Is It Still 'Just a joke"? - Comments

  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    This journal was really sweet, I'm happy that you wrote it. Maybe it'll be able to help someone who is also struggling with self-harm. <3

    I'm a self-harmer myself as well, I've been doing it in various forms for years. It's something that's been with me for so long and sometimes I really doubt I'll ever be able to truly stop doing this to myself in some way.
    April 30th, 2012 at 06:38am
  • helloimalex

    helloimalex (100)

    United States
    This is amazing omg. <3
    April 30th, 2012 at 04:18am
  • Emrys

    Emrys (100)

    United States
    Thank you. For posting this I mean.
    April 30th, 2012 at 03:35am
  • tinybirds

    tinybirds (100)

    United States
    Thank you for posting this. I too struggled with the effects of self harm after my mother passed away. It was hard enough on my dad and brother so I never let them know just how much pain I was feeling in the months/years that followed.

    When I finally got caught, my dad was furious. To this day, I cannot recall a single time he has blown up at me as harshly as he did the day he found out I was cutting myself. He threatened to send me away if I ever did anything so "stupid and selfish" again. And I believed him. I can't say I'm proud of what I've done--am still doing--but I guess I am glad to say that the urge to mutilate myself has progressively slowed. I don't feel as stressed anymore so I don't feel the need to cut.

    I don't think I can ever be completely and totally cured of my bad habit but I'm trying. I just have to think of how I'm hurting other people around me, no matter how good that blade feels grazing across my skin.
    April 30th, 2012 at 03:30am
  • demure.

    demure. (100)

    Hong Kong
    I'm really so glad you made this. I've never said this to anyone before but while I was going through so really tough shit for 3 months and on top of that I was being ridiculed and put down almost every day for it. I eventually convinced myself that if I fucked up that I was basically dead and I battled myself to not send a blade through my neck right then.

    I mean I literally stood in the middle of my room at like 4 in the morning having not slept for almost 3 days with a big ass blade to my neck and I had to talk myself down. I seriously just wanted it to end, but even though I didn't kill myself right then I still had this urge to just fuck myself up badly and then I started to cut, and every time something happened again I would cut and cut.

    But I seriously sit down, with my mom and everybody and had a serious talk and I realized it just wasn't worth it. My friends are already asking me wtf is up with my hand but I just come up with some excuse.

    I wouldn't say I'm broken, and I wouldn't say I'm shattered because that moment was just a point in my life where my sanity had disappeared completely. for a while. But I realized that my life is more important than that shit ... at that moment I seriously didn't know.
    April 30th, 2012 at 03:01am