Columbine - Could It Have Been Stopped?

Columbine - Could It Have Been Stopped? Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were subjects for many pranks that went on at Littleton, Colorado’s Columbine High School. The two were outcasts and even formed a group called the Trench Coat Mafia. They hated school, referring to it as hell. Together Harris and Klebold devised a plan that would stop American High School students in their tracks.

On April 20, 1999, Harris and Klebold showed up at school at 11:10 AM in two separate cars, both fully loaded with guns and bombs. They planted a bomb in the cafeteria and in one of the cars; they set the bombs for 11:15. Neither of them detonated. So the teens geared themselves up with guns and ammunition and began what today is the biggest high school massacre in America’s history. The first victim murdered was Rachel Scott as she was sitting on the North Side of the school eating her lunch on the lawn with her boyfriend. But, amazingly she was not the victim most remembered. Cassie Bernall was. She was hiding in the library under one of the tables when Klebold went over to her and asked if she believed in God. She said yes. He then proceeded to ask why and before she could answer he shot her point blank.

This killing was the first of its kind, the only other successful school shooting was Virginia Tech. But, as most would we all have to ask ourselves why. Why did we allow this to happen? Why did they do this? Why did they kill those they did? Unfortunately we do not have the answers. All we know is that they did it out of aggravation and for the fame of it. But, could this have been stopped? Yes.

Dr. Park Deitz worked with a Task Force on an A&E special on Columbine. He described that there are twelve different warning signs that could have been detected to stop this even from occurring.

  1. Frequent threats
  2. Referring to life as hell
  3. Threats of suicide
  4. Being teased constantly
  5. Loss in appetite
  6. Violent drawings or writings
  7. Extreme intrest in guns and bombs
  8. Extreme intrest in violent games or movies
  9. Intrest in drugs or alcohol
  10. Disregard for rules
  11. Revenge Fantasies
  12. Reclusive acts towards people of own age

Dylan Klebold had eleven of these warning signs. Eric Harris twelve. Could this have been stopped? Yes. Is it our fault that this did happen? Yes. Will it ever happen again? Who knows, but we will be prepared this time.

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