Dear Mr. President - Comments

  • I actually agree with this article, I think Obama could use just a little humble pie, but also retain the pride that comes with the job. As for the way he dresses, wearing worn suits wouldn't do him any good, I don't think, but I understand where you're coming from where Lincoln wasn't super flashy, but the clothing really has nothing to do with our current President in my opinion. I love his speeches, he's a damn good speaker, I'll give him that, but if the average person truly doesn't quite understand him, then absolutely he should adjust his speeches just a little.
    I don't personally like him much, but I do believe he's doing what he thinks is best, and that's all that anyone can be asked to do. Some of the comments on here are talking about hating Obama because he's black. I think that, yes, some people do hate him because he's African American and prejudice is still prevalent in today's society even though it shouldn't be, that's unavoidable; however, I don't personally hate him, nor do a lot of people who disagree with policies, they simply disagree with the way he's taking the country, and race has nothing to do with disagreeing with what he's doing in America. Simply put, many people would be saying the same things about him even if he were a WASP... let's not jump to conclusions about race and stock pile everyone who dislikes Obama into the racists category, though I'm not denying there are people like that out there.
    Anyway, back from my little digression, I think the article was good, but maybe do a little more research and use facts or something? I feel like it was really good but it could have been better by beefing it up a little or something? Just my opinion :)
    June 14th, 2012 at 07:04am
  • @tabloid: Thats what I was thinking.. [:
    January 20th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • I disagree. I don't believe he's arrogant at all, but to each his/her own. Every single time someone insults our president, I have one question for them.

    What would McCain have done at this point?

    I think before spouting your mouth and shooting things off without supporting them, you ought to contemplate this a bit more. I'm sick and tired of people complaining about Obama---did you really think the change was going to happen overnight? And McCain would've done even worse. Pick the better of the two evils, and that was Obama. If he needs advice, lord knows what McCain and that blasted Palin fool need.

    [b]@ARedRose4Me[/b] I applaud you wholeheartedly. You're absolutely right.
    January 17th, 2011 at 10:54pm
  • ...I don't know if that's really a fair comparison to draw, as people have said. I also would have to disagree about the cockiness; for instance, if you look up his campaign ads, most are made with the Lincoln-like mentality you said he didn't have. And while this was on a whole well written, nowhere did you discuss any any actual acts to back up your claim of Obama being cocky, etc.
    January 16th, 2011 at 05:37am
  • I'm sorry, but I cant say that I agree with you.

    I'm 100% behind ARedRose4Me
    But then again, we are all entitled to our own opinion...
    January 16th, 2011 at 05:23am
  • I completely agree with ARedRose4Me.

    How is he stuck up? He's more down to Earth than any Republican president we've ever had.
    January 16th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • I so agree. I couldn't agree more.
    January 16th, 2011 at 01:56am
  • I totally disagree. In case you haven't noticed, it's the year 2011, NOT the 1860s. Yes, our President reads off a teleprompter but I'm sure he has a say in his speeches. When President Lincoln was president, they only had their speeches on pieces of paper and no technology. Please tell me you're joking about President Obama being arrogant! John McCain was the most stuck up president-in-running just because he's a war veteran and please, for the love of God, do not get me started on Sarah Palin! There are a lot of lies about politics now a-days and the only reason President Obama is hated is (let's be honest) is because he is African American. I am white and my parents raised me not judge people because of their race, religion, ethnicity, ect . The only reason I am bringing this is up is because you're saying that President Obama is un-liked because of his speeches. But a lot of people are against him because he's black. I happen to think that he's down to Earth and he (in no way shape or form) is against others' ideas and it's either his way or the highway. Yes, President Lincoln was down to Earth as well, but please do not forget that his day was 150 years ago; now, you need schooling and law degrees. I think President Lincoln was very intelligent but so is President Obama. And do you want to know why I refer to him as "President Obama" instead of "Mr. Obama"? I write President because at the end of the day, THAT is what he is; anyone can be called a Mister but he is our President and that is what we [should] refer to him as. I feel bad for him because President Bush wrecked this country and now, President Barack Obama has to deal with the consequences. I realize this is off-topic (based on your article) but this is to fully explain my opinion. On your topic, (summed up), please realize that times have changes and so has technology. President Lincoln may have been one of the best Presidents the United States has been allowed to call our representative but like President Lincoln, President Obama cares about the US.
    January 16th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • I love this. Very Well written! I do agree that Barack could use some advice from one of the greatest Presidents in history.
    January 15th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • You do realize that when Lincoln was president he was hated by most of the American population?
    January 15th, 2011 at 02:01pm
  • Did you get the song title from Pink's song? :]
    January 15th, 2011 at 10:47am