Don't Stop If I Fall

Front The Scene

We finally made it home and Gerard and his Grandma left Jade and I in the living room to collect items for Jade's arm. For now, it was just wrapped up in an old dish towel, and was soon stained with dried blood.

Jade and I sat on the couch, Jade's vision fixed on the grayish carpet.

"So what really happened?" I asked, tapping her other arm.

"Nothing..." She sighed.

"Come on Jade, you can tell me." I assured her.

"Um... well... no no it's nothing." She stuttered.

"Ugh Jade-" Mikey came rushing out of him and Gerard's bedroom and appeared in front of us.

"Ah! Jade are you okay?" He asked, out of breath.

"um, sorta." She looked up from the carpet only for a second, until her face shaded red, and she turned away. I smirked to myself.

"Sorta isn't that good. Gerard and Grandma are getting some bandage tnig to wrap it you up with." He sat down on the coffee table, like always. "I'm here to lead you to the lavatory so we can clean of your arm."

Jade's head popped up again and her and Mikey stared at eachother for at least 30 seconds before Mikey snapped out of it, and reached out for her hand to lead her to the bathroom. Jade turned to me, giving me a happy, but somewhat deserting look. I gave a weak smile and mouthed "We will talk later." and she gave a smile back.

Mikey led Jade in the hallway, and they dissapeared into the bathroom, the door open with the light from the ceiling lamp gleaming onto the hallway's floor. I sat there alone on the couch, and got myself comfortable. Then, i suddenly thought of Jordan.

I ripped out my cell phone and decided to give her a call, seeing we haven't really talked since the "incedent". I dialed in hte number 3 and heard the ringing in the small metal device. It kept on ringing, and ringing, never ending, until i heard Jordan's voice on the other end.

"Knock knock. Who's there? Not me! Leave a message at the beep. bye! BEEEP. haha just kidding!" Her loud voice echoed through my head until i heard the monotoned beep, forcing me to leave a message.

"Uh hey Jordan. Don't know when you have your phone off, but I guess you to today. Just checking up on ya. Yeah, call back. Peace." I shut the phone and sighed. I didn't like this whole no-one-tells-me-where-they-are-or-what-happened thing.

I kept on wondering what happened to Jade. She couldn't have hurt herself that bad. She couldn't have. Someone else had to have. But who? Ugh i hate thinking.

came back to earth from thinking as Gerard passed out right next to me on the couch. I jumped, being shocked and he laughed a little.

"You gotta stop doin that." He smiled.

"Doing what?" i asked sheepishly.

"Zoning out like your in another world all the time." He put his arm around me.

"Aw, but that's one of the reasons you love me." I giggled sarcastically.

"Of course." He shook his head. "Jade is doing fine. Her arm is all wrapped up, and Mikey sure is helping a lot."

"Heee liiikkeess hherrr.." I whispered.

"No shit. ha ha." Gerard admitted. "Jade must've fallen pretty hard to get that kind of cut, I feel bad."

"She didn't do it." i whispered.

"What do you mean?" Gerard asked me, i felt his eyes looking down to me.

"She couldn't have done that to herself." i sighed.

"Yeah...yeah i guess your right." he sighed too. "But who?"

"that' what i want to find out."

We waited for Jade and Mikey to come out of the bathroom, and we all helped Jade wrap up her arm.

Later on, we all passed out in the den where i slept the first night i stayed in the Way home. We had fun and talked forever, but i never asked Jade what was going on.

"Hey Ava, what time is it?" Jade asked me.

"Uh, wow like ten o clock." I laughed.

"Woah.." her face turned pale.

"Something wrong Jade?" Gerard asked her, concerned at her expession.

"Oh nothing..should i be getting home soon?" she asked nervously.

I could tell she didn't want to go, and it wasn't just because we were having so much fun. It was something else...but what?

"No! Don't go." Mikey blurted out, and covered his mouth right after he said it. I laughed.

"Of course we don't want you to leave, Jade." I explained. "But if you have to."

"Want us to walk you home?" Gerard asked.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. We all stared at her oddly, and she leaned back down on the couch pretending her outburst didn't just happen.

I hesitated, but continued talking breaking this awkward silence. "Better yet, how bout she stays over guys?" I asked the Way brothers. They nodded happily and Jade's face lit up, from excitment...and a little bit of relief.

I wqas gonna get out of her what happened tonight even if it killed me. I had to.
She was hiding something.