Women in Video Games: Consumers and Representations - Comments

  • Hello dear;

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    Yours Friend miss khady zaidi khadyazaidi@outlook.com )
    December 5th, 2013 at 05:14pm
  • I don't see how hentai and video games link together, I always thought it was an anime/manga thing... Anyway. I don't think the US branch takes the threats all that seriously. It's kind of like reporting things on Tumblr and Facebook. They don't take allegations of rape seriously so they never do anything about it. That being said, men may get threatened, but women get threatened more. My gay male character wasn't nearly as attacked as my female even after my best friend joined and we marketed ourselves as a gay couple to try to stop all the sexual talk. But like I said, the US doesn't seem to take these threats all that seriously on major websites or games, and that should change. Designs should too, but that depends on where the designers are from. That would be a lot more difficult to deal with, I think, because then it hits an international scale.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 07:38am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    And you saying something racist makes your point null and void too. Sorry you can't accept the fact you made a racist, stereotypical (and incorrect by the way. try researching before you talk) point. Have fun making excuses for yourself the rest of your life :)
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:32am
  • @Puppycat

    I give up. You are obviously just one of those people that like to think the worst of someone, even when they apologize if something they said came off sounding like something it wasn't. I pity the world if it is going to end up like this, thank god I live in an understanding country. I made a mistake, yes, doesn't mean I should be called something I'm not. And insulting me over the internet by calling me a racist, make's your plight null and void. It's exactly like calling someone a 'cunt' on a video game. No one will take this issue seriously until the people insulting those for having a differing opinion, and those who are just trying to shed some light and possible causes stop. As I said, goodluck trying to convince the companies to change, I even made some call's to try and figure out why, even though for me personally, it's not a problem. But again, told I'm something I'm not, because I'm different :) Whatever. Goodluck and all that.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:26am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    Being Irish and stereotyped is not the same as being stereotyped as a person of color. And no, I don't think I will apologize because you said something which came across as racist, which, by the way, isn't the same as being abused online. You racially stereotyped someone, I'm not apologizing for your mistake.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 03:40am
  • Okay I couldn't help myself. Haha.


    I mean character design, not actual game design. Should have been more clearer. And I'm not assuming all asians, what I meant was that they are exposed to it, I'm not saying that they all watch it, but in game's like Lollipop Chainsaw it kind of makes you wonder if it has an influence, and I think it does on some design decisions. Don't talk to me about racial steriotyping, I get told i'm an alcoholic because I'm Irish. I know how it goes and I know it's harmful, so why would I do it to someone else. Just because you read it that way, doesn't mean it is that way. As obvious; I am not very good in putting into words what I am meaning. It;s the internet, you can't hear or see what I am saying, only read it, it's very hard to pass a judgement on something where you can't physically see what I am trying to say. Without those factors, which is why I said I wasn't to clarify, it looks that way. I'd appreciate an apology, because I am not racist. Never have been, never will be, and in saying I'm racist, you are actually do the same amount of damage that you are saying all these people do abusing you online. Just saying. I already apoligized and explained how some thing's I say may be taken the wrong way, but I never meant it. Please take note; when I say I don't mean offense, I bloody well mean it.

    Again, Not what I meant. I only gathered info from people I know, because I thought it might help to show that not all men are like that. What the hell is this? I don't think these thing's and you people really need to stop saying I do, because In doing so, you are exactly like those people who say those things. My boyfriend has been told by a middle aged man on COD that he was going to 'rape him and make him his bitch for life', so obviously it does happen. Stop assuming thing's about me, or what I am saying, because it's all wrong. Of course Girls do get those threats, all I was saying is that I don't know anybody who makes those threats, see's character's that way OR behaves in that manner. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I don't have my head buried in the sand, I know it happens, and I'm not saying it's right either.

    @sobre mi cadaver

    Yes I understand it has been decades, however the companies tried to stall it by making game's dedicated for girls, obviously they got that wrong and it didn't work. Of course girl's are allowed to play the same game's as men, however people overestimate how much the gaming companies care. They don't, and I don't think they ever will. Xbox NZ replied to my message to them, saying that they are not sure what's going on with the other branches, because they have a strict policy on complaints and they should'nt be overlooked. The guy I spoke to feels very strongly about this sort of verbal abuse and told me that if it was his branch, he would of dealt to it immediately. It's a shame he's not in charge of the whole community in my opinion. Very level headed. He also said that writing more letters to the branches specifically and sending in photographic evidence of the clothing, ie: fur armour if you have an issue with that, would help, aswell as if anybody was able to record what people were saying to them on their headsets. He explained that this has worked before for the US branch of Xbox, and also in the UK. Possibly something there? I realise you are all already reporting it, and that's great, but if your branch won't take the submission seriously, something more need's to be done. :/

    I'm not talking about the men at the moment. I'm not. I'm just saying it all links together, you can't fix one without fixing the other. The abuse happens because men see these things, and think it's okay to say them to a woman. It's never okay. So My only point was that the gaming community will never change unless everything else changes aswell at the same time. Maybe they should even have a polite gaming class in school once a year, considering that in my and other's experiences, the majority of the abuse come's from younger male gamer's, not older one's.

    No I know you're not attacking me, I just don't like it when people think I'm something, when I most deffinately am not. It's irks me, and makes me think 'well you are the same as them then aren't you?' and I don't like thinking that about people.

    So, again, I am not a racist, I am not trying to derail anything. I think there has been a major misunderstanding here, due to the fact that my boyfriend pointed out that sometimes, I don't word thing's well to convey my meaning appropriately in a way where it can't be taken as offensive. I apologize for this. Either way, the basic outline of what I think is:

    It's not right that this is happening. It's a good article that bring's light to the situations. I think even more research need's to be done, aswell as research into HOW this all came about, and why the companies (some branches) are not stopping it or trying to help in any way shape or form. I also think more research should be done into how the character's are designed, including going in front of a panel made up of men and women who comment on the character, and what they personally think of it and how it is portrayed. I also think that maybe it's time for age restrictions to be enforced onto our game's, making it so younger player's get stuck into different online lobbies, where they are playing with people their own age. The grouping's for what level you are on (XBOX) need to be enforced more efficently and I think it is also time for proper console banning's to come into effect. Xbox does console ban people, so they should apply it to reported people for bullying aswell.

    Is that better? haha I tried. I am honestly sorry but I can't word my thought's well.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 02:38am
  • Also as a sidenote:

    Steve Freak, main worker for League of Legends - American
    Toby Gard, character designer for Lara Croft - English
    Andrew and Paul Gower, creators of Runescape - British
    Dean Hall, creator of DayZ - New Zealander
    Casey Hudson, Project Director of the Mass Effect trilogy - Canadian
    James Jones, lead of Development team for Halo - American
    Ken Levine, creator of the BioShock games - American
    Al Lowe, creator of Leisure Suite Larry series - American
    Jordan Mechner, creator of Prince of Persia - American
    Gabe Newell, creator of Valve games - American
    Ken Rolston, lead designer of the Elder Scrolls games - American.

    Just saying...
    November 22nd, 2013 at 02:10am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    You're assuming all asians makers of games watch hentai. Racist stereotyping.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 01:49am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    My boyfriend can't recall him or his friends getting threatened with rape for being male while playing XBOX. That must mean it never happens, based on the way you are gathering statistics.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 01:44am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    On your first point, it's been decades since the shift from male-only audience to male AND female audiences changed; I think it is really silly to focus on what the past audiences were when the developers already have the statistics of the audiences of today.

    On your second point, this article is specifically about video games. That it focuses on video games doesn't mean that we do not pay attention to sexism in other communication media. It is derailing because you are bringing attention to men's issues when this is clearly about women in video games. I have nothing against discussing things that also affect men in mass media representations of them, but this is not the topic to do so. Derailing is harmful because you’re using the experience of male victims to silence females instead of giving them their own space.

    On your third pint, it's not like we don't know these things. You are not bringing in a new perspective to anything because these sort of arguments are exactly what predate any sort of discussion about women issues in the industry. It is not new to us and that is why I am not focusing on that, because every single damned discussion always ends on that same sort of discussion "what about the men?" "but men were there first!".

    I apologize for tagging you again, but you need to see that I'm not trying to change your opinion, but give factual information to people who might not be as engaged or knowledgeable on the topic. I don't mean this as a form of attacking you and I do hope my comment does not sound that way because it is not my intention. I respect your opinion and your resolution to not having it changed by the article or our opinions.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 01:40am
  • @Puppycat

    1. Now they are. Before, the consoles and games were marketed at men, for men. That was the sole purpose of the consoles. Despite what people think, just because us woman started playing them, doesn't mean the companies think that we are now their target audience. They are solely in it to make money, they make what sells.

    2. Will you people stop saying I'm derailing everything. It all links together. You can't just ignore all the issues and focus on one thing, it's cause and effect. It all links in together and some of those other things have direct effects on thing's in video games.

    3. Oh for god's sakes. I am sick of all of you people. I am not a racist, I have even been out with an asian, how can I be racist and sleep with one in my bed? Have an asian best friend? Who also happens to agree with my opinion on that. Don't be so ridiculous. It's the truth. Hentai/video game's have a direct link together. Don't tell me what I am steriotyping. GO AND WATCH THE CREDIT'S FOR VIDEOGAMES. The majority of designers are of asian decent. How am I steriotyping? It's the truth. Nothing against them, I was just bringing up a point my boyfriend made. Take Lollipop Chainsaw for example. Go and play that and see what I mean. You saying I am racist, would be akin to me saying you all over the top crazy feminists. It aint true is it? So why Would I say that when I don't know what any of you people are. You need to stop branding people with what you think they are, simply because you don't agree with their opinion and you view it differently.

    Please stop trying to 'derail' the discussion by making assumption's about me, when you have no clue who I am, what I am or what type of person I am. Attacking me, is not going to get you anything. I don't design these characters, I am only trying to help you people to see what some of the external YET IMPORTANT issues are, however, if you do not want to know, that's fine. You all go on thinking that it has nothing to do with it.

    I am totally and completely done with this. I am not trying to change any opinions, and I'm not even calling people out on what I personally think is over the top behaviour. I never said rape is okay, I never said I am a racist, I never said anything like that. I am leaving this, because it's just become a lynch mob.

    I'd appreciate it if you all would stop tagging me, because I don't want to be apart of this anymore. It's very difficult to tell someone's tone or what they are meaning over the internet, and it's really 'highschool' when someone say's you are something, or thinking something, that you must surely are not.

    November 22nd, 2013 at 01:26am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    1. "Did we really expect anything different from something that was designed with men in mind?" - Almost 50% of gamers are female.
    2. She was discussing video games so don't derail it to bring up other things just to support your argument.
    3. You can claim to not be racist all you want but your stereotyping of Asians says otherwise.
    November 21st, 2013 at 11:09pm
  • @drumonster.

    I have been told that myself on headsets, I'm not saying ti doesn't count. I never said anything like that. But what I was saying; is that it happens to male's to, and my opinion is that obviously, if people report it and it's being ignored, then it's a problem with the company's complaint systems. I can't stop people from abusing me on the multiplayer online, but I can mute them if I'm not interested. I am just stating my view.

    Like I said, I do not have this opinion, because, and I know this will be taken the wrong way, but I don't really care what people say to me online, because as far as I'm concerned, the majority of them are 12 year old's and don't actually have any life experience whatsoever, and half of them wouldn't know what rape was if it bit them in the ass (excuse the almost pun there)

    I mean, It's true, I have been abused for being a girl in a game, but It doesn't happen that often and I'm always on headset talking, so it's not like they don't have the opportunity. The majority of the time I get "Oh your a bitch" Because I continually shot them or something. So far as it goes FOR ME; It's friendly ribbing, however when it get's serious, then I either ignore them, or reply back with something equally as bad.

    It's not only the way women are portrayed in Videogames, but movies, tv, music videos, everything. I Don't even watch music video's or listen to any new music anymore because it (in my opinion) make's chick's look cheap. Did we really expect anything different from something that was designed with men in mind? And no I'm not saying people deserve to be abused online. I'm just saying, when male's are exposed to this sort of stuff all the time, how can we expect any different?

    I personally don't care if it changes or not, simply because I don't listen to the abuse, so It doesn't bother me. However I know it bother's others, and that's fine. I wish you guy's all the luck in the world changing the industry, but it's gonna take some time so if you need a signature for any online petition or whatever, more than happy to provide it. But I'm not interested in getting deeper into my views about this, because someone will deffinately get offended. I have very strong view's, and I'm not really interested in hearing the opposite side over and over, I already know. I am sorry, again, if I have offended anybody, but I'm entitled to my opinions, and they aren't changing.

    Like I said, I wish you all the luck in the world, but in order to get down to the problem with video games, you gotta look at what came before the video games, and what's around the designers and what's influencing them to make female character's that way.
    November 21st, 2013 at 11:00pm
  • You make very valid points in a very interesting article. I'm sorry to see that some people are too biased to see what's going on around them. Very well-written and you're obviously a well-educated person.
    November 21st, 2013 at 07:43pm
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    Maybe you surround yourself with guys who aren't assholes. Most of my female friend gamers get threatened with rape just for using their headsets and being female during gameplay. Does that not count for anything?
    November 21st, 2013 at 02:14am
  • @sobre mi cadaver

    Yeah, I think this is mainly the video game developers fault. I mean, everybody I asked (16 of them) didn't even care whether they played as a girl or boy, or what the girl or boy looked like. I am pleased though because alot of the game's that are coming out now seem to be adding female playable characters, So I think they are taking notice of the demand for girl characters, for us girls. Also, another point my boyfriend pointed out to me when I was talking to him about this.

    A lot of the games are made and designed in Asia, now I'm not meaning to be racist, I am just repeating what he said.

    "I saw on a television doco that they aren't allowed to watch real porn in some of those countries, which mean's they have the hentai. I think this has a direct impact on the video games, because a lot of the girl's in them, are designed by Asian's, who are used to seeing hentai. Even look at the original Dragonball Z, it's the same in their TV shows over there. If you look in the credit's and see who did visual designing for the character's, it will most likely be someone who come's from Asia"

    Now, I am not saying all asian's are perv's, but he does have a point. They are exposed to hentai, which has to have some impact on their female character designs. :/ I love asian people, so anybody who thinks I'm racist can go away. haha. But it's a valid point, thought it should be brought up.
    November 20th, 2013 at 06:56am
  • @ Tholomew Plague

    I think this shows more that the video game industry is trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't really mind and would probably play more video games headed by a female character without a second though. That it is sexist how the industry works, that is undeniable, but that the consumers are? I think the proportion of men who actually get this is starting to grow more and more and the industry will have to step up with better characters and drop the sexist bullshit.
    November 20th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • I am just commenting again because I went and asked all of my male friends what they thought of female character's in video games, I thought it might be slightly revelant to post their responses.

    Boyfriend: "Female characters? Yeah what about them, they do all the same stuff the dude's do...I don't mind, not like they are attractive, they aren't real, so they are just another character as far as I'm concerned."

    Basically, he elaborated that he doesnt see the difference between a male/female character whilst he is playing, all he care's about is whether or not their stat's will get him the best possible scores. (Take borderlands for example, we both play as the female character, she has that cool shadow walking function)

    My Best Friend: "Who even looks at video game character's and get's turned on, that's weird..."
    I thought out of all the people I asked, he would be the most sexist, but apparently not O_O.

    My cousin: "They all look the same to me"
    Which could be taken either way. But he indicated he doesn't pay attention to any character beside himself.

    Also, when I asked them all about skimpy armor, all three of them replied with slight variations of, "Well what's the armor rating?" No mention of skimp at all. :/

    Alot of the other answers fell under the same area. Nobody really seemed to even connect the differences, and if they did, all they cared about was whether or not the character had good skill levels. Not one of them said anything that could seem sexist. :/ Maybe it's just them? They are pretty honest, so I know they weren't lying. Seem's like maybe they are a small percentage that doesn't find anything sexual or sexist about it. They are more than happy to play as women character's and the only female they abuse in game's is me, cause they know they can. (cause I beat their ass)

    Do these responses have any relevance? I think they do. :/
    November 20th, 2013 at 04:22am
  • I'm pretty hardcore into videogames, and it makes me sad to see women presented in a way that's portrayed as solely for a man's pleasure. I don't know if maybe I'm just being really sensitive, but it bothers me on a personal level. Sexual objectification in general really bothers me. Video games have always been a great escape for me since I was a little kid, but as I got older and I started playing more mature video games (ex. Hitman series, Grand Theft Auto) I feel confused as to if this should make me angry enough to not play the video games at all, or what.
    That being said, as girls we've gotten back plenty of times at the male gaming community by sexualizing male characters in video games. I'm part of the Team Fortress 2 fandom and the whole TF2 fandom community on tumblr is women/girls who ship all the characters with eachother and themselves even. I wouldn't say we're even, but it still feels like sweet payback.
    November 19th, 2013 at 03:18pm
  • This was awesome! I loved how the article flowed. I felt like I was listening to a very intelligent professor telling me about the subject in detail. The sexualizing of women is an increasing, harmful factor in today's society, especially in video games, movies, and mass social media across the globe. Thank you for posting this article :) The credibility of your resources also adds to the awesomeness of this article.
    November 19th, 2013 at 02:55am