Hundreds missing, many more confirmed dead... - Comments

  • Oh no :( when I last had the TV on hours ago there were no reported leaks. I have it on Google alerts, and it's a good thing that Hawaii and Cali got warnings hours before so they could take the necessary precautions and evacuate, so the casualties/fatalities are minimized.

    My parents and relatives have been trying to get in touch with them, no luck so far :/ I really hope their communication lines are just down.
    March 11th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • There's supposed to be a radiation leak in Tokyo, there's a tsunami in Hawaii, and there were tsunami-esque waves in California...tragedy is all over right now :(
    I wish you luck in finding your family, and I hope they're OK; isn't there a hotline or something that you could call? They usually set those up during disasters like this :/
    March 11th, 2011 at 10:14pm