Counting Down The Days To Go


“Thank you,” I told Mike as I snuggled into his chest. The ring that he had bought for me glinted in the light and it looked simply priceless.

“Hmm?” Mike asked. He was distracted by the movie that we were watching. We had decided to just stay in for the day so now we were under some comfortable blankets, snuggled to each other and watching Mama Mia.

“Thank you for buying the ring for me,” I said.

“Aww, Crystal. It’s okay,” Mike said, grinning down at me.

Out of impulse, I pecked his cheek. His skin felt soft and smooth; simply delicious. I pulled away only to see Mike looking at me intently. Before I knew it, Mike was sucking on my bottom lip. He was gentle and careful which was what I loved about him.

He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I gladly let his tongue slid in. He roamed along my teeth before our tongues fused together, battling for dominance that Mike eventually won. This continued for a while before we had to eventually pull apart for some air. I just loved Mike’s kisses. He was just so sweet and not at all forceful. I think I’m falling in love with him.

“I don’t think I could ever bear to leave you,” Mike said after a while.

“Neither can I.”

“What if I had to go away for a while? Even though it’s truly against my will?” Mike asked.

“I’d miss you a whole lot and I’d be moping about, hoping to see you again. Why? Are you going anywhere?” I asked.

“No, of course not. I was just curious, that’s all.” Mike said. “How can I ever bear to leave my girlfriend alone?”

I blushed at what he said. “I hope we never have to part.”

“Me too. But sometimes…” Mike paused.


“Never mind. Look, they are singing Mama Mia now,” Mike said, pointing to the TV.

“Mama Mia, here I go again. Mama, how can I resist you?” I sang along. That was my all-time favorite ABBA song, along with Chiquitita and Fernando.

We then continued to watch the movie; occasionally breaking the comfortable silence with some chit-chat. It was great to spend some alone time with my boyfriend.


I woke up with a jolt. I don’t know what but something had woken me up from my deep sleep. Just as I was about to try and go back to sleep, I realized that my pillow was moving up and down in a slow rhythm. After looking around through my bleary eyes for a bit, I found out that this wasn’t my room at all. It looked something like a living room….

Just then, all the things that happened before I fell asleep rushed back to me like a truck going at 200mph. I was in Mike’s house and I must have fallen asleep while watching a movie. Mike was still sound asleep on the sofa and he looked like he didn't have a care in the world. And my comfortable pillow? It was his chest.

I didn’t know how the both of us fell asleep but there was no way for me to go back home at such a late hour. Turning back to Mike, I saw that he was cute even when he was asleep. You know the people who looked cool when they are awake and jolly but when they are asleep, they begin drooling with their mouths wide open? Mike wasn’t that sort of person. He wasn’t drooling and neither was his mouth wide open in an unglamorous fashion. I studied his fine jaw line and cheekbones and realised how much I envied him for having such good genes.

“Watcha staring at me for?” Mike asked me groggily as he sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.

“How did you wake up?” I asked, bewildered. Just a second ago, he seemed to be in a deep slumber.

“I don’t know. Human reaction? Maybe you were staring at me too much so I woke up,” He said with a small laugh. “What time is it?”

Glancing at the clock, I said, “3 in the morning.”

“Do you want me to drive you home or something?” Mike asked as he yawned.

“No…,” I paused as I myself yawned. Yawing is contagious! “Would you mind if I stayed here for a while more? I don’t really like going home to an empty house in the middle of the night.”

“Sure. What do you want to do now? I can’t really go back to sleep after I wake up. It’s a bad habit of mine,” Mike said.

“Me too,”

“I feel like drinking milk. Wanna come?”

“Sure,” I said and the two of us begin walking to the kitchen. Mike grabbed a glass of milk while I ate some cereal without the milk.

“So how did we fell asleep?” I asked. I had to recollection of falling asleep at all.

“Well, you sort of snuggled into me and I thought you were watching the movie but after a while, I tried talking to you but you didn’t answer. So I thought maybe you were concentrating on the movie. Then, I heard you snoring-,”

“I do not snore!” I exclaimed. I really didn’t thought I was a snorer. I mean, both of my parents don’t snore…I think?

“Sure, and you don’t talk in your sleep either,” Mike said.

I realized that maybe I do snore after all because sleep-talking was something I did since I was a young girl. I didn’t know I sleep-talked until I went to this slumber party during elementary school and woke up to a group of girls all crowding around me and whispering. Apparently, I had been sleep-talking about my Brenny-Bear and how much I missed it.

“What did I say?” I asked. I really hoped I hadn’t said anything embarrassing.

“Oh. Nothing much. Just something about Mike being the hottest guy ever and how much you love me,” Mike said with a grin.

“I did?” I asked. I wasn’t too embarrassed about Mike hearing it because I mean, it is the truth after all.

“Nah, I was just kidding. You said something about your mom and dad though. You miss them?”

“Yeah. They are like hardly around and even when they are at home, I’m busy with school and stuff so we don’t really have time to bond,” I said with a shrug.

“I understand. My relationship with my parents used to be like that too. Ever thought of sitting down with them and talking about it?”

“Would it help?”

“Of course. Just try it. I mean, after they realize how much you miss them, I’m sure they’d forgo all the business meetings to spend time with you,”

“Okay,” I mumbled through the mouthful of cereal.

“You know what? I just thought of a new nickname for you!” Mike suddenly said with glee evident in his voice.

“Tell me?”

“Don’t be mad at it but your new nickname is Piggy,” Mike said before bursting into laughter.

I laughed along because his laughter was just too contagious. “You’re mean! How could you call me a pig?” I asked with a fake pout.

“Because you’re as cute as a pig.”

“Aww. Still, it doesn’t make it better. There are thousands of other cute nicknames,” I grumbled.

“Sure, Piggy.”

“Hey!” I said as I smacked his arm playfully.

This playful quarrel went on for awhile before we decided to go and take a nap for a bit. Of course, Mike just had to say ‘Good night, Piggy’ before the both of us drifted of to sleep again.
♠ ♠ ♠
ehh.. fillerish.
but i thought they should spend some couple time together. :D
and um , if you read closely enough;
these chapter is fairly important.

and please don't whack me for the corny nickname!
Piggy was the first one that popped into my head.
so i just typed it out.
it was either piggy or something even cornier like muffletops/strawberry/honey-bunny etc.
i suck at these lovey-dovey stuff crap. xD

thanks for supz for commenting!
people who comment are my driving force. :D :D :D