Ask Angel, The Teenage Guru

Ask Angel, The Teenage Guru Seriously, send in questions. They must include your username or a nickname, so that way you'll know it's yours. Anyway, on with the show!

(Note: If you wish to keep your username anonymous, please mention it in the message. I'll be sure to try an message you saying that it will be published in the next article.)

I Do Not Hook Up asks: I've been dating my boyfriend for two years and he's getting needy for sex, but I'm still not ready. Should I stop being selfish and give him what he wants?

Angel answers; By all means, I Do Not Hook Up, do not! If that boy doesn’t understand that ‘No’ means ‘No’, then you really need to break up with him. And if he asks you to get back together after you’ve broken up with him, then tell him absolutely not. If he didn’t understand you parameters about the subject, then he isn’t worth being with.

Seize the Day asks: For the past couple of months, I’ve been having people ask me if I’m pregnant. My friends have been asking me, and I’ve been telling the straight truth and saying no, I’m still a virgin. But the thing is people I don’t even know have been asking me the same thing! What should I do to stop this?

Angel answers: There are several steps that I would take to sort this out:

First: Pardon my French, but Sacagawea her! Track down the source of the problem by asking who they heard it from, and so on, and so forth.

Second: Once you’ve found out who started that crazy rumor, stand up for yourself! Nobody deserves to have that kind of thing said about them. I know this from personal experience. When I transferred to a Christian school in my eighth grade year, there were rumors about me being pregnant, on drugs, even alcoholic and that I was going to a Christian school to get pure.

But you should also know that these rumors are lies. They are false lies, as the King or Siam would say. It's just people with low self-esteem trying to make themselves feel better.

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