The Flaws Of Both Genders

The Flaws Of Both Genders The Flaws Of The Human Society, The Flaws In Both Genders.

There is the age old question that has bothered everyone since the existence of time; which gender is smarter? I'm positive I am not the first person to write a article about this subject, and I most certainly will not be the last. If you look at this argument from the Psychology point of view, you are given much to look at.

Men are much more prone to taking risks than Women however, men are also more likely to display their aggression physically and are generally prone to get angrier quicker. However maybe women are just as angry as men, they just don't show it through physical means but more verbally. Women are more empathetic than men however scientists relate this more to gender role than sex. Men on the other hand are generally more happy with their home life than women; however women are claimed to be happier with their lives overall.

When it comes to the economics side of things, there are mixed responses. Although men are believed to earn a mere two percent more than women in their lifetime it can be argued that the two percent gap is caused because of women taking time away from work for pregnancy and marital reasons. While it is clear that men take on the more industrial jobs than women, women do the jobs that require commitment and passion.

While on the education front males are currently excelling and are more literate than females, it has been proven recently that females make from fifty-seven percent to sixty percent of university enrollments.

There is also substantial evidence that men are far more likely to commit suicide then women. Although women try and fail more it has been proven that men go to extreme lengths to ensure their death, women do try. It is believed that women are more likely to use self harm as a cry for help while men are apparently serious about ending their lives. It has been proven that in the last few years more that 202,500 men between the ages of twenty to twenty has committed suicide in comparison to the 34,000 women.

There is just some of the evidence I have found to prove my point. Now I am not trying to start something controversial although I’m certain it will end up that way. I avoided speaking about marriage and sexuality because I didn’t want to start something like that, because it has absolutely nothing to do with my point.

In conclusion I believe that females are the smarter race, because after accessing all the available information at my disposal, that’s how it appears.

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