Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

13. He's Just A Friend

Sophie’s POV

“I… I” Frank stutters. Hah. I got him back.

“I’m listening,” I laugh.

“That depends. If I love you..” he answers shyly.

“And do you love me?” I ask. “Honestly.”

“I won’t answer that! That’s a second question!” Frank laughs. Damn. I slightly hoped he would answer that. “Uhm.. it’s my turn again…” Frank thinks.

“Yeah, it’s the last question,” I realize. So now I can’t ask him if he loves me. Damn it.

“Do you want to hang out with me again?” he asks. Wow, he’s asking me out. I want to scream ‘YES’ but I hold back. That would be embarrassing.

“It would be a pleasure, Mr Iero,” I say, smiling. Carefully he smiles back. “What about Saturday, 7pm?” I ask.

“That sounds great!”

“Okay, it’s a date,” I say, happily. “I am enjoying this, but I have to go, unfortunately.”

“Oh. It was a pleasure to have this date with you, Sophie. I can’t wait till Saturday.”

“Me neither,” I whisper. “Will you walk with me?” I ask, shyly.

“Yeah, sure.” Slowly we begin walking. “Where do you live?” He asks.

“12, Morton Street,” I answer. Calmly he nods and smiles. I love how he smiles. It makes me smile, too. And oh, you have to look at his eyes. They’re gorgeous. He’s just perfect for me.
Wait, am I falling for him? No, it can’t be. I mean, he’s a rock star. We’re just friends, I guess. Suddenly I realize I was staring at him.

“Why are you staring?” he asks.

“I… uhh…”

“Am I too hot for you?” he laughs. Shyly I laugh with him. Yes, you are hot, Mr Frank Iero. Yes, I want to kiss you so badly. I want to be in your arms.
No, Sophie! We are just friends. I don’t like him, I don’t like him, I don’t like him, I don’t like him, I like him! No, no, no!! You’re bad, Sophie, bad. You can’t like a rock star. You won’t get him. You can’t get him. No way. “You’re home,” Frank says.

“Thank you for walking with me.”

“No problem, with a nice girl like you.” Soon I start to blush. No, I don’t want to blush, don’t ruin this Sophie! What will he think of you? “Bye,” he says, and hugs me. I am actually surprised he hugs me, but I enjoy it. I am in his arms. I hope this moment will never stop. Unfortunately, he pulls away, and stares in my eyes. “Do you know you have beautiful eyes?” he asks. Oh no, there I go again, I feel I am blushing.

“No,” I whisper.

“Oh well, they’re gorgeous,” Franks answers. I can’t stop my feelings. I like Frank Iero.
He holds my face between his cold hands and stares deeper in my eyes. He comes closer, so close I can feel him breathing against my skin. I stare back in his eyes. They’re gorgeous.
When our foreheads touch each other, I close my eyes. This is it, I like Frank Iero, and now we’re going to kiss. I can’t deny it anymore, I think I am falling for him. The way he smiles, the way he stares into my eyes, I like everything about him. “I…I got to go, see you Saturday,” Frank says, unexpectedly. ‘What? I thought we were going to kiss. It was the perfect moment!’ I want to say, but I keep my mouth shut.

“Yeah, bye,” I say. He slowly starts to walk away. I want to stop him, but I can’t. It feels like I am glued to the floor. This perfect moment is over, and I have to live with it.
Slowly, I walk in, and find Kaydie and Marissa in the living room.

“Explain, Soph, you’re late. I want every detail of your date,” Kaydie immediately says.

“Yeah,” Marissa agrees.

“Well, he bought me coffee, and then we talked. We played 20 questions. Then he brought me home. That’s it! Nothing else,” I say, already missing Frank.

“Really? Nothing else?”


“We saw you guys, you guys hugged, it was so romantic. And then you almost kissed. Now explain to me: ‘Nothing happened’ ?” Kaydie says. Oh no. They saw us. Shit.

“We just hugged friendly, and we didn’t kiss. Nor almost kissed,” I lie. “He’s just a friend, I am not in love with him. I don’t even like him. He’s a friend.”

“Do we have to believe that?”

“Yes! I don’t like him,” I lie, again. I don’t want them to know I like him. It’s my little secret, and it will never change.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go, yet another wonderful chapter by Leen. I hope you all liked it :).
Comments are still very much welcome, so please don't make me beg?