With the Lips of an Angel, Comes the Eyes of a Monster

Welcome Home...

I was so excited for this day to come, my man and our friends were coming back from tour. I quickly got dressed, jumped in the car and drove towards my friend Val's house, because that's where me and the rest of the girls are going to meet are men. Here's a little relationship history: Val and Matt are engaged, Leanna and Jimmy are dating, Mickie and Zacky are dating, Brian and I are dating, and that leaves poor Johnny, who just broke up with his girlfriend before they left for tour.

I parked my car and walked into Val's house. You never needed to knock at Val's house because we all practically lived there, except for Jimmy. Where ever Me and Brian were, you would see Jimmy right there with me, and he would never say why, he would just be there. He practically lived with us. The girls and guys actually introduced me to Brian, well everyone did except Jimmy. I guess it's because Jimmy is like my older brother, like all the other guys, and he just wants to protect me but he's only around when I'm with Brian. Brian is no one to be afraid of,so why would I need to be protected? Well any way, I found all the girls in the kitchen, chatting away and drinking coffee, since it was so fucking early in the morning.

"Ahhhhhh I have found my whores." I shouted as they all ran over the counter to hug me. The four of us have grown up together, and are exactly like sisters.

"So Val. how far away did the guys say the are from the house?" Mickie asked as me and Leanna chimed in saying 'Yea.'

"Matt said they should be here soon, so I say about any minute now." Val said as we all turned our heads to the door.

It was then that I heard the sound that I had been dying to hear. It was the sound of a huge bus pulling up in front of Val's house, and the voices of a bunch of guys talking amongst themselves. We all ran outside and saw what we had all longed to see and missed, our men. I noticed that Johnny was walking up the hill towards us first, and he looked so upset.

"Hey gals, i missed your fine asses, don't tell the guys i said that." He chuckled trying to hide his loneliness.

"Awwwh we missed you to gnome!" Mickie yelled as we all grabbed Johnny for a hug.

"I loves da ladiesss." He hissed.

I couldn't wait to see my Brian, but part of me did not want to see him, because before he left for tour, we were constantly arguing. Finally, Matt, Jimmy, Zacky, and Brian walked up towards us. I noticed that Brian looked extremely tired but he dropped all of his bags and embraced me in the most loving hug and kiss.

"I missed you tons baby." He whispered in my ear as we walked in to the house.

"I missed you to." I said back. God, he is such a sweetheart, except for when we fight. We all walked in the living room and sat on the couch.

"Well you guys can just crash here because Val. and I need to uh, you know, we need to....." Matt was instantly cut off by Val.

"Yes we need to um go to sleep, yes go to bed." Val said as Matt picked her up and threw here over his shoulder. They soon disappeared upstairs.

"Well Mickie and I are gonna go up to the guest room, so don't disturb!" Zacky said as he kissed Mickie on her forehead. That just left Me and Brian, and Jimmy and Leanna because Johnny had already decided to go home.

"So how was tour?" I asked as Brian wrapped his tattooed arm around me.

"It was good, fun, and tiring, but i don't remember most of it." Jimmy said with a smirk.

"Do you wanna go home babe?" Brian asked me with pleading eyes.

" Yeah sure, Jimmy are you coming?" I asked thinking that Jimmy would say yes, because he always stayed with us.

"Uh nah not this time guys, I think I'm gonna go home with Lee." He said as Leanna reached to kiss him.

"WHAT? are you serious? Jimmy this is a first." I yelled in shock.

"Well there's a first for everything." He replied back. I told Brian that I would drive, because he looked half asleep. I pulled into our driveway, and leaned over to wake him up.

"Bri. babe, we're home, wake up." I said as i kissed his cheek.

"Uh huh Ohhh." He mumbled as he reached to open the car door. We walked inside and up to our bed room.

"I think I'm going to take a little nap." Brian said as he flopped on the bed.
"Okay babe I'll just go downstairs." I said.

"No, no come lay with me please." He said like his life depended on it. I flopped on the bed beside him and cuddled up into his arms that felt buff and stronger than before.

"Baby, you sure are buff." I said as i traced his tattoos with my finger.

"Yeah, I know, you like it?" He said as he slightly lifted his head.

"Hell yeah it's fucking sexy, but i love you regardless." I said as he grabbed my face for a kiss.

"I love you." he replied back and we soon fell asleep in each others arms.
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