Control Yourself or I Will, Joe

When Mr. Jonas finds a mysterious girl beaten down on the side of the road, he takes her home and they nurse her to health.
Then, they find out the true story.
  1. Lonely, Broken Girl
    "It was just those scared, green eyes and pursed pink lips."
  2. Thank You. Goodbye.
    "It was the sweetest, whitest smile I've ever seen in my life and she wasn't even completely smiling."
  3. Pretty Boy
    "If word gets out, I know who to find and you won't be happy."
  4. Bets
    "Joseph Jonas never had to fight for survival."
  5. The Machine
    "I am just bitter that I look like a freaking poodle."
  6. Underage Driving.
    "Judging by his reaction, I assume my feelings were plastered all over my face."
  7. Prom
    "What kind of a bet?"
  8. Goodbye.
    "Joe, I can't see you anymore- at all."
  9. Come Home With Me
    "I needed to do something to help."
  10. Fair Enough
    " I inhaled a deep breath and let it out. I was terrified."
  11. Always an Forever
    "Hesitantly, I mouthed, "I love you." "