My Girlfriend Might Move In With Me - Comments

  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I don't know your friend, or her mom, but her saying "that's not enough" could very well come from the panic of knowing her daughter is anorexic. My friend had food issues for months and wouldn't eat, and her mother went about it the wrong way by always saying "you have to eat more, that's not enough, one more potatoe!" even though my friend had to struggle for dear life to eat even the tiniest bit. She wasn't trying to be mean; she was watching her daughter die slowly, and was frantic to end it.

    I don't think anyone can be blamed for that. As for her living with you part-time and part-time with her friend, it just sounds way too messy for her. She needs stability and a solid ground to stand on, if she's going to be able to win the heavy battle she's in for. Moving around doesn't provide that. Also, taking on someone who is anorexic is hard work, extremely hard work, especially since you don't seem to be fully over your own eating disorder. I'd be careful, if I was you.
    May 29th, 2012 at 04:24am