Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun?

Capítulo Dieciocho

I was too mad at Tony that hid this secret from me. 'I don't ever want to get married' my ass! His wife is gorgeous. I don't understand him. Was he just using me ? Or does he really want something with me?

Tears were streaming down my face as I was walking down the stairs. I couldn't see anything at all. I just wanted to get away from the building as quickly as possible. I couldn't stand being in the same building as him. This is why I don't do relationships. They never work out.

I was going down the stairs too fast that I missed a step and fell down the stairs. My right knee hit my stomach, making me let out a yelp. I grabbed onto to the rail while an excruciating pain on my stomach began. I cried out loud for Tony and Feena. I don't know why I yelled for Tony but it just came out of my mouth.

I heard people running and shouting and then someone holding on to me asking me multiple questions. I couldn't talk nor could I get myself to get off the ground. I had my eyes closed tight with my arms holding my stomach.

"CAROLINA! Feena call the ambulance!" I heard Tony shout.

All I thought about was my daughter.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was inside an ambulance with the loud blaring sirens on. One of the paramedics was staring at me and pointing a small flashlight on each of my eyes.

"Miss. Hernandez, can you hear me?" He said. I was just looking around and I saw Tony sitting on my left side. I nodded my head up and down. “Can you tell me your name?”

Shaking my head, I replied in a soft voice, “Carolina.”

"You fell down the stairs and we're taking you to the hospital right now. Please stay calm." I couldn’t; I was terrified. I could still feel the pain on my lower abdomen and that made me want to cry even more.

"Baby." I heard Tony say. I shifted my eyes to him and saw that he was squeezing my hand. I turned back to the paramedic.

"My baby. Is my baby fine?" I whimpered out.

"Ma'am please keep calm. We're almost at the hospital."

I lowered my head back down and started crying. I already knew it. She didn't make it. My daughter wasn't going to get the chance to visit this beautiful world. I wasn't going to get the chance to hold her in my arms, feed her, change her diaper, teach her how to talk and walk. I started crying even more when I thought of the little girl in my dream. My dreams were shattered.

Tony rubbed my hand for comfort but I jerked my hand away. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for him. Now I won't have that daughter of my dreams in my arms in a few months.

I started to hate him even more than I already did.

We quickly pulled up to the hospital and the doors slammed opened with one of the paramedics getting out and giving the doctors my information.

“Carolina Hernandez, 25 years old, 18 weeks pregnant. Fell down the stairs lost a lot of blood, but still responsive.”

"Carolina," one of the doctors began, holding my hand. "I'm Dr. Kim and I'll be your doctor today, are you allergic to any medications or is there any important information we need to know before we proceed?"

I shake my head no, "Please save my baby." I cried.

"I’ll do my best." He smiled. "All right, call the OR and tell them we’re on our way. We have a baby to save!" He shouted to the other doctor’s and rushed me inside.

The moor the gurney shook, the more pain I was in. They rushed me to the elevator and to the operating room. And after the anesthesiologist began to sedate me, I knocked out.


I woke up feeling groggy and everything in the room was blurry. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to adjust to the bright lights inside the room. I saw a doctor standing in front of my bed wearing navy blue scrubs, a stethoscope over his neck, a scrub cap on with Mickey Mouse prints and a white lab coat over it. He was writing down in a chart, my medical chart of course. I groaned a little and he looked at me with a big smile, like he was happy to see me after so long. He also had a nice bright smile like Tony’s. Handsome.

"Good evening," He came up to me and took off his stethoscope from his neck and gave me a checkup. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Carolina,” I answered weakly. I breathed in deeply and exhaled.

“When’s your birthday?”

“July 14, 1988. Just tell me the bad news already. I already know the whole fake smiling and short talk." I told him, my voice cracking. I didn't want to hear it, but it was their job. The doctor stopped smiling but then placed it back on and then cleared his throat.

"Unfortuanetly," I got goosebumps all over my body and I started to break down. "There was a lot of damage done and you lost a lot of blood, but we did managed to save your baby."

I stopped crying and my eyes snapped opened and a huge smile crept on my mouth. "She’s alive?!" I shouted.

"Yes she is. She’s doing good right now. You just need to rest and stay in for a few days so we can check up on her heart rate." He started telling me other vital information about the operation and my daughter. Then he left us alone.

"Carol." Tony grabbed a hold of my hand but I pulled it away from him.

"Don't touch me Tony! Just get away from me! You didn't even care about the baby! Why are you even here!?" I was heated up once again. My fists were clenched up and I felt my blood pressure rising.

"I came because I fucking care about you okay? I fucking love you. I know you won't fucking believe me when I say it but I do fucking love you. I know you're upset because I forced you into getting an abortion, and I'm fine that you didn't get it but I also know encountering Stephanie like that upset you even more but she and I are done!" The shouting ceased and he held on to my hand again. "We ended our relationship long ago before you came back into the picture. I swear. She can't stand the fact that I was seeing someone and settling down again."

"Why didn't you tell me, Tone? You never answered me." I began to cry again. Being pregnant made me sensitive and I just hate it. Any little thing upsets me now and I can’t stand it. I’m happy that my baby is still alive but I wish it didn't made me into an emotional mess.

"I didn't think it’d matter. Like I said, I thought it was a fake Las Vegas wedding, baby." He kissed my hand. "I already filled out the divorce papers while you were in surgery. I’m going to file them as soon as I can." He pushed my hair away from my face with his other hand and gave me a sincere smile. I didn't want to forgive him. It still hurt me but being a fat potato made me let this go.

"If you want this baby, I’ll be there every step of the way." He promised. I didn't know what to say. All I did was smile and rub my stomach where my daughter was inside sleeping peacefully after all this mess. He walked back to his seat and stared at the TV up on the wall and we watched the boring shows on the hospital’s cable.