sigh. “Yeah, goodnight Tony.” I say and smile back. He grins and walks out the door. I stare at the pajamas in my hands and smile.
He’s such a nice guy.

“Hey Marisa?”, I say and look at her.

“Hmm?" she says staring at the ceiling.

“Your friend Tony, he’s really cute,” I say and start to undress.

She laughs and stands up, walking to his drawer. “I knew you’d say that.”
I smile to myself as I slide on his pajama pants. Can’t wait to see him in the morning, that’s for sure.

Vic’s POV:
“Alright then, drive safely. Call me in the morning. Love you too- bye.” I end the call with Cara as I walk inside the house.
The first person to pop in my head is Marisa. I wonder what room she’s sleeping in. Maybe mines? No... No, she wouldn’t even step foot in my room. I sigh and look around the house. Tony’s asleep on the sofa-bed, which means our guests are in his room. I decide to go up stairs and make a quick check on them. It wouldn’t hurt. I creak open the door, hoping that they’re asleep, and look inside.
Marisa’s friend is stretched out across the bed, completely knocked out. Marisa’s on the edge, seeming like she’s about to fall off. I can’t help but chuckle. She’s in Tony’s old PJ shorts and gray tank top. Her hair is all disheveled and out of place, her mouth open a little, the lipstick being smeared. I can’t help but to think about how cute she looks like this. It makes me think back to the days when she’d stay with me in my room. We’d talk for hours and hours…
Carolina shifts closer to Marisa and she almost falls off the bed. I quickly run over and balance her back on.

She’s knocked out. She drank a lot at the party, that’s probably why. All those tequila shots in her small system were really taking a toll on her.
I should place her somewhere more comfortable. I don’t want to wake Carolina up though.
I make up my mind and decide to carry Marisa to my room. I kick open the door and carefully place her on my bed. I pull the covers over her and she quickly makes herself comfy, holding on to my pillow. She looks so peaceful and sweet. It’ll be something seeing her in the morning, hopefully her hangover won’t be too bad.
I’ll just crash with Tony on the bed. Bro loving.
I’m about to leave, but then I walk back to Marisa’s side. I bend down and give her a quick kiss on her forehead. Her soft skin against my lips. I sigh and walk out of the room.
Man, do I miss that...

Carolina's POV:
As soon as I open my eyes, I feel my stomach churn. “Oh god-,“ I say in between breaths. I sit up and try to not throw up, but I feel the bile keep coming up my throat.
I get off the bed and my foot hits a small trash bin. There’s a note on it.
‘Good morning- maybe you’ll need this? :)’ -Tony
Aww how sweet of hi-
Then it comes up my throat and this time, it doesn’t want go back down. I grab the blue trash bin and start to barf into it. Once I’m done, I let out a disgusted groan and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.
My head is killing me. My stomach feels better though. Did I really drink that much? I hate tequila right now.
I stand up and remember that Marisa is here. She might need this next. But when I check to see if she’s here- I see an empty bed. I could have sworn we were sharing the same bed together. Where did she head off to? I walk out of the room and go downstairs. I’m trying hard to keep my balance. I feel pretty dizzy. The first thing I smell are eggs and bacon.
I make a face and cover my mouth and nose with my hand. I see Vic and Cara watching a movie in the living room, so I know Marisa isn’t in there. I turn and walk into the kitchen. I see Mike flipping some eggs and Tony sitting on the kitchen table, looking at his phone.

Tony notices me and smiles. “Morning. How are you feeling?”, he asks. I take a seat across from him and sigh.

“Well, not so great. Thanks for the trash bin though, that really helped.” I say and smile at him. He chuckles and grins. It sends my heart into a flutter of beats.

“No problem. I like your sleep-wear by the way," he smirks. I laugh lightly.

“Coffee anyone?”, Mike asks.

I think I could handle a cup of warm coffee. “Yes, please.”

He smiles at me. “Tony?”

Tony looks up from his phone and nods. “Yup.”

Minutes later, Mike places two cups of coffee on the table. “There yeah. Food’s ready. Carolina, think you’re good to eat?”

“Sure. I think I’m good now.”

He nods and walks back to the stove. He places a bit of eggs on a plate then a strip of bacon next to it. “Eat up, girl.”

“Thank you very much, Mike.” I say and take a bite of my bacon. I slowly chew on it and try to swallow it down. Maybe I should skip the bacon and go straight to the eggs?
I look up at Tony and he quickly looks down at his phone. Oh god, was he watching me eat? I clear my throat. “So- Tony?”, I ask.

He looks up at me and smiles. “Yeah?”

“You’re not gonna eat?”

He shakes his head. “Nah.”

“Tony’s a vegetarian. And this is a bacon filled morning.”, Mike adds. He leans against the counter and sips on his coffee.

“No way, you are?” He nods. “How long?”

He looks around, thinking, then makes eye contact with me. “I lost count,” he sighs. I laugh and he laughs along with me.

I look back down at my plate and mix around the eggs with my fork. He’s a vegetarian? How...perfect. Just then, Marisa walks in. Looks like she got the worst of the hangover.

Marisa’s POV:
My eyes fluttered open as the sun shown in from the window. It hurt when the sun landed on me because of the hangover I was cursed with currently. My head pounded, I covered my face by turning over and burying my head in the pillow. I breathed in the scent of the pillow. Wait. This smell is all too familiar. I sprung up quickly, I looked around the room. It was Vic’s.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I sighed. I got off of the bed and scurried out the room to the bathroom. I kept an extra toothbrush here considering I stood over frequently.

I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mike, Carolina, and Tony were already up. I could smell eggs and bacon, I felt disgusted automatically.

“Morning,” they all greeted me.

“Hey,” I greeted back, taking a seat and hiding my face immediately.

“You hungry?” Mike asked.

“Not at all, but thanks,” I said with muffled words.

“Where were you? I woke up and you were gone,” Carolina said.

“I somehow ended up in Vic’s room,” I sighed, picking my head up.

“I think he took you in there,” Tony muttered.

“Don’t say that,” I sighed once more.

“I think he’s right, Iss,” Mike spoke from his spot in the kitchen. “You weren’t ridiculously drunk, but I’m pretty sure he went into Tony’s room last night. B-but I don’t know anything else.”

“Why does he have to mess with me?” I asked, feeling the anger rise in me. I got up and headed for the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks as I seen Vic with his arm around Cara on the couch. I didn’t have it in me to go off on him in front of her. I wasn’t going to ruin their relationship, no matter how envious I was.
I rolled my eyes and headed back upstairs to Jaime’s room. I plopped down on his bed and sighed heavily. He didn’t budge. I continued to sigh dramatically until he woke up.

“What?” he asked, his eyes still closed.

“Hangover plus Cara being here equals me bugging you,” I sang.

“Wonderful,” he chuckled. It got slightly quiet, I had to break the silence and ask.

“Does Vic still like me?” I spoke barely above a whisper.

“I have a hangover, how dare you challenge by brain right now,” Jaime whined, putting his hands over his face. He sighed heavily. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.”

Vic’s POV:
Cara and I are watching some random movie, I’m not paying attention to it at all. I feel really guilty because all of my thoughts are revolved around Marisa. And how she’s doing. And if she’s still asleep in my room. And if she’ll be mad waking up in my room. And-

“This movie is so great, do you like it?” I hear Cara murmur, snapping me away from my thoughts.

I cough and nod. “Oh...oh yeah, it’s really good,” I say and shift in my seat. She smiles at me and cuddles in closer to my chest.
I really need to stop thinking and worrying about Marisa. Cara is my girlfriend. Not her.
I stare at my lap. I’m shocked as to how much that truth bothers me. That’s it. I need to go and check on her. Just to kill my curiosity.

“I’ll be right back-” I say and stand up. Cara looks up at me and holds my hand.

“Where are you going?”

I grin. “Just to the bathroom.”

She lets go of my hand and nods. “Hurry back.” She smiles.

I give her one last smile before walking away to the kitchen.
I see Mike, Tony, and Carolina in the kitchen chatting quietly. Once they notice me there, it goes silent. Carolina glances at Tony and then quickly looks down at her plate.

“Uh, hey guys. Issa come out yet?” I ask and walk across the kitchen.

“She went back upstairs,” Tony mumbles.

I nod. “Cool…”

It gets awkward now. “Well, I’m gonna go to the bathroom...”

Tony nods and Carolina glances at me.

I walk out of the kitchen and walk upstairs. As I walk down the hallway, I hear laughing coming from Jaime’s room. What’s he up to, he should be out-of-his-mind hungover right now. I walk to his door and notice that it’s open a little. I peak in and see Jaime poking at Marisa’s sides. She laughs and tries slapping his hands away.

“What’d I tell you, Iss!? What’d I tell you?!" Jaime says, laughing. Jaime throws his arms around her and keeps poking at her stomach and sides. She laughs uncontrollably and pushes him off.

“Hi-Me! Hi-Me-,” she says in-between breaths.
I clear my throat loud enough for them to hear. Jaime immediately stops and Marisa’s head snaps up at me.

“Seems like you too feel a lot better,” I say and stare right at her.

She glares at me and I walk away to the bathroom. Even though I shouldn’t, I feel extremely jealous right now. What was that all about? What, does she have a thing for Jaime?

I sure as hell did not see that coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: I Am Wrong-PMTODAY
A long chapter for you readers and subscribers.
What is Vic's deal, right? You're pretty aware that Marisa doesn't enjoy, right Vic?
Jaime and Marisa? What?
Tony sure is nice to Carolina, huh?

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