Rips your heart out and leaves you bleeding with a smile on your face.


I woke up again, from another nightmare of the previous day's happenings. I rolled over onto my stomach and slapped my hand down on the nightstand next to me, looking for my phone. Once I found it I flipped it open to look at the time. Bright light came beaming out from the little screen, which made my eyes close and water. I slowly opened my eyes letting them adjust to the brightness and looked at the time 3:45am. I closed my phone and slammed it down onto the nightstand hard enough for it to smash. I let out a long sigh and pushed myself up into a sitting position. I slid off the side of my bed and my feet grazed the cold floor beneath me, sending a chill up my back.

I lazily walked over to my computer and pressed the round power button. As I was waiting for it to turn on I threw my hair back into a messy ponytail. not caring much about my appearance right now. I dropped onto the computer chair and rolled myself closer to the monitor. I double clicked the 'aim' link and tapped my finger against the desk impatiently as I waited for it to pop up, and sign me in. When it finally popped up I got a IM from Dalton.

Dalton(3:50 AM): Hey baby, I'm really sorry about what I said. Please forgive me. Be my gf again. I still love you.

Melissa(3:51 AM): Are you serious? Of course I will. I love you.

Dalton(3:54 AM): Come outside now, meet me at the park. I miss you already, babe.
*Dalton is now offline*

I don't know why he would want to change his mind about it, he seemed pretty sure of his decision when he ended it yesterday. But that was really the least of my worries right now, Dalton still loves me, and hes still my boyfriend. Thats all that matters, right?

I hurried quietly down the stairs, my heart racing at the thought of seeing Dalton's gorgeous face and being in his strong arms once again.


I reached the park and seen a shadow sitting on the swing, and at that very moment, the figure seemed to notice me. It got up and started walking towards me. I couldn't make out who it was, all I knew it was too large to be Dalton. My mouth was going dry, and there was that dreadful lump in my throat.

The figure slowly immured from the darkness, into the light provided by the street lamps. I seen his face, a large shadow on one half of his face that looked like he was scratched by something.

"Well, What do we have here?" he said as he let out a roar of deep laughter. He was getting closer and closer with each step. My head was screaming RUN, but my body would not budge. I was frozen, frozen in shock.

"I-I-I um.." I choked on my own words.

"I like the ones who don't fight back." he laughed, deeper this time. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. He smelt of alcohol. I looked up at him, he was towering over me, I felt as if I was three feet tall.

Just as he was reaching for me, another shadow appeared out of the darkness and struck him hard in the back of the head with an unknown object.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry, had to leave it as a Cliff-hanger. :] I'll update again tonight maybe? If I get comments, and subscribers. :]

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