Give Your Heart A Break: - Comments

  • paper sirens.

    paper sirens. (100)

    United States
    Friends and lovers come and go when you're young. Kids are just plain mean; they love you one moment and hate you the next.

    You're at a stage in your life where you just need to focus on you. Look forward, strive to be the person you want to become, and keep your chin up! Those people that hurt you now won't matter to you ten, or even five years from now.

    Right now is your time to grow and learn; don't weigh yourself down with other people's problems. I'm sure just being fifteen is enough to handle without everyone else's worries.

    If you love and respect yourself, try to be a good person, and be your undoubtedly lovely, amazing self, you're true friends will show themselves.
    June 25th, 2012 at 08:00am