Life Is Not That Simple!


Mia and I reached the house a little later than everyone else. We wanted to be sure the cops didn't follow us. We tried to find Dom, but couldn't. Mia was freaking out, but I knew Dom wouldn't allow himself to be caught again. He wouldn't allow himself to go back to prison.

I went upstairs and changed into something less skanky. ( I pulled my hair into a messy bun before going downstairs to see a party going on. I rolled my eyes and pushed people out of my way as I looked for Mia. I finally found her clung to Dom. I smiled and ran over to them, making it a family hug.

"Glad at least you two were worried." I knew he was mad from the sound of his voice. While he could have been busted, everyone else was partying. I hugged his side slightly tighter, to let him know that I was worried even if I didn't show it.

Brian came up to Mia and smiled. "Hey, nice to see you again." Vince made a disgusted sound as he walked by to grab a beer out of the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and thought about tripping Vince, but I knew it would have been wrong.

Dom apparently decided to stick up for the new guy, which is a shock. Dom doesn't really like anybody, so I was surprised he stuck up for Brian. "Have something to say, Vince?"

I took that as cue to leave. I went upstairs an went to my room. I was tired, but not tired enough to sleep. I decided to do something that I knew I shouldn't. I went to the attic and started going through boxes that were never unpacked from when my parents died. I found a bunch of papers that I was far too lazy to read, a necklace, some letters, and a package.

I opened the package and found more papers. Wow, my parents liked their papers. I reached for the necklace and seen that it looked really familiar. I don't think I've ever actually seen it before, but it feels like I have. It must of been my mothers.

As I was examining the stuff, I didn't realize that someone had walked into the room until they cleared their throat. Startled, I looked up to see Dom. I relaxed slightly, but I knew Dom would be pissed. He doesn't like anybody going through our parents things.

"What are you doing up here?" I shrugged and picked up the necklace I had dropped. I gently put it back in its box and into the box I had got it out of. "I was curious about the stuff up here."

I was about to leave, but he grabbed onto my arm. "You know better than to be up here." I gently pulled out of his grip and looked at him. "I have a right to know about our parents, Dom." I went back to my room and finally fell asleep after the party died down.

I woke up later than usual and I felt horrible. It's like I've had a cold for days and I'm just now starting to recover. I sluggishly got out of bed and changed into something I knew would be comfortable for the long day ahead. ( I went downstairs to see that no one was home.

I shrugged and got a bag of chips from the cabinet. I started to munch on the barbecue chips while I sat down on the couch and flipped through a million different channels. Nothing was on t.v. today, well there goes my lazy day!

I stuffed my face with a few handfuls of chips before putting them back and washing my hands. There was a commotion outside, so I decided to be a Nancy Drew and go check it out. Some guys on some motorcycles were arguing with Dom, Vince, and Jesse.

One of the motorcycle guys said something as I walked over beside Dom. He immediately pushed me back towards the house. "Inside. Now!" I raised my eyebrows and realized too late why he wanted me inside.

They all had guns in their hands. "Run!" I heard Dom yell to run, but I couldn't seem to run fast enough. I ran towards the side of the house for cover, but something hit my side. I screamed and fell to the ground as the motorcycle guys drove away at a speed much faster than a regular motorcycle should.

I put my hand to my side and felt something sticky. Had I been shot? Everything around me became a blur as I started to panic. I felt someone put their hand on my side, over my hand while someone else shouted for car keys.

I couldn't really feel anything and I couldn't tell what was going on around me. I was only concerned about two things though. "Dom? Mia?" My voice was so soft I wasn't sure anyone heard it.

After what felt like forever, my question was finally answered. "Me and Mia are alright. Hang in there, Kathleen." Dom's voice. That's all I needed to hear. I felt myself being picked up and instantly hissed in my pain. My side felt like I had been stabbed.

I could hear Dom trying to keep me talking, but I couldn't seem to form the words to respond. My mind was going blank as I felt the blood continue to seep through my shirt. I closed my eyes and started to dream.
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I'd just like to say that I DID NOT come up with this idea completely on my own.
I read a fanfic a couple weeks ago where someone got shot and it inspired me to incorporate someone getting shot into my story. However, the character is my own and so is the plot.