Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Twelve

Jake was being overwhelmingly sweet to Lena and she couldn't take any more of it. It was cute, yes, and she enjoyed the attention, but she felt like she wasn't deserving of any of it.

It was Friday morning, the last day to buy prom tickets, and Lena was freaking out. Her mother had written out a check for 120 dollars for Lena to give to Mr. Bates. Her mother was making Lena pay for both tickets after she heard about the elaborate prom proposal.

“Lena, think about how much time he must've spent planning that all out.” Her mother said sternly. “And not to mention the money he spent to make that banner.”

“He probably just borrowed stuff from the Drama Club—”

But Lena's mom refused. “You're going to be a good prom date and pay for his ticket.”

“And the dress, and pay Eve for the limo? Mom, that's almost three-hundred dollars we're talking.” Lena complained. And she had good reason to. Prom was expensive and she didn't have the money to pay for it. She hadn't even wanted to go in the first place.

“Get a job.” Her mother stated.

Lena rolled her eyes at the memory and continued to aimlessly rearrange the books and binders in her locker. She was looking for every way possible to avoid going to class.

She felt something light hit the top of her head and she instinctively reached up but then Jake came into view. He held a piece of white lined paper folded up with her name on it.

“Here.” He handed it to her and she took it.

“What's this?” She asked, looking down at her name scribbled across the folded paper.

“Just a note.” The response was way too vague and the gears in Lena's mind instantly began turning. She started making a list of all the possible things it could be.

“Okay, well, I'll read it later.” She stuck the note in her back pocket.

“Jake!” Andy walked by without even acknowledging Lena. This seemed to be becoming routine for Andy. He hooked Jake into a conversation as he was passing by and Jake joined his side, walking away from Lena.

Lena slammed her locker shut and walked the opposite way down the hallway towards her class. She couldn't believe Andy. He just acted like she didn't exist. He even started talking to Carson and Eve, now that the three girls were somewhat part of his friend group, yet he pretended she wasn't there.

The curiosity about Jake's note was killing her. She had to know what it said. She sat in the back of the room and secretly took the note out of her back pocket. She looked at her name on the paper once more before unfolding the paper and reading the words on the page.

I was writing just randomly about you a few nights ago because I couldn't get you off my mind and I was nervous about asking you to prom. I don't know why I wrote this or why I decided to give this to you. I know it kind of sucks. I'm not a writer like you are. So, okay, here it is:

Lena is unlike any other girl I've ever met. She's modest and doesn't try to be anyone else but herself. She has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. Her smile—

She stopped reading. Jake was being cute again and she was being driver over the edge. She liked Jake a lot so she couldn't understand why she was annoyed with this. Either way, she had to keep reading.

Her smile is like an open door, leading to paradise. I tell her that she's beautiful, but she doesn't listen to me. She denies it all the time. She may not be beautiful to herself, but to me, she's beautiful outside and inside. I wish she wouldn't cut herself like she does.

Lena stopped again. How did Jake know about that? She hadn't ever told anyone about it before, not even Carson and Eve.

She doesn't know I know. Well, she will but as of right now, she doesn't know. I saw the cuts and scars on her arms one night when we were together. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I know she has a difficult home life, with her mom not giving her attention and all...

By the end of the letter, Lena was close to tears. Jake knew so much about her—more than she even knew about herself. Lena realized that she didn't know nearly as much about him as he knew about her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I'm just casually updating during school. Waddup.

Shout outs:


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