My Not so Perfect Life

The Game

“Ava get up, your going to be late for school”. Your mom shouts up the stairs.

“Just give me 5 more minutes”

“You will be late for school and I have to go to work now so hurry up”. Your mom shouts even louder.

“Ok ok I’m up”.

You get out of bed and go to the Bathroom to brush your teeth and all the rest. Then you pick out your clothes for the day, You put on a pair of black skinny jean's, a tight Jack Daniel's T-shirt with a purple huddy and your purple van's.

Then you hear your mom saying she is going to work now and you hear the door slam. Then you go downstairs and make some toast for Breakfast. As you are eating you hear someone come in the front door. And in comes your Best friend Audrey.

“Hay Audrey”. You say casually while still eating a slice of toast.

There she was looking like Audrey in her mini mini skirt and super tight t-shirt showing as much skin as possibly can without looking like a total slut.

She sat beside you and stole a slice of your toast. We started talking about girl stuff. And then a sound came from behind us. We both jumped out of our chair's.

“It's just me”. Frank said sitting down in the chair next to you.

“Oh My God, don't scare me like that”. You shout while breathing heavily.

You hit him on the shoulder.

“Awe that hurt”. Frank whined rubbing his shoulder where you had just hit him.

“Oh stop being such a baby, and how do you do that”. You questioned.

“Do what”. Frank asked sitting back in the chair.

“Get into my house without making a sound when all the door's are locked”.

“Oh I have my way's”. Frank said with a smirk.

“That's just creepy he could be watching you change or taking a shower”. Audrey said with a slightly disgusted look on her face.

“Uw Audrey No, Frank wouldn't do that he is my best friend”. You shouted defending Frank and shaking the weird thought of him watching you.

“Yea that's just weird”. Frank said giving Audrey a fake disgusted look. (“Yea, I wish I was watching her in the shower. Wait that sounded really wrong”. Frank thought to himself.)

“Thank god today is our last day of school before Halloween”. Audrey said happily clapping her hands together.

“Oh shit speaking of school we are late”. You said quickly getting up and putting your plate in the sink.

“I can't be late again, I'm already in trouble because my skirt's are to short”. Audrey whined getting up and going to get her bag-pack.

“Maybe if you stopped dressing like a slut you wouldn't be in so much Fucking trouble”. Frank shouted to her.

“Fuck you Frank”. Audrey retorted angrily.

“Guy's we are even later now ok so let's go”. You say grabbing your bag and heading for the door.

At school you, Audrey and Hayley were talking about Halloween.

“So is there any cool party's you are thinking of going to”. Hayley asked happily at your locker.

“Oh My God, we have to go to Mark's pre Halloween party they are always fun”. Audrey said jumping with excitement.

“Everybody who go's to mark's party's get really drunk and end up having sex with some random‘s”. Hayley answered.

“That's why Audrey like's them so much”. You laughed.

Frank comes over.

“What are you talking about”. Frank asked smiling at you.

Just as you were about to say something Audrey shout's out.

“We are all going to Mark's Party tomorrow night”. Audrey shouts out happily.

And just as Frank was about to say something a loud voice say's.

“Great look's like well see you there”.

“Oh great it's Bert”. Audrey says quietly to you.

You turn around and Bert is standing right behind you. He put's his hand's on your waist and go's in for a Kiss.

“What are you doing she is not your girlfriend”. Frank shouts angily.

Bert smirks.

“Well she isn't your girlfriend, so why don't you mind your own fucking business Baker”. Bert shouts back pulling you closer to him.

Frank looked so angry and I thought he was going to punch Bert at that moment. But then thank God Frank's girlfriend Avril called him over and Frank went over to her. Bert laughed and turned to you again.

“He's right I’m not your girlfriend anymore and you cant do that”. You say quietly pulling away from Bert.

Bert sighs

“What ever you say Ava”. Bert say’s kinda pissed.

He walked away in the direction of Frank and his girlfriend then he stopped and turned to Frank's girlfriend and Kissed her then she pushed him away. Bert laughed at Frank, Then Frank punched Bert in the face and Bert did the same back and it turned into a big fight. They both got after school detention.

After school you and Audrey were walking to your house talking about the fight.

As you walk passed Frank's house you see Brien, Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky and your brother Matt in the house.

“We should go tell Zacky what happened, you know just in case he get's worried about Frank”. Audrey said smiling to herself.

“You just love Syn and want to talk to him”. You smirked.

“Ok, i know but come on it will be fun”. Audrey grabbed your arm and stopped you out side Frank‘s house.

“No, I don't want to go hang out with my Brother”. You say starting to walk again.

“Look Matt is leaving come on it will be fun, Pleassssse”. Audrey pleaded.

“Ok fine but just to tell him about Frank and then we leave, Deal”.

“Deal”. Audrey say’s happily

Audrey knocks on the door and Synster answers.

“Hey Ava come in”.

When you come in you see The Rev, Johnny and Zacky sitting at the table playing Poker. Zacky smiles at you and you smile back.

“Great the babes are here now the party can start”. Johnny says excitedly.

Everybody laugh's.

“Actually we came to tell you Frank got detention and will be home late”. You say simply.

“What did he get detention for”. Syn asked curiously.

“He got into a fight”. Audrey laughed.

“With who”. Zacky asked laughing.

“Bert McCracken”. You sighed.

Syn started laughing.

“Hey do you want to join the game”. Syn asked hopefully.

You were about to say no when.

“Yes we'd love to”. Audrey shouted.

You looked at her and shook your head.

“Great take a seat, Do you want a beer”. Syn asked stating to go into the kitchen.

“Sure”. Audrey said taking a seat at the table.

Syn came back and handed you and Audrey a beer.

The Game

“So how much cash you got”. Jimmy asked.

“I have 30 dollar's”. Audrey said putting her money on the table.

“Ava how much have you got”. Zacky asked.

You check your pocket's.

“35 Dollar's”. You say putting it on the table.

“Wonderful lets start”. Syn said excitedly.

So you all start to play. After a while Jimmy and Johnny were loosing so they quit before they lost any more money. So it was just you, Audrey, Syn and Zacky sitting at the table. Soon after Audrey and Syn were out so it was just you and Zacky.

“Wow, I didn't now you could play”. Syn said in amazement.

“Ya, I’m your best friend and I didn't even know you could play like that”. Audrey laughed.

“But can you beat Zacky”. Syn said.

Then you take a break to go to the Bathroom and Audrey Follow's you upstairs.

“Are you sure you can do this Ava Because you are already down by 200 Dollar's and how are you going to pay Zacky if you loose”. Audrey asked worried.

“I wont loose”. You say looking at the ground.

“Are you that confident”. Audrey questions.

“Just trust me I wont loose”. You shout annoyed.

“What ever you say Ava, anyways do you think Synyster like's me”. Audrey said changing the subject.

“Err ya I guess so”. You say not really caring.

“We better get down there”.

“Err ya come on”. You say nervously.

So you get Back into the game.

You smile and show your card's and then look at Zacky.

“Shit They are good card's”. Zacky says looking worried.

You give him a smirk.

“But not good enough”. Zacky smirks.

He Put's his Card's on the table and watch's your face drop.

“OMG I can't believe you lost”. Audrey gasped.

“aaaa look Zacky I don't have the money to pay you right now”. You say nervously biting your lip.

“Oh I’m sure we can find a way for you to repay me”. Zacky laughed.

You look at him confused.

He smiled and look's at Syn.

Then you got a text from Frank.

The Text

Hey Av, just got out of detention it sucked so bad going to Avril’s be around later
Love Frankie


“Who was that”. Audrey asked.

“That was Frank he is at Avril's House and will call around to my house later”. You stated.

“Hey do you want to stay and watch a movie”. Zacky asked taking a swig of his beer.

“What movie”. You ask.

“The new Omen 666 movie, I haven’t seen it yet”.

“Ok I really want to see that movie”. You say smiling.

“Great”. Syn says sitting on the couch.

Zacky put the DVD in the DVD player and Syn and Audrey sat right really close to each other on the couch and Syn had his arm around her. Then as the movie started Zacky came and sat right next to you on the couch. You all watched the movie and at the scary part's Audrey put her head into Syn's chest. But you could tell she wasn't really scared she just wanted to get closer to Syn.

About half way throw the movie Audrey and Syn were making out.

“Aaa I have to aaa go to the bathroom”. Audrey said getting up.

“Ya aa me to”. Syn said following her.

“Ya right”. Zacky laughed taking another swig of his beer.

So it was just you and Zacky. You were nervous.

“You know you look realy sexy right now, do you mind if I Kiss you”. Zacky asked leaning into you.

You got really hot and you didn't want to say no to him because you owe him so much money so you probably would have said yes to anything he asked me a that time.

You shook your head no.

As he was Kissing you he got on top of you and added tongue.

Then Syn and Audrey came downstairs.

Audrey's hair was all messed up and her bra strap was falling down her arm.

“We cant even leave you alone 10 minutes without you getting up to something”. Syn said laughing.

Audrey smiled at you. You were really embarrassed so you quickly pushed Zacky of you and got up.

“We'd better go”. You said grabbing Audrey‘s arm.

“But the movie isn't over yet”. Audrey pointed out.

“Come on”. you whispered as you dragged her out the door.

“Bye Guy's”. Audrey waved as you pulled her out the door.

“Ya bye”. You say quickly.

Zacky & Synyster

“Wow you know you were just making out with your brother's best friend”. Syn laughed sitting back on the couch.

“I know and it felt good”. Zacky laughed.

“ if Frank Find's out he would Hate you”. Syn said drinking some beer.

“I know but he's not going to find out”.

“And not to mention your girlfriend, Does Ava know you have a girl friend, and of course she doesn't”. Syn laughed.

“Actually, I don't think you can keep the fact that you have a girlfriend from Ava and Keep your girlfriend from finding out about Ava and Making sure that Frank doesn't know about you and Ava at the same time”. Syn stated.

“Well I bet I could do all of that for at least until I fuck Ava”. Zacky grined.

“How much”.

“500 Dollar's”.

Syn paused for a minute


“Wouldn't Ava tell Frank about what happened they are best friend's”. Syn asked after the Deal was final.

“I know she wont tell him”. Zacky smirked.

“Yano what I really hope Ava isn’t as easy as Audrey”. Syn laughed.
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Hope you like it.
Please leave me a comment so i know what you think or what should happen next and if you like it or not. Just please tell me.