Tough Exterior - Comments

  • haha long ass comments are fine with me, and I notice you,... i've never met u or even seen what u look like, but ur writings amazing and ur def noticed by me
    June 14th, 2011 at 03:02am
  • same here...also im the new girl every year at a lot of schools and no one is kind enough to say hello to me. can people just stop thinking i frickin' bite or something? well maybe high school will be better but i know im only lying to myself and i hope it gets better for you too because i know how it feels. i know how it feels having to try to act perfect all the time. im always watching people hoping i look as perfect as possible and its changed me and i cant seem to change back.. i jst wish someone would notice me and stop frickin' calling me new girl i have a name you know! but i hope this feeling changes for you and everything is better. sorry for the long ass comment.
    June 13th, 2011 at 06:50am