Running on Empty

The beginning.

I was standing on the hotel balcony over looking the city. It had been a big night & it would be an even bigger day tomorrow. We had just finished our tour and we were going to fly home early tomorrow morning, 6:30am to be precise. I thought I had better get to sleep, but something was keeping me out here. I didn’t know whether it was the gorgeous view across the city, the crisp cool breeze of the fresh air, or the fact I got to be alone. I could head a voice in the back of my mind calling my name; it seemed to be getting louder until it was right behind me.
”Jeph... Jepha?” Oh, it was Quinn.
”You’ve been out here for hour’s man; don’t you think you’d better come inside?”
”I guess, seeing as we’re flying out so early.”
I slowly walked inside, Quinn disappeared into the bathroom, god knows what he was doing. I walked slowly into the kitchen, and put the kettle on, tea always made me feel good.
As I was waiting for the kettle to boil, I see Bert stagger in; I bet he’s been out partying. He collapsed on the couch in an instant, groaning and mumbling to himself. I didn’t think much of it; it was a typical night for us. I heard the kettle, it had finished boiling, I pour my tea and sit on the couch next to the intoxicated Bert.
”Wh..’s .p w..h yo..” Bert mumbled into the arm of the couch
”What?” I could hardly ever understand him, he lifted his head up
”What’s up with you?” he said putting his face back into the arm of the couch.
”Nothing.. What makes you think that?” He lifted his head up again.
”Well the depressed look on your face says otherwise..” as he put his face down again, this time I heard some snoring coming out from under him.
I put my empty glass in the kitchen, and headed for my bed. Quinn had finally come out of the bathroom and was asleep in his bed & Dan had been in his for hours. I settled in, and fell into a deep sleep. Well, I had hoped it would be a deep sleep. That night, I dreamt about a girl, I don’t know why, but I did. She was short and skinny, with black spiky hair, not short hair though, and bright blue eyes. She was beautiful, well not beautiful, stunning was more like it. I didn’t let the dream bother me, well; at least I didn’t think it would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, short chapter.
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