Misconceptions, Cheap Booze and Scars; So Much for the Best Day Ever.

First Tour, First Enounter, First Mistake

"Get your ass up Maura! We need to be at the venue at 9:00 to get everything set up! Let's get a move on!"

Maura's eyes shot open at the sudden yelling from her roommate, and best friend, Dominic. She sat up slowly and swept back her thick auburn hair out of her face with her long fingers. Small waves and curls fell every which way as she did. She let out a heavy sigh and shuffled out of her room. Dom was rushing around the small apartment and flinging things everywhere. Organization had never been one of his strong points. He heard Maura dragging her feet towards him quickly turned around.

"Are you ready to leave? We're supposed to be meeting the rest of the guys and the crew at the Cat's Eye Cafe in 5 minutes."
"Gee thanks for letting me know.." Maura said silently to herself.

She mosied back to her room to slide on a pair of old,dirty jeans and a faded iron maiden t-shirt. Of course whenever she was in a rush to leave she could never find her shoes. Finally, after of few minutes of manic searching she found the pair of beat up converse hiding under her dresser.

"How the hell did these end up here?"

She shoved them hurridly onto her feet and grabbed the bag she had packed the night before. Her body heaved under its weight. It held enough clothes and supplies for 2 weeks of traveling. Maura was going to help Dominic and his band and work as part of his road crew while they were on tour. This tour was huge. Dom and the guys worked their asses of to get on it. After locking the door and chasing after Dom to the driveway, she threw her stuff in the ragged chevy pick up and the two were off.

*a few hours later*

"Thank you Trenton for having us and have a great fucking night!" Dom shouted into the mic as the band dismounted the stage. Maura was standing off the the side beaming at them. The guys had just played their best set ever and the crowd was going wild. She was so happy for them that her face felt like it was going to rip from smiling so wide. Playing on this tour was just the kind of exposure the band need and deserved, she was just excited to be there for it.

"That was amazing you guys!!"She yelled out as she engulfed each of them in monstorous hugs. They were all drenched in sweat but she didn't mind considering she was sweating just as bad. It was about 80 degrees out that night. It seemed that unloading extremely heavy equipment all day in the heat along with jumping around during the show was really taking its toll.

"Maura, I love you to death, and I know that we all stink right now, but seriously you should hit the showers because you reek." said Ben.

"Wow I bust my ass for you guys all day and this is the thanks I get" she said sarcastically. She knew she smelled, but she found it amusing that she stunk worse than the dripping bassist in front of her.

"I would get rid of my offending odor if I were able to take a shower, but seeing as there are none present I will have to continue to assault your nose "

"Maura," Dom said plugging his nose next to her, "I think we all agree you really do need that shower and my buddy's band actually has tour bus with a shower in it you could use. Its the third to the left out back. Just tell him that I sent you."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She said in rapid succession and ran off.

This venue was big compared to anywhere Maura had been before. It was a huge outdoor park with a stage and tour buses linning the back lot. She ran up to the bus and knocked on the door. No one answered so she let herself in. The bus was dark and cramped. Maura decided to go shower anyway and then if the guys came in she would explain to them that Dom had said it was okay for her to shower there.

She turned on the water in the tiny stall and jumped in. The hot water soothed her body and relaxed her tired muscles. She stood there and just let it soak into her hair and skin. She began to feel so at ease in fact that she started singing.

"If this is what you want then FIRE AT WILL" She belted out at the top of her lungs. It was probably this enthusiastic singing that covered up the sounds of someone walking to the bus.

She continued to sing to herself as she stepped out and dried her skin with the towel she found. Her auburn hair took on the appearance of a dark red in its wet state and made her light skin look even paler than usual contrasted against it. Even wet it was beginning to curl at the ends. She hummed to herself as she wrapped the towel around her body and exited the bathroom. It was there when she met an unexpeted pair of glowing hazel eyes staring at her from underneath a shroud of long black hair. This man that stood in front of her in the bus was not from Dom's friends band. She new this because it was this person's lyrics she had been singing moments before. She was in the wrong bus. She was in My Chemical Romance's tour bus.

"Oh shit"