Debunking Five Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage - Comments

  • Divine Moon

    Divine Moon (100)

    Virgin Islands (U.S.)
    I think people should mind their own business, I mean if two same sex people want to get married then that's their business. I mean it's not like they want to marry you. It all comes down to rudeness, control freaks and insecurity.
    May 21st, 2012 at 09:49am
  • Betawolf

    Betawolf (100)

    United States
    This is an amazingly written article. I agree with everything that you said. And i loved the point that you made about the land of the free. this country is very hypocritical because how can we be free when we have no choice on who we are allowed to love, People should not be forced not to marry someone they love.
    I love the point you made with it not being a choice because it has been proven (at least for me) that it is biological and it is not a choice. also, with the religion aspect, everyone believes that god made us the way that we are, so why would he make someone that he would banish to hell?
    Thats all that i have to say.
    May 21st, 2012 at 01:34am
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    This is a decently written article, but it could have benefitted from more sources (and less personal opinions because even though you are debunking opinions you cannot do so effectively just with different opinions) and also from proofreading (I caught some minor errors, nothing too serious, but all the same.)
    Also, I would just like to say a more successful rebuttal for argument one (the religion debate) would be simply that as a country that has freedom of religion (which also means freedom FROM religion) and a general seperation of church and state when it comes to US politics whatever is right by God has nothing to do with politics and law and never ever is supposed to.
    Regardless, this is a decent article over a topic I happen to be very passionate and knowledgeable about. Keep up the good work and the good fight and all that.
    May 17th, 2012 at 02:58am
  • itsKatastrophe.

    itsKatastrophe. (145)

    United States
    To start, I’d like to say that your article is very well written and I like that you sectioned off a few of the main arguments that are presented against same-sex marriage instead of jumping in head first.
    The very first argument is extremely bias because it assumes that all people, regardless of whether they live in the country or not, believe in God, which they don’t. There are thousands of religions, some that predate Christianity and Catholicism, that have different views on marriage. Also, when it comes to politics, God has no place in the white house. I’m sorry, but your religion is your own and you shouldn’t be pushing it on others regardless of whether you think it’s the right path to follow.
    In the second argument is operation under the assumption that homosexuality is a choice. There are over 1000 species that practice homosexual behavior. Also, all sex, regardless of who is doing it, is a choice. Lastly, cannibalism and infanticide still take place in many places, just not in industrialized countries that consider themselves civilized.
    I personally think that the institution of marriage has been under fire for years now. There are so many new family units like singles with children, unmarried parents, and people who chose to simply cohabitate. Many people are opting out of marriage these days and the rates of divorce are so high there is no way that you can use the words ‘marriage’ and ‘sacred’ in a sentence anymore without being laughed at.
    Polygamy has been practiced in many years all over the world, including the United States.
    As for the last argument about heterosexual marriage being best for children, we talked about this in my Women’s Studies class. My professor told us about a study that showed that girls raised by homosexual parents were more likely to pursue careers regardless of gender stereotypes and boys raised by homosexual parents were less likely to be sexually aggressive.
    Overall, I find it really sad that people still spend so much time debating this when there are so many other much more important and pressing issues that need to be addressed.
    (P.S. I hope you don’t think I’m attacking your views or anything, just adding my 2 cents :)
    May 16th, 2012 at 03:24am