You Only Get One Shot

Puppy Love

The day was September 16 1992. One baby boy was born to a loving family. They named him Nicholas Jerry Jonas. That same night in that same hospital a beautiful baby girl was born. Her mother named her Hailey Ann Kennedy. The mothers quickly bonded over there hospital stay and became inseparable. They soon realized they lived close by to each others. A strong family friendship was born.

“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Nick and Hailey
Happy birthday to you!”

Today was their 12th Birthday. But neither Nick nor Hailey were in the mood to celebrate. They had found that Hailey and her family were moving to California. She was gonna leave Wyckoff the only place she had known as home.

“Come on cheer up it’s your Birthday.” Hailey’s dad gave her a hug.

“NO!” Hailey ran out of the Jonas house and into the tree house.

“Hailey are you okay?” Nick climbed into the tree house and sat next to her.

Hailey didn’t say anything to him. Nick sighed and softly started singing to her.


I can see it in your eyes
Tell me what's on your mind
Don't keep it all inside
I am here for you
(I am here for you)
Did somebody bring you down
Turn your smile into a frown
I'll help you work it out
When the answer's hard to find
I will give you peace of mind

When you need a friend to call
I'll be right there beside you
To shelter you and guide you
I'll miss you candle light
When your tear drops start to fall
I will be there to dry them
Before you can cry them
On the darkest night
I will be the light
I will be the light
Do do do do do do

You can share your secrets here
There's no need to be afraid
My love will never change
It's unconditional
(it's unconditional)
Knock the door to your heart
Knocked down and torn apart
I'll help you make a start
And build it up again
Help you shine a light within

When you need a friend to call
(when you need a friend)
I'll be right there beside you
To shelter you and guide you
I'll miss you candle light
(I'll miss you candle light)
When your tear drops start to fall
(I will dry them)
I will be there to dry them
Before you can cry them
On the darkest night
I will be the light
I will be the light
Do do do do do do

Everybody's searching for somebody to believe in
Everybody needs someone to care
A shoulder you can cry on
A love you can rely on
Reach out and trust me if you can
Just take my hand

When you need a friend to call
(anytime you need a friend)
I'll be right there beside you
To shelter you and guide you
I'll miss you candle light
(and you can rely on me)
When your tear drops start to fall
I will be there to dry them
Before you can cry them
On the darkest night
I will be the light
I will be the light
Do do do do do do

No wind
No rain
No storm is ever going to stand in my way
No load is too great
Hold on
I'll be there to carry the weight

No wind
No rain
No storm is ever going to stand in my way
No load is too great
Hold on
I'll be there to carry the weight

That only made her cry a little bit more. Nick gently dried her tears.

“Nick I’m going to miss you so much.” She hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulders. “I’m never going to see you again.”

“That’s not true.” Nick started cry a little. “I’ll come visit you and I’ll call you.”

“Promise?” She looked right into his eyes she loved so much.


The day the Kennedy’s were leaving for California Nick called Hailey over to his house. He said it was an emergency.

“Nick! Nick!” Hailey ran in screaming his name. “Nick?” She heard music coming from the basement. Hailey walked down the stares and saw Nick, Joe and Kevin there with there with their instruments. She thought they were just practicing for their audition at Columbia records.

“Hailey I couldn’t let you go before I told you how I felt.” Nick started playing his guitar.

Oh oh yeah oh yeah
If the heart is always searchin’
Can you ever find your home?
I have been looking for that someone
I can't make it on my own
Dreams can’t take the place of loving you
there's gotta be a million reasons why its true

When you look me in the eyes
and tell me that you love me
everything’s alright
when you're right here by my side
when you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
when you look me in the eyes

how long will I be waiting
to become a better man
Gonna tell you that I love you
in the best way that I can
I can't take a day without you here
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear

When you look me in the eyes
and tell me the you love me
every things alright
when you're right here by my side
when you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
when you look me in the eyes

Everyday I start to realize
I can reach my tomorrow
I can hold my head up high
It's all because your by my side

When you look me in the eyes
and tell me that you love me
everything’s alright
when you're right here by my side
when you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise

when you look me in the eyes
and tell me that you love me
Everything’s alright
when your right here by my side
And when you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
when you look me in the eyes

“Nick I love you too.” Hailey hugged him tight. “Don’t ever forget it.”

“Here I got you this.” Nick pulled out a little locket. It was a silver heart. Inside it there was a picture of them looking at eachother with the biggest smiles. “I hope you remember me always.”

“Always and Forever.” She was about to leave out the door when she turned around and gave Nick a soft sweet goodbye kiss. “I love you Nicholas Jerry Jonas.”

That was four years ago. Nick and Hailey kept in touch for half a year after she left. They stopped talking when The Jonas Brothers started getting bigger. Hailey wasn’t mad at them she was proud they were living their dreams. Her favorite song of theirs was still When you look me in the eyes the original version.

The day of her 16th birthday she thought of Nick. Just like every other birthday. She was at the dog park with her puppy Pookie. She had gotten a few weeks back.

“Come on girl go get the ball!” Hailey tossed the ball and sat down at one of the benches.

Today was Nick Jonas 16th birthday. He had everything he could possibly ask for. Well, he didn’t have the girl of his dreams. Hailey Ann Kennedy. He had just gotten a puppy for his 16th birthday. A cute little golden retriever. He named him Elvis after Elvis Costello and Elvis Presley. He was taking him to the dog park for a walk. When his red leash slipped out of his grasp.

“Elvis!” Nick ran after his energetic pup.

“Good job Pookie.” Hailey patted her puppy on the head. “Go get it.” She was about to throw the ball again when a cute puppy ran up to them. “Hi there.” She petted him on the head and she heard someone yelling.

“Elvis!” Nick yelled as he watched his pup stop by a girl. She had her back to him.

“You’re such a cutie! Where’s your mommy?” The girl talked to Elvis in a baby voice.

“Sorry about that.” Nick came over and grabbed Elvis leash.

There looking down at Hailey was the one boy she thought she’d never see again.

“It’s okay don’t worry about it. She smiled up at him hopping he would remember her.

Nick looked down at the smiling girl. The first thing that came to mind was that she was a fan. The sun made the necklace she was wearing shine. Nick looked at it and memories came back to him.

“Where did you get this?” He cautiously touched the locket.

Hailey smiled happily. “I got it for my birthday a long time ago.” She looked up at him. “From my best friend and also the boy that I cant get out of my heart.”

“Hailey?” Nick asked in a whisper almost scared that this girl wasn’t his dream girl.

“How long have you waited to become a better man Nicholas?” She asked him with a smile and a few tears of joy.

Nick didn’t hesitate to hold her in his arms. He finally found his dream girl again and he wasn’t planning on ever letting go. “I love you, I always have.” He whispered against her ear.

“I told you I would always love you.” She was still hugging him when they heard barking.

Their puppies were playing around in the grass together. They looked at them and laughed.

Puppy Love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it sucks =/
Songs: I Will Be The Light. By Nicholas Jonas
When You Look Me In The Eyes (First version) By The Jonas Brothers