Green Day in Paris, October 4th. - Comments

  • yeaahh !! en lisant j'ai trop eu l'impression d'y être encore une fois XD c'était tellement énorme... t'as oublié de parler de BJ qui montre son cul ;)
    mais c'était TELLEMENT énorme... jm'en remets pas non plus :D quoi que j'ai (presque) réussi à écouter autre chose que GD aujourd'hui :p une demi-chanson de SP parce que mon MP3 buggait, ca compte?... ^^'
    et je continue toujours à en parler a Thomas, tout lui raconter ds le moindre détail (et ca à MEME l'aire de l'interesser !!!), et puis de recommencer qd c'est des gens que je connais vite fait dans l'amphi (qui, forcément, savaient que j'allais au concert...) qui me croisent et me demande comment ça s'est passé XD
    plus beau soir de ma vie aussi... <3 et c'est biensur a toi que je le dois ! parce que sinon, je pense que je serai restée au stade ou j'écoutais Bullet in a Bible une fois de temps en temps, et où j'avais regardé le live qu'une seule fois...
    on peut dire que maintenant, je me suis rattrapée XD

    Juin 2010, Juin 2010, Juin 2010... FINGERS CROSSED !!
    (me fait me souvenir de High Five, qu'on a fait avec Lulu toute a l'heure dans l'amphi.. et comme j'avais la "main du bas", il m'a éclaté contre la table... >_<)
    October 13th, 2009 at 07:56pm
  • I'm super glad you went and had a good time.
    Thanks for the description, definetly made me feel like I was there.
    Lol for the guy who kept starring at you means your like the best #1 fan ever and he was shocked he got to be so close to one.
    I love the whole 1,2,1,2,3,4...

    I hope you have eternal dreams of that awesome day.
    I'm really glad it was "the time of your life"
    god bless u
    October 7th, 2009 at 12:39am
  • I am so so so happy for you! Very nice description, by the way, made me feel like I was there with you! It must have been so amazing! I really am dying to see them again.

    About the wave thing, it happened to the Blink 182 concert I went to and it was pretty fun. I loved the part where he was waiting on everybody to chant 1,2,1,2,3,4, he looked so adorably cute! You're so smart, you knew it before everybody else! Of course we are hard core fans so it's only natural to know things like these. XD

    Other than that I'm so glad you had fun. I bet you forgot all about fainting after BJ walked out. :P I watched some of the videos and they were awesome. That guy who was always looking at you weirdly, gosh that made me laugh. Weirdo. XD
    October 6th, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • Aww, I'm so glad that you had a good time and got to see your favorite band in the world! I remember my first concert and how excited I was for it, reading this reminded me of that. I bet this is going to be one of the best nights of your life, it sure as hell sounds like an amazing experience!
    Loved reading this and I'm so happy that you finally got to see them! *Hugs*
    October 6th, 2009 at 08:11pm
  • Reading it just so reminded me of my very first show. Aww my silly French I am so happy for you. It most definitely is, was and forever will be the greatest (or well one of them) night of your life.
    That's just so amazing, I'm so glad it finally happened! :D :D :D
    And wth Billie cut his hair and left the stupid blond thing. He's an idiot <3 And he looks so bumbed out when he just sits there awwww! And for some moments of that 1,2,1,2,3,4 video he just looks/sounds SO like Bullet In A Bible. That's amazing.
    So glad you had great time :mrgreen: <3
    October 6th, 2009 at 08:05pm