I don't know what to do now - Comments

  • Don't give up Laura! We love your writing and agreed with Newsflash. Your friend is a douche.
    Don't listen to him. I love your writing, personally and I hope you don't stop your wonderful writing. Just because one person doesn't like your writing, doesn't mean that everybody does!
    Believe in yourself, Laura! I love your writing and you, so you should stick with it! <3
    October 26th, 2012 at 09:21pm
  • Okay, 'your friend', he's a douche. So your way of writing might not apply to him, but he could have worded his opinion differently. So he's a douche. End of story.

    Just because one guy didn't like your writing, DOES NOT mean you should stop writing. Why should you stop doing something you enjoy?

    Like you said, you have gotten a lot of good feedback, so what is one little different opinion? A challenge maybe?

    October 26th, 2012 at 02:00am
  • I agree with everyone else basically. Just ignore him. Giving someone feedback is one thing but saying 'just stop writing' is plain rude and just makes someone a douche. At the end of the day, all that matters is what You think of your writing in the end. And on a side not, I for one, think your writing is fab.
    October 25th, 2012 at 10:16pm
  • I'm someone that's a pretty big critic, but I would never tell anyone to stop what they're doing, because that's just rude.

    One girl absolutely TORE into my story and I cried for an hour. But then I looked at it objectively, stopped writing, and rewrote it. In that case, it was for the best.

    I really wanted to stop writing when that happened, but I didn't. And it was the first thing I finished and that people adored.

    Basically: don't give up on it, especially if you love it.
    October 25th, 2012 at 09:13pm
  • What you have to understand about anything involving the arts hun, is that it is all subjective. All of it. I am a singer by nature and I know exactly what it feels like to have your hopes/aspirations/dreams crushed by ignorant people. But did I stop singing? No I didn't. Because I realized that one ignorant person's opinion of me should not stop me from doing what I love or even make an impact on my life in any way.
    Darling, I don't know you, but I know that you are an AMAZING writer and you should never give up. Your 'so-called friend' should be kicked in the teeth because he has no business telling anyone, especially you that they should stop writing.
    We find the greatest joy and fulfillment in doing the things that others say we cannot.
    Find your joy baby doll, I'm here if you need me :)
    -Meghan Xx
    October 25th, 2012 at 07:55pm
  • Like what others have said before me, ignore him and continue writing because regardless of what he says, you aren't a bad writer at all. I mean I've never read any of your stories, but not everyone is going to like your writing.

    I told this to a friend who was in the same position as you. Just because one person doesn't like your writing doesn't mean others won't. Granted that there will be people who dislike your writing as much as those that love your writing, but that doesn't mean you should give up writing altogether.

    People don't like my writing either, but I must be doing something right because a lot of people on here and my family seem to support my writing on some level.

    Writing is about growing, expressing yourself, and showing others how you view the world. Well, that's how I see it. People tend to not take writers seriously because of how one sided the views are or because most people don't like the views that have been bestowed upon them because it opened their eyes up to something they never wanted to see.

    I've been writing for over ten years and I've grown to accept the good with the bad. You can always write a whole new story that'll blow your friend's mind and make him change his opinion. :)
    October 25th, 2012 at 05:47pm
  • I agree with the opinions below. Different people have different reading preferences. Did you give him one of your fanfics to read? If yes, probably you'd like to give him an original fiction the next time around? Because some people doesn't take fanfics too seriously and that fanfic writers are rubbish.
    October 25th, 2012 at 02:59pm
  • Your "friend" sounds like a douche. I think your writing is really good. You have a great style and it's easy to connect to. Don't listen to him, like ever!!
    October 25th, 2012 at 02:41pm
  • @ tonic
    This is what I say!
    Just ignore him, every one has diffrent oppions and I think your stories are beyond amazing! Don't let one person stop you!! Keep on writing!! :)
    October 25th, 2012 at 02:14pm
  • Everyone has different tastes. Your writing may not cater to his, but that doesn't mean that it won't be received well by other audiences.
    He sounds like a dick too, which is even more reason to disregard his opinion.
    October 25th, 2012 at 02:13pm