Sad - Comments

  • Nobody's Fool is right.

    This happened to me. Well actually it was the friend of the guy I like. And i needed to talk to him because it was really important, concerning my lip piercing and he told me to get on the next day and he wasn't on so in conclusion; he was a major butthead.
    July 24th, 2009 at 09:11am
  • Oh dear, please don't cry.
    He is obviously retarded for not talking to you (no offense intended here) or pehaps he can't physically get on the computer to talk to you.

    Don't be upset! There must be a perfectly logical explanation for why he isn't online. I would recommend going out for a walk with an i-pod on (depending on the time) or find something to occupy your mind with.

    It'll all be fine!!

    July 24th, 2009 at 08:39am