What I Think - Comments

  • Your.Pink.Diary

    Your.Pink.Diary (165)

    the 1-7 points you made. Just about everybody feels like that at some point in their life.

    1. Yeah... every single girl has been there.
    2. Everyone has to suck at something.
    3. It's called being a teenager. Trying to work out who you are, having mood swings (that's also called being female). It's part of the deal. It gets better.
    4. This can sometimes be a matter of perception. Either way, you need to find something that does make you feel good to counter it.
    5. If you think you do, you don't.
    6. If you think you are, you're most likely not. Most people who are really depressed try to hide it/deny that they actually are.
    7. There probably is. But everyone has felt like that.
    November 21st, 2009 at 06:47am