Status: Finished, check out the sequel

How Many Times Can You Race Around the Tree Before You Catch Me?


Nikki asked.

“I say probably soon, or we just need to not play headliners for a bit. Nikki laughed and went to help me up.

“No,” my hand went out to stop him,” Go pack up the gear and let me just sit here.” He chuckled and left to do as asked of him.

My mind was racing with the consequences of what this could possibly be, all the pain I was experiencing. Worst case scenario was a broken rib and that might put that us out of business.

Each breath I took sent shooting pain through my abdomen. Tears threatened to spill from how bad it was.

“That was amazing!” I looked at the tech tent where everyone was gathering as the rain was about to start again. Chris had his arms up and I figured he was the source of the praise.

“Tell me that again when I don’t feel like I’m dying…” He chuckled.

“You might want to move, it’s going to rain….” Alex popped up next to him with a drink in his hand.

“I think I’d rather just melt right-“ A cough interrupted my sentence and forced me to sit up. I turned to the side, causing more pain to radiate from my side, and coughed up a chunk of coagulated blood.

My body repeated the action enough that several people were by my side in an instant.

“Holy shit…” Nikki was who I heard first, but Vinny was who I saw first.

“Promise me you’ll go to the doctor’s on our day off?” I shook my head at Vinny knowing that was the day I was supposed to meet his parents.

“Your health is more important…” I looked up at him while I tried to even my breathing out.

“There’s a storm rolling in again, we have to move…” Now Josh was next to Vinny in my vision.

I nodded and Vinny helped me up.

“Wait,” I croaked and turned to Nikki,” Pack the stuff up.” I winced.

“We’ll take care of it Jax, go take care of yourself. You did good today.” Mikey gave me a thumbs up before Vinny and Josh turned me back around.

“We’ll take you back to ours until they’re done.” I nodded at Josh. They ended up having to carry me.

When we got to their bus, they put me down on the front lounge couch. Balz, Matt, and Jose all jumped up to clear it for me as Vinny and Josh helped me lay down.

“Jesus fuck,” Ghost handed me an ice pack and a water bottle,” way to throw yourself into the performance.” i chuckled before wincing.

Shane, Rich, and Ricky stood with Vinny and Josh behind Ghost. He pulled a paper towel up and showed me that he was going to wipe the makeup off my side. All I could do was bring both my arms up to cover my face, my right arm was right over my face and I bit down to prevent myself from screaming.

He was gentle as can be, but even that caused excruciating pain. I could taste blood pouring into my mouth from how hard I was biting.

“Jesus christ.” I moved the arm covering my eyes to look at the group of guys besides me.

Josh bent down and started looking my horribly bruised side closer.

“You never told us what happened…” Ricky added after a few moments of silence.

I sighed and moved my arm.

“Pain much?” Rick motioned to my arm where I had been biting down.

There was a bleeding mark where my teeth had cut clear through the skin.

“What can I say? I’m not much of a screamer sweet cheeks.” Everyone reacted a little different to that but my favorite was Vinny’s blush right next to Chris’ attempt to hold in his laughs.

“Anyways… What happened?” Vinny tried to change the subject.

“Bryce and I were in the bus last night after we spent the day in a practice studio. I was asking him questions, then he asked me why Mikey didn’t invite me to dinner and I told him it was because Mikey made an unnecessary comment about me and Vinny. Bryce was being a shit head so I asked him what his problem was and he ignored me so I slammed his laptop shut. He tells me his problem is basically my ignorance and that Jake being in the hospital was my fault,” There was a pause while I took a much needed breath,” I swung, he avoided and threw me to the ground. We both got a few punches in and trashed the front lounge in the bus. I tossed him down the bus stairs and we brawled some more outside. He head butted me and tried to lecture me again. I flipped shit and I kept swinging,” I pulled my hands up showing them my fucked up hands,” he told me fuck you and I went to kick him but Mikey tackled me. End of story.” They all looked horrified and impressed.

“Fuck….” My mouth tightened into a straight line.

“Yeah,” I moved to sit up as best I could,” I need to get back to my bus.”

“No you don’t,” Josh stopped me from getting up,” Just rest. You did really good today and you need to take it easy until we can get you to a doctor.” I sighed.

“If I agree to go to a doctor tonight will you all leave me alone?” I looked specifically at Vinny who I knew would be the biggest issue.

“Yes.” He answered for everyone.

“Give me a shirt and someone call me an Uber.” Vinny sighed in relief as Josh went to call for an Uber.

“I don’t know what good it’s going to do to go to a hospital, they can’t magically fix a broken rib or a broken nose. Possibly broken hand.” I moved my hand, pain shot up my arm.

“Actual broken hand…” I corrected myself.

Vinny walked down and out of the bus, Chris leaned down next to Ghost.

“On a more positive note, you did amazing today.” He smiled at me and I chuckled.

“I better have, that was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.” He and Ghost gave a small chortle.

“It was amazing, really great stuff.” Balz confirmed through a full mouth of pizza.

“Thanks, I love that you’re back there shoving your face.” Everyone had a good round of laughter before Vinny came back onto the bus, Fall Out Boy shirt in hand.

“Why do you always give me this shirt?” He shrugged and helped me get it on.

“The Uber will be here in 15 minutes, Front gate.” Josh came back and sat next to me on the couch.

“Thanks. Can someone call Mikey? I need my phone and wallet from them.” It was Ricky, Shane , and Rich who all went to go get them instead.

Vinny and Josh helped me up again.

“We better start walking.”

They both helped me out of the bus and through the lot. We were dodging drunk band members and people doing stupid things left and right. Every Time I Die had thrown a party tonight, which explains the amount of people sloshing around.

“Man I was looking forward to this party too.”