Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


Hour pass and she still counts the minuets when I am not there,

He hadn’t called, two days and still nothing. I’d spent hours looking at the phone wishing he’d call. He hadn’t, since it doesn’t work that way. What if I shouldn’t have asked him? Maybe he doesn’t like those kinds of girls? Maybe I was even foolish for thinking there was something between us at all? He was on my mind and it was all I could ever think of.

“Please call!” I begged the phone checking again if I had any reception. It was full and it still didn’t change how I felt. I moved away from it and to my desk where my computer was not so neatly placed on a bunch of magazines and other various objects. The same word that had been showing for the last two days had almost created a mockery of me. Pathetic little me. With that I had enough, turned the computer off and packed it down in my bag. Then I swung it on to my shoulder and left the apartment with the phone still lying on the bed. I stopped at the end of my stairs looking back and for a moment thought about running up and getting it. No, what was left of the old me kept me walking down the street but this time there was no Gabe at the end pouring coffee all over me.

“Why are you so absent?” Alec said putting a cup of the in front of me with her eleven-month-old Julia on her shoulder. “Jason don’t chase the cat!” she called to her child a boy of four.

“What do you mean?” I took a sip of the vanilla thé which was pretty hot.

“It’s just you look so tired and well I don’t know quiet.” She spoke as she cooked spaghetti bouillabaisse for lunch. That woman was the best multitasked in the world always on top of her game.

“It just I’m writing a lot and not sleeping!” I didn’t want to tell her about Gabe. It was like he was in my head, a ghost of my imagination. Something created to shred away the last of my dignity and sanity.

We she finished making lunch I politely excused myself not wanting to be a burden to long. Then I just wandered the streets thinking about him again not wanting to ho home and find my phone. It started raining but luckily my bag was waterproof. Soon I became soaking wet but it wasn’t too cold so I didn’t begin to shiver until a block from home.
I was taking a shower when I heard my phone call and quickly grabbed a towel but before I got there the machine picked it up.

“Hey, this is Vera’s machine. It’s the 21th century you know how this works bye!”

“Vera? Are you there!? Pick it up!? Well, you are probably not but well I’m sorry I haven’t called earlier but we had to go to Chicago and yeah it’s a long story. Anyway dinner tonight?” Them I picked it up.

“Gabe! Hello?”

“Oh you are home!” I could hear him smile. “So were you standing there listening the whole time?”

“No, I just ran out of the shower.” Which was true and I was now dripping all over my wooden floor.

“That would make you naked right?” he was teasing me and I couldn’t help but to flirt back, he made it so easy.

“Gabe!” That was on of those moments as if he’d be standing next to him I would hit him as a joke. “But ehm yeah, technically I’m wearing a towel though and why am I telling you this. So when are you picking me up?”

“Is eight okay?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fine!”

“Then bye!”

“See you!” I hung up the phone and squealed happily like a teenage girl.

For the rest of the day everywhere I went and whatever I did I carried a little nervous lump inside of me. I imagined how it all would be and had already played it out inside of my head. This was something new for me.
That day I aloud myself to be free from all my writing and took David shoe shopping.

“OH! Look a there! So precious… try ‘em on now!” He held up a pair of sky high stiletto heels. They were Mary Janes and probably coasted a fortune. They were the most amazing shoes I’d ever seen, black with a red sole, little rosette at the tip of the toes and a rim by the ankle.

“I’m so buying those!” I said excitedly and grabbed them from David who knew all my sizes by heart!

“A special occasion or what? I mean you don’t usually go for the highest shoes in the store. More of a converse girl isn’t you?”

“Well. I’d like to think I’m a bit of everything! But you are probably right! And yes, I have a date!”

“Oh honey! That was about time! I was starting to worry that you were gonna die alone!”

“Hey! Thanks!”

“Whatever! What are you wearing?” He suddenly got a serious and forcefully took me shopping. Then he wouldn’t leave until half an hour before Gabe would. Gay men take this dating thing too seriously, or at least David does.

Gabe was late and I was ready. Checking my watch every other second I wondered if he’d changed his mind about meeting me. This was not me being so possessed by a guy, he was always on my mind and I was starting to feel stupid. In pure frustration of when the clocked showed that he was half an hour late and made sure the phone worked, I turned on the computer and began writing. Then after what felt like a second the door bell went off. It had been an other half hour or so.

“I’m so sorry I’m late! The traffic was awful and my phone broke earlier today and I’m sorry!” He walked in and kissed my cheek which made me blush slightly.

“It’s okay!”

“No it’s not! But I promise that I’ll make it up to you!” I closed my computer and couldn’t help but to smile towards him and then we kissed. I don’t know how we ended up the way I just knew I wanted him and he wanted me. Then and there he undressed me while kissing my naked and exposed skin. Every now and then our lips met and he tasted to amazing.

“I guess our date has to wait!” I said.

“I don’t know about you but this is the best one I’ve ever been on!” He responded and I chuckled. Love is always the most exciting when it’s new.
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Sorry it took me so long to update. Been working a lot and then went away to see my grandma and other stuff. But you have it now and I'm going to bed a happy girl.

I'm going to see the used live tomorrow! :)

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