I have a shot at being published in a magazine, and I need help doing it. - Comments

  • Don't be fake or try to sound overly professional when sending the email. If you end up getting featured in the magazine, you're going to want to write something that's yours and that came from you - not something that's fake and sounds like a national geographic movie you'd watch in social studies.

    Like the ladies said below me, the key is to be yourself. Through the email or through the sample you're going to send, show the passion you have for music.
    July 10th, 2011 at 08:30am
  • You're probably not wanting this answer, but be yourself. You don't want to be so formal or quirky that you seem nothing like what you actually are. You want him to hire you or whatever for you, not for what you can pretend to be. (:
    July 10th, 2011 at 08:23am
  • Be yourself in the email. Don't try to be formal and don't try to be quirky. Be who you are.

    And as for the article, look up this magazine and read a few in there and get a feel for what it's like. Then, find a topic you're passionate about and write it.
    July 10th, 2011 at 08:21am