Getting over Homelesness

1. Frank

1. Frank

As I fumble around my desk for the alarm clock, trying to hit the button, I accidentally scrape my hand on something sharp. Wincing, I draw in my hand, wiping away the blood onto my silky, red sheets. It's lucky they're red already I guess. After I've stopped the blood flow, I turn off my alarm clock and shrink back under the covers.
One of the negatives of having the most comfortable bed and pillows is that you never want to far the real world. It's much easier to just sleep through the whole week. Unfortunately, to have the best bed and pillows you have to work through most of your life. I don't have that particular downside as inherited all of my money from parents and grand parents. I still work every weekday though. I honestly don't like the 'Rich' life at all. I strongly believe that you should get what you earn and that I have more money than I need at all. I make monthly donations to charities. Mainly cancer research and homeless shelters.
After another twenty minutes of sleep, my second alarm went off and this time I got up. With closed eyes, I stumbled over to the bathroom and ran the shower. After making sure it was at a scolding temperature, how I like it, I stripped off my clothing and steppe into the shower. The heat of the almost boiling water burned and reddened my flesh. I didn't mind, this is how I have it every morning and evening. After I washed my body, I got out my shampoo and rubbed it into my hair.

As my toast was cooking, I put on the coffee maker to make my favourite; vanilla and almond with chocolate sprinkles. I spreaded jam on my toast before taking a bite and finishing off my coffee. The routine I have every morning.
After my breakfast I looked into the full length mirror at my three piece suit, debating whether I should wear my tie or leave my shirt unbuttoned at the top. I decided against it as I wasn't doing anything special and it's more comfortable this way. My suit costed £10,000. Suits are one of the things I spent a good lot of my money on. Although, even I know that ten thousand is over the top. It was a gift from my absent father a year before his death. I liked it well enough as it was specially tailored and fitted perfectly even after a good three years of wearing it. I have over 400 suits. With and without waistcoats and ties. In a variety of colours.
Generally I wear plain ones. Black waistcoat, trousers, tie and blazer with a white shirt. The shirt and tie colours vary almost every day though, my shirt range is unbelievable.
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Sorry it's a little off track, they'll meet soon.