reassurance - Comments

  • I never used to get on with my mum, well I did but not in the way I do now..
    I used to always think she loved my brothers more..but I realise she loves us equel and that she's just more worried about them because they've now left home and she's wondering what trouble they could get into.. I'm the only child at home and at first it sucked because she was always wondering how my brothers were but now it's great, I actually spend more time with my mum and now I know I can actually talk to her about things..
    You should talk to her, tell her how you feel and that..
    October 11th, 2008 at 05:32pm
  • Yeah, my mum is the same. Only I'm the oldest one, the favourite is my younger brother. It is really irritating >.<.
    October 11th, 2008 at 05:21pm
  • I agree with coffee is life,
    Mother's don't know what they have till its gone.
    October 11th, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • Thats tottaly fine to vent.
    Mom's can be a bit demanding and it may sometimes seem as if they are being unfair,or whatever.
    I know this because I'm a teenage girl attempting to deal with my mom.
    I think it's just teenager code. We're sort of "programmed" to not like our parents.
    But I don't really know you or your family or anything.
    My best answer would be to really try and talk with your mom. I know that sounds majorly lame but its most likely your best bet.
    Even if she tries to send you away, you stay anyways and make her talk to you. Explain to her exactly what you explained in your journal.
    Maybe then things will be better.

    hope I helped a bit!
    October 11th, 2008 at 04:28pm