Twisted Up

Smoothies&Hugs equals Love.

I sat at the table, sipping on my smoothie and waiting for my cousin and his band to arrive.

My Cousin Josiah's band Bidwell, had hired me to help Nate's(the lead singer) wife with merchandise and be a photographer. I smiled as I saw my friends walk through the door of the ahhh!roma café. Colby was in front leading as always, his long brown hair falling just above his eyes, His best friend Nate was right behind him, holding his wife Vanessa's hand. Behind them was Brian who was talking (Like he is most of the time) to Josiah who was laughing along with Matty. Colby broke out into that grin that made girls hearts melt, as soon as he saw me.

"Paige-ayyyyy!" The boys chorused.
Vanessa smiled waiting till the boys calmed down

"Hi boys!" I gave them all hugs "Nessa!!!"

"Hey, you're excited to see her but not me?" Josiah whined

I laughed, "I'm excited to see all of you!"

"Shall we?" Colby offered me his arm and I took it.

The boys were meeting me here and then walking over to the concert venue. As I talked with Josiah and Colby, we approached the alley entrance of the venue. The boys had to go do sound check so Nessa stayed and showed me around.

"You have no idea how grateful I am that you came along. I've been girl deprived for wayyyy too long."

I laughed as she handed me my all access pass. I clipped it onto my key chain thing, we showed the guard our passes and made our way to the front area where all the merchandise people were. I had already dropped off my luggage at the venue yesterday so my stuff was already in the bus Bidwell was sharing with some band called The Maine. Nessa pointed out all of the boxes just as the doors opened. Bidwell was on tour with All Time Low and The Maine and so of course the other two-merch tables were flooded with people.

"If you want to go hang out, go ahead, I doubt we'll be busy. I'll call if I need you." Vanessa said


I showed the guard my pass and walked down the hallway until I saw Bidwell waiting in the dressing room. I walked in the room.

"Hey!" I said to Matty and he waved to me.

Whoever Matty was talking too turned around to see who he had waved to and I stopped where I was. A guy with brown hair and big brown eyes was looking at me, he smiled and I felt myself start to turn red

"SIAH!" I yelled as I walked over to him and buried my face in his chest

"Help me…"

"whatsa matter baby Paigey?"

The boys call me baby Paigey since I'm so much younger than them. Siah is the youngest and he's about five years older than me.

"A cute boy looked at me." I felt him laugh

"Yeah, that's going to happen a lot. You're really pretty."

I lifted my head off his chest and looked up to be greeted by the same warm eyes that had made me bury my face in the first place.

"Did I do something to scare you?" he asked concerned

I felt myself turn red but I tried to control it "no, I just turn red really easily."

"Ok good. I'm Pat by the way" he smiled and I gained my self-confidence back.

"I'm Paige."

"Baby Paigey!" Josiah piped in.

I rolled my eyes as Pat stuck his hand out for me to shake and I smiled.

"What? You're too lame to give hugs?"

I heard Josiah laugh because I always say that and it caught Pat off guard.

"n-no. just people don't usually greet one another with hugs when they meet someone."

"I love hugs! And if we're going to be on tour together for three months then we best get acquainted. I'm doing merch for Bidwell so I assume we'll see a lot of each other."

"Well then…"

He held his arms out and I gave him a hug.

" You give really good hugs. Normally guys suck at giving hugs, half the time it's like hug a fish. They just kind of slap you on the back and it lasts like point zero two seconds." I said.

If I'm nervous then I pretty much don't stop talking, so this was going to be interesting. Pat cracked up laughing as Josiah and the other members of Bidwell left the dressing room because they had to go on stage soon.

"Good Luck boys!!" I yelled and Colby waved at me in thanks.

There was a slightly awkward pause in Pat and I's conversation because Josiah, the one person we both know, left.

"So, have you ever been on tour or anything before?"

I shook my head "No, this is my first time. It should be an adventure."

"Yeah, just watch out for some of the guys, they're all really nice but sometimes they get really female deprived even though there's hundreds of girls at the shows."

I sat down on the stool Siah had previously sitting on.

"Thanks for the warning. So what Band do you play for, or are you a tech or something?"

"I play drums for The Maine. You want to meet the rest of my band mates?"

I hopped off my stool.

"Sure! Do they give hugs?"

He laughed as he put his hand on my back; his touch gave me goose bumps, leading me towards a group of boys on the sofas

"Paige, this is Garrett, he plays guitar for my band." He pointed to a brunette guy wearing red ray-bans

"G, this is Paige she's doing the merch for Bidwell."

"Nice to meet you"

He smiled at me and held out his hand, which I shook. As Pat steered me towards the other side of the room he whispered,

"No hug for Garrett?"

"I only hug certain people when I meet them. The rest have to wait till I know them a bit better."

"Oh so I’m special?"

He looked at me and I could feel myself turning red again so I just played it off by sticking my tongue out at him

"maybe." I said dragging out the Y.

We came to a table where there were three guys, two brunettes with shaggy hair and a guy with strawberry blonde hair. Kennedy and John, the guys with brown hair played bass and sang and Jared with the strawberry blonde hair played guitar. The guys were really nice and I talked to them until my phone buzzed. It was Vanessa saying she had to go to the bathroom and needed me to come relieve her.

“Oh, I got to go. It was nice meeting you boys. I’m sure we’ll see lots of each other”

“yeah, considering we’re sharing a bus.” John said

“oh yeah! I totally forgot about that.” I laughed

I noticed that Pat’s face fell a bit when I said I had to leave ‘don’t get yourself all worked up, he probably is girl deprived like he said the others get. But I certainly wouldn’t mind it if he was interested in me’ I thought as I walked out of the room and into the hallway back to the main area. I covered for Vanessa and chatted with the merch guy for All Time low, Vinny. Vanessa came back from the bathroom and there were only a few kids in the room so we started ‘girl talking’.
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So This story has a slow start but I promise it'll get better!!!!
let me know what you think!