I was completely discriminated against... - Comments

  • @DaniSheeran
    Right? I mean, it's not that I have all of the experience or anything.

    But it's pretty easy to listen to a speech, and write down what the kids did really well with and what to improve on and then rate each part of the speech one to ten.

    Plus, I draw on my experiences and memories of competing and being judged there. I try to give them the type of feedback I always wanted on my own speeches.

    And yeah. She was super arrogant. -____-
    She made it a point to introduce herself to the kids as "Doctor so and so", with extra emphasis on the "doctor" part.
    March 14th, 2013 at 04:38am
  • Oh, wow. That is extremely messed up. I mean, yes, you're young but, it doesn't matter. Age is just a number. It doesn't mean you can't be a judge or have bad ideas and such. That lady really needs to get a grip. I think her ego is too big for there to be three judges.
    March 14th, 2013 at 04:33am
  • @ladyschrei
    I did end up filling out an evaluation form and handing it in.

    I'm the sort of person that will vent about that stuff, but be a wuss about taking action. x3 Unless it's someone else it's happening to.

    I dunno. It's like, I have a hard time standing up when it's myself but if it's someone else, I'm all over it.
    That doesn't make much sense, does it?

    Oh thank you! :D Lucille Ball is always appropriate for my feels.
    March 14th, 2013 at 03:37am
  • Whoever runs the entire thing, I would've given them her name and said how unprofessional she was being.

    I love all the gifs, btw :3
    March 14th, 2013 at 03:22am