Status: hiatus.

I Can't Control My Sarcasm, but Maybe You Can Help

Why Is He Acting So Weird?

*Ryan's POV*
"Nice going Brendon," what was with him all of a sudden?

"So I noticed, awesome concert tonight by the way," Ava commented.

*Ava's POV*
"Thanks!" all the guys replied.

"So, is this your first Panic show?" Jon asked. Wow, I was so focused on Brendon I didn't even notice Spencer and Jon, they're too quiet.

"Yest it is," Kyra answered for us, "It was a surprise for Ava, today is her eighteenth birthday."

"Wow, you don't look eighteen," Spencer commented.

"I don't know if I should take that as a complimetn or an insult."

"Well that depends, were you dreading turning eighteen or lookng forward to it?"

"I was so looking forward to turning eighteen."

"I'm sorry then, I just insulted you, but you really do look younger than eighteen," Spencer apologized.

"It's okay, I tend to get that, even from people I've known forever."

"Happy Birthday Ava!" Brendon exclaimed out of nowhere.

*Spencer's POV*
What is with Brendon? I think he has an instant crush on Ava. I mean she is really pretty, but I already have a girlfriend. Even when he was around girls he like before, Brendon never acted like this, either he got drugged, or he REALLY likes Ava, which is kind of strong for knowing her for five minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize. I haven't had as much time as I would like to write, so this chapter is kind of a filler, because I had to get it typed up and posted before I start my homework. I'll try to write more and get some more chapters up this week. I make absolutely NO promises though. As always though, comments = love, and thanks for reading!!

quote for the day = Image
