Swinging Keys

blood for blood

"Can't we just draw the keys already?" asked Mike Fuentes, sat around the bonfire with other members of the crew. Soleia and Kalea were sat on his laps since there were 2 more persons than usual.

"Calm your tits Fuentes, you know we have the intiation first" Said Tino, taking a swig of the JD bottle, before passing it to Alex

"Talking about it, where are they?" Asked Danny, his stare on Emilie since the start of the night

"We're here, we're here! Sorry, I was stucked in an interview" said Mayla, getting in the circle. She smiled at Kalea and looked at the people around the bonfire "so, how does it work? Do we just draw a key and it's all done?" asked the blonde girl

"that would be no fun, cutie. No, first, there's your initiation, and Kellin's initiation" said Chandler, stepping in the circle. Mayla thought it was overdramatic, how she stood in the dark behind her brother and only waited for the good moment to step in. Staged.

"Ok. Let's do it" said Kellin Quinn, the lead singer of Sleeping with Sirens, looking around quite nervously

"First, the rules: Don't forget that no one is allowed in our circle and no one is in the circle unless he/she is invited by someone and approved by the entire crew. Once you're in, you can't get out just because you're not interested anymore. You need a good reason. If you have sex out of this circle, you're out too; we don't want to risk getting STDs to run between us. You can't go against the drawn keys; the one you pick is the one you go with, I don't care if you don't want the person you were assigned to"

"Assigned?" whispered Mayla to Kalea
"Yeah. Since this circle is basically a way to have "safe sex" with people trusting each others and all, we don't want any drama either. So even if you draw the key of someone you don't want to have sex with, you deal with that. It's all about orgasms and free of feelings" explained Kalea. Mayla nodded and continued listening to Austin.

"Now." started Austin "Soleia, help me get the new blood in our circle."
Soleia got up from Mike's lap and dragged Mayla by the bonfire, where Kellin was already
"Kellin Quinn. By stepping into this circle you understand all the responsabilities and you accept all the restrictions"
"Yes." said Kellin, as Soleia gave him a gold key with his initials on it
"Mayla St Claire. By stepping into this circle, you understand all the responsabilities and you accept all the restrictions"
"Yes." said Mayla, her hand shaking as she received her own keys.

"Now we can start the initiation" Said Austin, a devious grin on his face. "as you all know, it means it's a free night for us"
Mayla looked at Kalea searching for an answer, but she just went to stand by Mike's brother, Vic.
"For your initiation, Mayla, you have to give Kellin oral sex... in front of all of us" said Soleia
"Right now?" Asked Mayla
"Right now." repeated Soleia, pushing on Mayla's shoulder to put her on her knees

Mayla unbuttoned Kellin's jeans before grabbing over his boxer. She looked at him a bit unsure and pushed his boxers down. She took the tip in her mouth, one hand on his shaft and the other on his hip. A light moan escaped Kellin's mouth as she started to take more of him in her mouth, her hand playing with his balls.

"She's doing quite good for now" whispered Austin in Em's ear, his hand creeping in the side of her shirt and playing with her bra. She nodded slightly, letting him play under her shirt.

Mayla kept bobbing her head, looking around at the same time. It looked like everyone took the opportunity of this live show to pleasure the person next to them; "at least, it's more subtile than for me" thought Mayla, as she noticed Chandler squirming on Tony's lap, his hand under her dress; Kalea was grinding against Mike, who seemed to appreciate the show; Soleia was facing Danny, her hand in his pants, as he was busy kissing and bitting her neck.

Mayla ran her tongue on Kellin's lenght as he tangled his fingers in her hair. He was mumbling her name, his eyes half closed. She took more of his hardened dick in her mouth, almost going through the base.

"Impressive" said Austin, still playing under Em's shirt; she was moaning lightly as he kept playing with her nipple. "Let's just try to get that to the next level and see how much she can handle. Danny! Get yourself there with Kellin"
"Come on dude can't you see I'm already busy" muttered Danny, as Soleia was moving her hand faster around his shaft
"I said: get your ass there"
Danny swore under his breath and got next to Kellin and pushed down his boxers. Mayla took him in her mouth, her hand still playing with Kellin's dick. It didn't took long for Danny to grip her head and starting to move in her mouth. Mayla let him, trying to relax her jaw to adjust herself to Danny's size. She moved her head away and started to suck the tip of the two cocks, alternating from one to the other.

Kellin could barely contain himself anymore and Austin saw it.
"Don't hold back Kellin, do what you want" Smiled the lanky singer.
Kellin grabbed Mayla's head and shoved himself in her mouth; her mouth being busy, danny raised Mayla's shirt and snapped off her bra. He positionned his dick between her breasts and started to move. Danny moved Mayla's hands on her breasts to hold them against his cock. Kellin groaned and hit the back of Mayla's throat, releasing his warm load in her mouth. Danny came not long after, holding her hair so she couldn't move as he came on her face.

"I think we have two great additions to our circle. Soleia, you were right; we needed new blood. As I said, you're now all free to have fun. you'll know soon when's the next meeting" said Austin, going away with Emilie.

Kellin waited for Danny to leave with Soleia before helping Mayla up.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, well, if I did" said Kellin, giving her a napkin so she could wipe her face
"You didn't hurt me. In fact, I'm just really horny since I couldn't really do anything while I was handled by you and Danny" smiled Mayla. Kellin smirked and took her hand, bringing her to his tourbus
♠ ♠ ♠
I told you, it's really twisted!!

Now, I want more comments. go!!!!!