I'm never smoking weed again! - Got stopped by the cops. - Comments

  • Oh wow, I haven't been over this way in foreva!
    As for f*cked up experiences, I've never really gotten high. I was with a boyfriend (ex now) at a wedding reception for one of his cousins though last summer and well...I got a little 'ripped' so to speak. Was the first time I'd ever been that drunk and I made a total ass outta myself. Danced like a moron, almost fell in a water fountain, fell out of a chair, almost fell out of a porta-potty and then passed out on his cousins lawn...they had to carry me into the house and try and sober me up before he took me to my grandparents...at 4am. I got like 3hrs sleep and was still slightly drunk when I got up, and it was my mom's birthday >_< Not a good time for that to happen lol
    May 24th, 2012 at 03:29am
  • No f*cked up experiences, sorta.
    Trust me. I won't be doing weed unless I killed my whole work place or something. :D
    August 19th, 2011 at 11:39pm
  • I've only gotten high once and it was like a month ago. I ate some special brownies and I ended up high for 2 days straight. By the second day I was so anxious 'cause the high wouldn't come off. And I had to drive to uni to solve some stuff, so I was more or less like you with the OMFG face when I crossed from the Mexico to U.S. international bridge and was checked by the border patrol as a routine thing.
    August 19th, 2011 at 11:37pm