Falling in Grace


Touring, one of the many things I got a kick out of but this was not just your ordinary tour. It was Ozzfest and no matter how much I have been trying to avoid this place I got swept up into it. We were touring with a ton of bands, well known ones and to the small up and coming dudes and everyone in between. Of course we were one of the well known bands.. One of the headliners of this place. To say we ruled the tour was an understatement. This has been our stumping ground for many years. I knew this place well and I am sure our other headliners did too. The other being one of the better west coast sides best rock bands "Avenged Sevenfold" Believe me those kids work their ass of and have came very far. I am impressed on how their music is. They too here like to call dibs on Ozzy but too bad it has already been taken, by Us .

I could see her now, walking around running really, setting everything up.Just like she always would. It was her duty to set up the bands, her main were the headliners. Basically it was us and Avenged. God I was so lucky I could watch her all day since it brought some joy to my cold heart. By now you want to know who I am and who she is, but you will have to wait and see later. I could see her yelling at Brian or syn or whatever to "Get his shit together" Her way of telling him and everyone else to get their gear in order for checks. Avenged went on before us so I had some time to watch her yell and be the boss for some time until she came to us and I had to act all proper again.

She was just so beautiful even in all the heat and the dirt it was like it was fucking made for her. Well hell, it is since she is a marine. Yes you heard that right, she is a marine. And a damn good one. The heat and the dirt never bothered her. Luckily she is not on a tour and can help us for a while, but she will not be returning with me or the rest of my band back home. She is going home with Him.

I never talk about him because she is the one who got away, more like she left. That's all I will say for now. It sucked when she left and it still sucks now. After 10 years. That's how long she has been married to him, 10 years. I don't think I will forget the day she walked away from me. I still remember it, how she slipped out the door in the middle of the night to go move to California for him and the next week, they were married. I don't know if she ever loved him but from what I know they knew each other from way back like when they were 19. I knew her since I was 21. Her and I are about two years apart making her and her husband the same age. I knew her just as long as he did and she left. Maybe he knows all the shit that went down but I do know she does not talk about me, not to them anyways. They are all about money. Him, he's a different story. I was always "told" more like a hush whisper because no one wanted me to know, that he is just like me. only taller. That is our only difference.

"Yo we are on in 5" I hear from a distance, I zip the rest of my face up and head out to meet the rest of the guys. I guess I did not realize how much time has passed. I can see her now, going over everyone's set and guitars and shit making sure it all works perfectly. she looked so pretty.


"Sid" Someone yells in my face. I am staring right at her now and I do not know what to say, she looks so perfect with her hands on her hips staring at me... shit she's not too happy.

"Sup" I manage to get out. I watch her shake her head and walk away, clearly I missed something. I see Clown clap me on the shoulder too and shake his head.

"What" I ask confused.

"All set 0" Don asked another roadie who tags with us, I give him a thumbs up and glance back at her who is now nowhere to be found. I look around again and see her standing next to her husband, he too all sweaty from playing. He waves but I cannot manage to wave back when she is standing right there.

They tell us to go out and we do as we are told, I take my place as our singer begins to get the crowd ready up for us. I begin playing but I am still looking for her. I turn to my left and there she is next to Gage. I am now able to relax for the rest of the show to know she is standing there watching us.

The half hour set ended fast and I am on my way off the stage looking like shit. Of course we killed it like we always do. I am looking her her, she like always is no place to be found. I was expecting a high five, a great show or something. But nope. I look around and hear yelling, arguing? No. I turn the corner and there she is with Gage yelling at the tv to see the cubs losing badly to the mets on the tv, I could hear her cursing and I could not help but let out a chuckle. I walk away quickly before she notices I am there.

"Lover boy get your head out of your ass shes not coming back" Jim warns me for the millionth time. But hey a guy can dream right? I give him a dirty look and continue back on the bus. Only to see her again yelling at Mick

"Mick!" "Mick! Do not move there is a Pokemon on you!" He just looks at her and laughs then glances at me who is in awe. I can see the expression on Corey's face which reads do not even. I know what he is trying to tell me. In a flash she is gone. I head myself to my bunk and let sleep wash over me. Tomorrow we move to another city but tonight I dream about the girl I let get away.