Status: Angry.

Killer Beavers

Born to be Beavers

Dagget was riding side-saddle on a beautiful white stallion, his long,(mismatched) blonde hair flowing in the wind. His eyes were closed dreamily as his horse galloped. He was suddenly with some random, attractive princess, who said, "Oh, Dag, you're so hot and cool AND NOT WEIRD! Please, let us suck face!"
"Hehehe, okay!" he giggled. He leaned in to kiss her, when suddenly,
Dag jolted out of bed, frightened at the sudden loud noise.
"What the heck was that?" He listened again, and sure enough the banging continued. He hopped off his bed, grumbling, and went downstairs to go see who was causing all that racket.
All he saw when he walked outside was a brown beaver smacking a pile of wood with his tail–in THEIR water.
"Hey, spoot-head!" Dag called. "Care to explain to me just WHAT in dog's name you think you're DOING?"
"B-b-building a d-dam, sir!" he struggled to reply. He'd never really talked to people who he didn't know.
"Yeah, well, um, ya see, I guess it's kind of hard to see it but...," he pointed at his and Norb's dam. "WE KIND OF ALREADY HAVE *OUR* DAM HERE!"
The other beaver started to get a little frustrated. "Listen, kid, I'm not trying to cause any trouble, I just need to–"
"Who you calling KID, spoot-head?!" Dagget yelled.
"You know who, poo-for-brains!" the other guy retorted.
"You said that already!"
"THAT'S IT, BRING IT ON, CHUMP!" Dagget yelled.
"COME AT ME, FEETY-PJs!" the stranger replied angrily.
As the two wrestled, Norbert slowly woke up. "Ah, what's Dag gotten into now?"
He tiredly walked downstairs and outside, and caught Dag fighting the other currently-anonymous-beaver.
"Hey, hey! Break it up!" He ran between them and held the two apart.
"What's going on here?" Norb asked. "You two woke me up!"
They both started talking at the same time, pointing at each other and making hand guesters.
"One at a time, please!" Norb said, exasperated.
Dag explained how the beaver woke him up, and how he was trying to build a dam in their property.
Norb took a look at the crusty pile of wood that, not even in the SLIGHTEST bit, resembled a dam.
"Hey, you obviously aren't too good with dam-building," Norb said. "No offense. So how would you like to stay with me and Dagaroo for awhile, until you cn make one in your own pond?"
"That sounds great, except...," he replied. "Well, beavers always leave in litters, so... I'm not alone."
"That's not a problem! We could always use some more bro-thas around!" Norb grinned.
"Well–it's not exactly–"
Dag cut him off. "Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no-NO!" He walked up to Norb and pointed at him. "You can NOT let this SPOOT head live with us!"
"I'm sorry, WHO'S the older brother here?" Norb asked. Dag just scowled. "All right then! Come on in, roomie. By the way, I'm Norbert, and this spoot head is my a-nnoying brother, Daggy."
The beaver nodded, and replied, "I'm Kyle."