My Chemical Romance - Comments

  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    You know, I don't get this "not cool" thing. Y'alls can listen to whatever you want
    Sincerely (very bored) not MCR fan
    April 2nd, 2012 at 02:24am
  • GhostInKombat13

    GhostInKombat13 (100)

    United States
    1.I love all their songs ,but right now I'm feeling Heaven Help Us ,Honey This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ,and Sleep.
    2.Mikey ,I'm awkward like him. :)
    3.Danger Days and the Black Parade.
    5.I would argue with her then get frusterated and walk away ,but not kill.
    6.I've tried ,but my friends are hopeless.:(
    7.Of course! I wear their band shirts all the time and put them as loud as I can on my iPod or radio and annoy the heck out of people!
    8.Oh ,I can't remember...
    July 19th, 2011 at 06:07am
  • Hello Clarice

    Hello Clarice (100)

    United States
    1) Helena!
    2) the one with all the stuff in his pockets!! (ask Muffinszszsxsxsqsqs)
    3. Three Cheers for sweet revenge..
    5) Well .. for other reasons... I mean, I've MET your mom...
    6) I suppose...?
    7) Well yes, I suppose so...
    8) like 10.1 years..
    July 3rd, 2011 at 02:30am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    1. Cubicles
    2. Ray
    3. Bullets
    4. Both
    5. No, to each his own.
    6. Nope, they got me into them.
    7. Yeah, I could care less if people didn't think it was cool or anything.
    8. Wasn't aware there was one.
    June 17th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • Mikey's Sparkly Bass

    Mikey's Sparkly Bass (100)

    United States
    1. Give 'Em Hell, Kid

    2. Mikey (only cuz I'm not allowed to say Gerard. Jk jk I really do love Mikey :P)

    3. Three Cheers...

    4. Both...

    5. Yeeeesss

    6. Yeeeesss

    7. Yeeeesss

    8. I think you of all peeps know how long I've been in the Rmy, boo.
    June 14th, 2011 at 01:05am
  • Hello Clarice

    Hello Clarice (100)

    United States
    ah, technically devin knew of them 1st, but we're NOT going to go there because we KNOW it's a TOUCHY subJECT...
    June 13th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    I'm not technically a "Killjoy" (I'm not as familiar with their new music or their new "scene" or theme or whatever, so I'm not entirely sure what that is). But:

    1. Probably "Mama." It helps that I love Liza Minelli.

    2. I don't really have one.

    3. I haven't heard the latest, but...from what I do know, it would probably be Black Parade. Though sometimes I go on a TCFSR kick and can't stop listening to it on repeat.

    4. I love both. I think their new sound is a lot more evolved; their earliest album I honestly don't care for, because the sound isn't as clean-cut. And I don't like when rock is super clean-cut like pop music is with all the effects and stuff...but I think their first album sounded almost kind of sloppy. Still some good stuff on there though.

    5. Nah. People are entitled to their opinions. *shrug* Not that big a deal.

    6. I think my friends who like them pretty much got into them around the same time I one is really responsible for anyone else listening to them.

    7. ...Um...since when is it "not cool to?" MCR fans are not exactly a repressed minority.

    8. I'm not. *shrug* But I do like their music a lot.
    June 11th, 2011 at 07:55pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    1: I don't think I could evee pick a favorite song, they have all come to mean something incredible to me.

    2: I don't have a 'favorite' member as MyChem wouldn't exist without each of them
    I relate to Gerard Way though, he has inspired me more than anyone else in the band, as we're both trying to 'fling shit into the sterilized eye of society'.

    3: I love each album for a different reason. I find every album to be impressive, I was especially impressed by The Black Parade, as it is a rock opera, and the industry hasn't successfully pulled one of since Queen, and I'm obsessed in Queen.
    Danger Days is equally impressive, because it's a weapon against pop (I hate pop, and Danger Days infultrates it, and explodes it by ripping off societies mask)
    I really can't say I have a favorite though.

    4: I am entirely pleased with who My Chemical Romance is now. They're colorful, and they're artistic and explosive in a way that they never were.
    I love Bullets, and Revenge, and Parade was amazing, but I love to watch them grow.

    5: I despise anyone who is homophobic, so I would be incredibly hostile.

    6: I keep them to myself, I don't particularly feel like exposing them to someone, only to have them tell me how great they are, and have absolutely no idea why they are, or what they mean. I hate fans who have no idea what it means...

    7: I do a lot of things that society doesn't deam 'cool', so I'm not going to change my music to accomidate the bullshit machine.
    My Chemical Romance is special, they mean something, so I'm going to enjoy them, y'know?

    8: Four years now? Something like that lol

    Hey, just a tip here; don't let people make you think that you only understand the music when you're falling apart.
    My Chem doesn't have to scoop you off the floor to 'save you', they can keep you ambitious, and proud of being different.
    I'm saying this because when I first got into them a lot of bullshit fans made it out lile you had to be broken to understand them, and you don't, it's a bullshit lie, by a bunch of bullshitters.

    Welcome to the club, my fabulous Killjoy!
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:55pm
  • SkittlesTheDucky

    SkittlesTheDucky (100)

    1. I'm not ok (i promise)
    2. Can't decide
    3. The black parade
    4. old mcr
    5. who is your mom? should i be scared..........?
    6. Yesh....and my nan.....and my dog.........don't ask
    7. :O -in nerdy voice- THEY ARE COOL!!!!!!
    8. since they first came out =^^=
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:18pm
  • Evil_Angel

    Evil_Angel (100)

    United States
    1) You expect me to pick ONE? Ha I can't XD Though I will say that as much as I am so over I'm Not Okay, I got my sign choir to sign to it! In college we had a group called sign choir, and we sign along with songs and put on a show. One of my good friends was obsessed as well, and we got the whol choir to sign I'm Not Okay.

    2) All, DUH

    3) Probably Revenge

    4) Either way <3

    5) I wouldnt say kill. See my mom likes them, so for me it doesnt matter, I would talk to your mom, unfortuantely, it probably wouldnt go anywhere, but that was kind of mean of her

    6) Eh, not exactly. My roomie in college though tollerated them! We loved each other! HAHAHA

    7) Absolutely! I could care less what others are listening to. If I like it, then I am gonna keep on listening XD

    8) Oh man, um I wanna say 04 or 05 so 7 or 6 yrs now, holy crap! But amazing either way :)
    June 11th, 2011 at 05:48pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    1. I have to go with Helena. It's the first My Chem song I heard and I instantly fell in love with just that song.

    2. They are all amazing men with great talent and I love each and every one of them for making the music that they do

    3. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge will forever be my favorite album

    4. They are still MCR and I will forever love them. To quote Frank Iero "The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life moves fast, run faster."

    5. I would just try to argue with her but it probably wouldn't go anywhere.

    6. I didn't have anyone to talk to about them in high school so I was alone listening to My Chem at home. I did get my best friend a little interested in the Danger Days stuff.

    7. They keep on pushing boundaries and always changing and evolving that I don't think I could ever tire of them. I will forever listen to them.

    8. Seven years now and with no regrets :D
    June 11th, 2011 at 05:35pm
  • russian pirouette

    russian pirouette (100)

    United States
    1. currently, it's vampire money
    2. I like them all, but Bob has to be my favorite
    3. Three Cheers or The Black Parade
    4. I like them either way
    5. Nope. Everyone has their opinions for music, and I respect that.
    6. Yupp
    7. Of course
    8. Since 2005
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:57pm
  • Hateful.Misery

    Hateful.Misery (100)

    1. Fave song? Hard to choose but probably Early Sunsets <3
    2. Fave member? Well Bob used to be it because no one else loved him much... but now I guess it's Gerard
    3. Fave album? Hard one >.< I adore Bullets but The Black Parade got me through a lot of stuff.
    4. New MCR or old MCR? I like it all, but I prefer the darkness of their older stuff.
    5. Would you have killed my mom? No, I probably would've gone a huge rant though... that's what I do to everyone I know who picks on them
    6. Did you get your friends into them? Some, yeah...
    7. Do you listen to them even though "it's not cool" to? Of course, I'd listen to them regardless of how 'uncool' they are seen as
    8. How long have you been in the Rmy? I'm not really part of the Rmy, always thought it was kind of pointless... But I've been a real fan since I was like eleven which is about six years now... I feel old now >.<
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:49pm
  • teen spirit.

    teen spirit. (100)

    1. It changes, but I'll say Mama for now. :)
    2. All of them, aha. <333
    3. Revenge or Black Parade
    4. I love both, honestly. Because the Old well it was more raw, but the New because they're so happy now.
    5. Nah,
    6. My sisters and my mom are into them, but not my friends.
    7. Of course. (:
    8. I've been a fan since I was 8-9, and I believe that the MCRmy is just like, the real dedicated fans. You don't have to join anything to be part of that.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:39pm
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    1. Fave song?
    2. Fave member?
    Frank Iero
    3. Fave album?
    Three Cheers
    4. New MCR or old MCR?
    I think I'm indifferent because I love them either way.
    5. Would you have killed my mom?
    Nah, she's wrong but I won't kill anyone just because of that.
    6. Did you get your friends into them?
    7. Do you listen to them even though "it's not cool" to?
    Yeah, music is a kind of self expression. So, I don't care what people think as long as I love the music, I'll listen to it.
    8. How long have you been in the Rmy?
    Since '04, I think.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:39pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    1. I don't have one. Love 'em all. But Kill All Your Friends is pretty amazing. :P
    2. None, but held at ray gun point, I'ma say Mikey.
    3. Bullets - only because it's got more....idk, rawness in?
    4. They're the same people. There is no 'old' or 'new' MCR.
    5. Dunno. I would have defended them then walked out the room.
    6. Some, yeah.
    7. Um....?
    8. Since August '09.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:36pm
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    1. It changes every so often. Right now it's Zero Percent :)
    2. Gerard, because some amazing things come out of his mouth.
    3. Danger Days
    4. New MCR, because look at how happy they are :)
    5. Your mum is entitled to her opinion, but she is wrong. ;)
    6. My friends and I back in highschool kinda got into them together.
    7. I've never heard of it being "not cool" to listen to music. On those days I'm dressed in skinnies, a band shirt and a hoodie, yes, I blast them as loud as I possibly can through my iPod. I don't care for people's opinions of that because I know they sure as hell wouldn't care for mine.
    8. The MCRmy always seemed silly, in my opinion. I'll march to them on my own.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • iron and graphite;

    iron and graphite; (100)

    United States
    1] probably Famous Last Words
    2]I love them all[:
    3]The Black Parade
    5] Nah, I have a friend who basically said that for cutting, I would go to hell and The Rev was there too. This was on the 28th. I was a wreck and she said that. But I held it together, anyway, i'll shut up about that.
    6]Yep, a couple of them.
    7]Hell yes.
    8] Since I was about 7 or 8, and heard Teenagers. But i'm not a fanatic, but I love their music[:
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:25pm
  • Inked Art

    Inked Art (200)

    1. Headfirst For Halos
    2. Uh, don't really have one. I love them all, but I say Bob cause he never got enough love, and got hurt a lot.
    3. Three Cheers
    4. :\ I didn't like TBP that much, but I loved Danger Days so i'm not sure. Probably old though.
    5. No, my mum hates them too. She's into disco, so I don't care what parents think anymore.
    6. Yup. one was a bitch who only got into them when she saw a 'hot' picture of Gerard. Whatever.
    7. Yeah... but it WAS cool for a bit.
    8. Since early 2006.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:23pm
  • HypocriteContradict

    HypocriteContradict (100)

    United States
    1. Disenchanted
    2. Ray <3
    3. Revenge
    4. I love them in every stage of their journey, but I really miss Bob.
    5. No, but I would of defended them.
    6. When I first fell in love, yes, I told everyone. Now I wish they were just mine again. But my old best friend got me into them in the first place.
    7. They actually are pretty "cool" where I live. But I would listen to them regardless.
    8. Since... '06 or '07?

    I'm not really a Killjoy though. I'm so lazy, I haven't even listened to that album yet. It's crazy thinking how obsessed I use to be.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:23pm