One Week Slowly Turns Into Summer Romance

"You almost drowned!"

So I was sitting at my nanas for the week, wondering what I could do with her. We have already gone shopping. We went to many different stores and she was starting to get tired, I suggested going to bed but it was too early. So we did some work that had to get done. It was recycling because my grandfather had just passed away after Christmas and this stuff needed to get sorted through. So we were sorting when I realized the time and that we haven’t had dinner yet. So I look up at her and she has just finishes the last of the work. “Nana? It’s 5:45” I said with a smile. “Oh goodness! I told you not to grab that other arm load of things to do Madison, we barely have enough time for supper” She said and got up slowly, I laughed to myself. “Nana, were fine. Let me help you with supper, I’ll get the table set” I said and let her sit for a little while longer. She had sore feet because on one of her feet the bones shift a lot which obviously makes it hard to walk. I try my best to help her as best as I can. So I set up the table, get everything ready for her when she tells me that she has to go downstairs to set up the oven. It was wayyyyy to hot to put it on upstairs so we thought it was a better idea to have it on down. “Madison, I have to go downstairs sweetie to pre heat the oven, I will be right back” My nana said while getting up and walking slowly to the basement. “No nana I swear I’ll do it for you, I think you need to rest your feet” I said with a smile and took the chicken breasts downstairs to put them in the oven. It was creepy down there… Really dark and scary and I always thought that someone was going to run after me up the stairs so I always ran as fast as I could. Once I got back upstairs it was no use because my nana was already out of her seat and making potatoes and beans. I sighed and went back to my seat texting my friend Kareah back.

No, I’m At my nanas… I told you that a long time ago... Don’t you listen? XD - Madison

Actually no L I was really hoping we could hang out but I guess not! – Kareah

Sorry babes, I will be back soon and in the mean time make sure my brother doesn’t go in my room… please? –Madison

Fiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeee! That just means I get to look at him shirtless ^_^ - Kareah

Oh god XD Oh ok well dinner is ready ttyl! – Madison.

I put my phone away and sat down for dinner. It was quite quiet in the beginning then my nana started asking me what I wanted to do. I just smiled and gave pretty basic answers. Then she asked if I wanted to take a walk down to the harbour. I suggested we drive and she agreed laughing. After dinner we half cleaned up and went to the car. God it was really hot out. We got into the car and started driving down the road seeing a lot of people parked along the road to get into the harbour. I was curious and my nana started asking questions till we figured out it was a fair. So we parked and walked down. My nana took us for some malts and we went for a walk down on the Warf. I was enjoying the malt and the nice view of some boys who were walking in front of us. And they had the most adorable accents. I just smiled and whispered to my nana. “They are amusing me” I giggled and kept watching them. Till they started fooling around and one of them got pushed off the dock. There were five of them in total and they all just looked over the edge scared. They were yelling for someone to help. My eyes widened and I handed my malt to nana. “ I’LL GET HIM! I’m going to go save him nana, I will be ok I promise” I handed my shirt to her and dove in after him. I swam around and finally found where he was floating; I wrapped my one arm around him and carried him to the side of the beach. I wiped my hair back and leaned over him to check his breathing as his friends ran over. “He’s not breathing me needs CPR” I said and ripped off his shirt pumping on his chest and performing mouth to mouth. His friends held back laughs as he coughed up water and mumbled something. “Hmmm? What was that?” I said and leaned closer. “That was one hell of a kiss” He smirked and I burst out laughing, finally realizing who they were. I just saved Harry styles Life! My eyes widened again and I sat there as my nana put a blanket around me. “Good job sweetie, I’m proud of you” She said and kissed my cheek as I went bright red embarrassed. “Thank you nana, are you doing ok? Need to go back home to rest your feet?” I said looking concerned, all the boys just listened in and smiled. “Well ya sweetie, I should be going back home.” she said, I frowned a little and got up. “Ok, lets get you back home to rest” I smiled and helped her a long as Zayn and Liam helped me too, they were so sweet. I could hear Niall and Harry arguing behind me. I smiled at Zayn and Liam as they helped me take my nana to the car. “Thank you so much boys, She needs some help sometimes” I said smiling and went to my side of the car as Harry and Niall came running up to the other boys. “No problem babes” Zayn said smiling. Liam smiled. “Yes no problem at all, thank you for saving our lad there”
“Wish you could stay longer… To you know… Hang out and so I can thank you properly” Harry smiled all adorably. I looked at my nana and gave her pleading eyes. “Stay out no later then ten, make sure you are safe and don’t you boys dare go turning my granddaughter into some skimpy little girl” nana Scolded them, they tried not to laugh and I kissed her cheek. “Thank you nana, I’ll see you when I get back. Love you” I said smiling. “Love you too sweetie” She said and drove off. I was still wrapped in the blanket when it was just me, separated by a parking space from probably some of the most attractive teenage boys in the world. I smiled at them still soaking wet when they nudged Harry towards me. I blushed and shuffled my feet. “Hi” I looked up all shyly. He got all close and wrapped his jacket around me instead of the blanket. I blushed even more and looked back up at him. “You sure you’re alright? I mean I don’t want to take this away from you… Even though you’re so hot you could heat a thousand pools... I mean… you’re attractive… god I mean you’re extremely fit!” face palm “I will just shut up now” I said and turned away from him with an extremely red face. God I was such an idiot. He slowly grabbed my hand and spun me around catching me before I fell. “Please don’t” he said giving me the most kind eyes ever as the others ooo’ed and ahhhh’ed. I giggled at them and kept staring into his eyes. “Thank you for saving me love, I really appreciate it… even though I wouldn’t have needed saving if That arse didn’t push me off the dock… I’m glad you saved me” he smiled and I died a little. I cleared my throat and stood up still in his arms. “No problem… I had been in my lifeguard course in swimming lessons so it was a good experience for me- my lips... I mean... Oh my god I’m such an idiot” I laughed and looked at the other guys laughing their asses off. I scoffed and stood up completely and slid out of his arms. “It is very nice to meet you though Harold” I said and held my hand out. He smiled and hugged me instead. “My name is Madison” I said trying to breathe. “Nice to meet you Madison… Beautiful name.” He said all hushed so the others didn’t hear. His breath was hot on my ear and neck and shivers ran up and down my spine. God this boy drove me crazy. I smiled and pulled away again. “Thank you lovely… Now let me show you some fun around here” I said and grabbed his hand running towards the others and they followed. I knew that since no one around this small town knew who they were then I Would get away with walking around with them. I pretty much did. They got some dirty looks from my ex Frankie and Harry even hugged me from behind to make him jealous. I whispered to them. “Ya, that’s the guy who cheated on me 3 times and even had the nerve to tell me to my face that he loved me… all he wanted was sex” I frowned and Liam hugged me. The reason why no one knew who they were was because they had just started the X-factor. Everyone frowned and looked at him. He was alone. He had been that way since I broke up with him last year in the middle of the cafateria. I dumped a huge thing of iced coffee down his pants. I told the boys that too. “Hey Harry” Niall started. “Since you’ve already kissed her… How about you make him real jealous” They all smirked at Harry and he had the biggest smile on his face. They all started talking bout how much they loved to have me as a friend and I just blushed, they were talking just loud enough for Frankie to hear, not on purpose just seemed that he walked by just then. Then once he stopped at this bench sitting down and drinking a beer, Harry took my hand, walked past him leaving the boys to sit beside Frankie and talk about me nicely. I smiled up at Harry as he took me to the end of the dock by the railing. He put his hands on my waist as I turned around watching the sunset. He fully wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder. “You ready Beautiful?” He whispered. “Make it worth it babe” I smiled and turned to him, jumping up on him and wrapping my legs around his waist, smiling at him. “The full effect it is” He smiled wide and wrapped his arms around my waist staring into my eyes, as I put my arms around his neck. “Kiss Me,” I said softly and he kissed me softly, closing his eyes as I closed mine too. He held me close and I played with his hair and he smiled wide through the kiss. He pulled away slowly and pecked at my lips a few more times, intensifying the first kiss. “You’re beautiful love” I blushed when he said this and Frankie came storming over. “YOU SLUT!” he raged and started yelling at Harry who was a lot bigger then him in height and muscle. “Wait wait wait… What did you just call her?” He narrowed his eyes and stuck his hand over Frankie’s mouth. I jumped down from the rail and started to walk back to the others, scared. Frankie grabbed my arm and pulled me back over. “You’re not going anywhere you filthy whore,” He said as I felt tears in my eyes. Harry saw the tears and immediately got angry. “DON’T EVER! EVER call her that again! She is ten times better then you will ever get again and if I hear those words coming out of your mouth speaking towards Madi or any other girl for that matter I will take your little pretty boy face and smash it against that fucking wall! Now apologize” Harry yelled and pulled me away from him. “Ok.. Ok I’m sorry… Sorry that you had to settle for this wanna be” Frankie smirked and Harry immediately punched him out. The other guys running over and demanding explanations as Harry ignored them and hugged me tight trying to stop the crying. I looked up at him and he wiped my tears. “You ok babes?” Zayn said as Harry shot him a look when he called me babes. I giggled. “I’m fine… another day another douche bag right?” I said as they all laughed. They started to walk again and Harry and me followed. He held my hand and we swung our arms. I smiled up at him as the sun finally set. I looked at my watch as the guys were getting into a car. “CRAP! I’m late!” I said and looked around panicked. Harry grabbed my face and kissed me softly as I forgot what I was doing. “We will take you home love, don’t worry about it” Harry smiled and we got into the car, He held my hand all the way to my nanas house and took me to the door. I realized that she had put the alarm on so I looked around. “You fancy staying here with me?” I smiled up at him. He smiled back and nodded. I waved the guys away and they left in the car smirking, I snuck around back and to the basement door where my bedroom was. I pulled out my keys, unlocked the door and stepped in. I shook off his coat and out it on the chair by the door. I walked in and grabbed my batman pajamas. I was headed to the bathroom when I realized it was pitch black in the basement and I was scared out of my mind. I looked back at Harry closing the door and taking his shoes off nicely then cleared my throat. “Fancy accompanying me to the bathroom while I change? I’m afraid of the dark” I went bright red as he smiled and held my hand to go out. We stepped out side the door and he immediately kissed me in the dark, pulling me closer to the bathroom each time he kissed my lips. I couldn’t help but blush as I turned on the bathroom light and we started making out in the bathroom. I finally pulled away and looked up at him biting my lip. He was such a good kisser. He smiled down at me until a few footsteps were heard on the stairs. We both looked at each other like we were going to die. Then my nana started calling for me. I panicked and hit Harry in the bathtub closing the curtains. “Yes nana, sorry I’m late I went shopping with those nice boys” I smiled at her and she kissed my forehead. “I’m just happy you’re ok... Night sweetie” She said and climbed the stairs once again as I Closed the bathroom door and locked it. I started getting undressed forgetting that Harry was in the bathtub. He peaked out and moved back in quickly hitting his head. I giggled and got dressed quicker. Then I pulled the curtains quickly and pulled him out, kissing him again. God he was absolutely perfect. I can’t believe I was kissing him. This was the best night ever.
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i hope you like :) Follow me on Twitter. @MadisonAllstar5 <3 Lots oof love to my readers. xx Comment if you wold like to be in my next one.