Silence Is a Scary Sound


So today was the big day that I had the meeting with the producers and cast of Grease. I have to go in and discuss the rehearsal times and read the script.
“I’m kind of nervous.” Emma said as we got ready to leave.
You’re nervous!?” I said looking at her.
“Yeah, for you anyway,” She said pulling on her black cardigan.
“I’m nervous for me as well.” I sighed. “It took me longer to get ready this morning.”
“So you mean it took you two hours instead of one?” Emma laughed.
“No! Well maybe.” I giggled.
“I do love those shoes though.” Emma said pointing at my silver high heels.
“Thank you very much. I love the ‘I’m casual and not trying to hard’ look you’ve got going there.” I said nodding at her outfit, which was black skinny jeans, a grey tank-top, a black cardigan, and green ballet flats.
“Well thanks, it just kind of happened.” She laughed.
“I wish it was that easy for me.”
“You have a very calculated look though.” Emma said.
“Thank you?” I said raising an eyebrow and Emma laughed.
Today’s outfit was a simple blue V-neck t-shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, the silver high heels, and a light and airy black and white scarf around my neck.

We arrived at the West End rehearsal building right on time thanks to Emma. I’m not usually to prompt. Thank God I have her! She’s like an assistant. But I would never ever tell her that. I would be dead when they found me.
“Hello gorgeous!” My manager Rosie greeted me outside the conference room the meeting was taking place in.
Emma had dropped me off outside and with a quick hug and a “Don’t worry!” she left to go to a meeting she had with Scouting For Girls about writing a song for them. She could have at least walked me in. Psht, how rude. I mean, come on, it’s only a famous band that requested her personally. She totally could have missed the meeting!
Rosie has been my manager since the very beginning, since I was on Barney when I was 7 years old. Yeah, I was on Barney, I’m cool like that. She manages (well duh) everything that I do from little commercials to parts in shows. Rosie is a bad ass. Plain and simple. Don’t ever get on her wrong side. She will bring you down no problem!
“Hi Rosie,” I smiled nervously.
“Oh don’t be nervous, Hun.” She said in her heavy New York accent.
“I’m not nervous.” I said.
“Alright…” Rosie laughed and we walked into the meeting room.

“OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!! I. LOVE. MY. JOB!!!!” I yelled as I came into the house.
“Bad day, huh?” Tom laughed.
“I think she hates it.” Harry said seriously.
“Yeah, complete rubbish job.” Gi laughed from where she sat on the couch with Tom’s arms around her.
“It was sooooooooooo amazing. We had such a good time! We did these warm up thingers, then we read some of the script and sung, and everybody is so super nice, and OH MY GOD! It was so much fun!” I said jumping up and down.
“Yeah, I don’t think she had a good day.” Dougie laughed from where he had been hiding in the kitchen.
“DOUGIE!” I laughed and ran over to him.
“Hi,” he smiled.
“Hi,” I smiled back and he kissed me on the lips.
“Alright you two, get a room.” Harry sighed as we continued kissing.
Without stopping kissing me, Dougie gave Harry the middle finger and Gi threw a pillow at Dougie.
“HEY!” He said breaking his lips apart from mine.
“That was mean!” I pouted.
“Oh was it?” Gi laughed raising her eyebrows, her tone was mocking.
“You wanna pillow fight? I’ll give you a pillow fight and I will whoop your ass.” I said in a tough guy voice.
“Well come on then.” She said picking up a pillow.
“BRING IT!” I yelled and charged at her with the pillow she had thrown at me and Dougie in my hands.
The pillow fight started with just Gi and I laughing our asses off and hitting each other as hard as we could, but it soon involved Harry, Tom, and Dougie as well. Yeah giant pillow fights! WOOT! Soon Harry and Gi had ganged up on Tom, who had fallen on the couch.
“Ahhhhh!!” Tom yelled as he tried to curl up into a ball whilst they hit him.
That left me and Dougie with our own little war.
“You’re going down, Poynter!” I yell and hit him again with the green pillow.
“Oh no you’re the one going down!” Dougie yells, runs at me, picks me up, and run with me upstairs. This boy is strong!
“Dougie what the bloody hell are you doing?” I laugh as he walks through the doorway of my room.
“I wanted to talk to you about something, Celine.” He said putting me down on my bed.
“What?” I asked looking at him. His face had gone all serious and he sat next to me on the bed.
“You know how everyone knows that Harry and Emma are dating?” He said.
“Yeah, so?” I said. I’m starting to get confused.
“Well, I was just wondering. Does it bother you that people don’t know that we’re together?” Dougie asked looking me dead in the eyes.
“Dougie…” I stared to say but he cut me off.
“Because I could talk to our managers or something and see if we could go public. Because I really do love you Celine and I don’t want us to break up because people don’t know about us.” He sighed.
“Dougie, whoa, where is all this coming from?”
“I don’t know. I just started thinking about it the other day when I saw pictures of Harry and Emma in some magazine.”
“You think because people don’t know that we’re a couple, I would want to break up with you?” I asked, shocked. “Because I don’t want to break up with you. In fact, breaking up with you is the farthest thing from my mind. I love you Douglas Lee Poynter.”
“Really?” He smiled at me.
“Really,” I laughed.
“You certainly are a strange one.” I smiled and he tackled me.
“Why hello.” He smiled.
“Hello there.” I laughed.
Then he was kissing me. Pure bliss. When he kisses me it’s like the whole world and every single problem in it disappears. I could really stay like this forever.
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Please comment my lovies!