Next Upon A Time (Goldilocks)

After The Escape

When Goldilocks heard baby Bear’s tiny voice, she awakened in a fright, jumped out of the wee tiny bed, scrambled down the stairs and ran out of the house, never to go back to the bears’ cottage again.

When Goldilocks already was nowhere in sight the three bears were getting really angry.
“No doubt, she was on a diet,” snorted baby bear, “But she completely ruined it. Look at this! She couldn’t even resist having some warm porridge!”
“And because of her weight,” exclaimed father bear, “Your little rocking chair is broken (that cost me $10 bucks)! Anyway, I’m sorry son. We’ll get you a massage chair, instead.”
“Geez, and that had so many calories,” Said mother bear.

Meanwhile, Goldilocks got lost and was tired of running away.

“Aw (inhale) man (exhale),” complained Goldilocks, “I knew (inhale) I should’ve went (exhale) to the gym!”
Goldilocks rested a bit and sat down on the ground in the middle of nowhere.
“And I’m lost!” she said. Then, she paused for a bit. “Wait a minute,”
She took out something out of her pocket. It was a GPS.
“Good thing I got this baby in eBay,”
Goldilocks was relieved…for a short time though. She noticed something wrong with her gadget. It was out of juice. Thankfully though, there was something like a cabin on top of a hill.