Do You Even Have to Have a Brain to Be a School Administrator Anymore? - Comments

  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    @ addesin
    That's terrifying O_O I think I tense up around nuns all the time because of these stories (not the present day nuns. More like the old, traditional ones). I go to a public school though so I rarely see them. But for whatever reason the old ones glare at me whenever I walk into a church...
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:49am
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    @ domi823
    My mom had the bad nuns as a kid. They would make kids kneel on rice and hit them with rulers, etc. That is so scary to me!
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:43am
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    His principal was a priest (I think...) and the teachers were "brothers" (never heard of these until recently... And I'm a Catholic O_O). He had nuns in grammar school though. He's met some pretty bad ones (the ones that smack kids with rulers) but also good ones like the nun at your school.
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:37am
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    @ domi823
    Oh, my gosh! That sounds horrible? Did he have nuns or something? Haha, my school only has one nun and she does't even wear a habit. Seriously, she wears jeans and cusses sometimes and is one of the more easy going teachers. I hear about these really scary nun teachers and I cringe because Sister Molly is SO nice.

    @ Psychotic Secrets
    Baha, I do't even think my school would agree to that. They'd probably think it's worse...

    @ NikiFM
    I got told the middle of second semester freshman year at my old school that I couldn't wear a bandana (that I had practically lived in up until that point) because I would give other students lice. Never mind the fact that I have never contracted lice in my entire fucking life. I swear to god... Facepalm

    @ serendipity;
    My thoughts exactly. But apparently running errands and hosting tours for boosters got boring so they needed someone to pick on... Rolling Eyes
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:34am
  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    If the biggest problem they have is to worry about a student's hair color, well then, they need to busy themselves with doing some real work. That's just ridiculous. It's HAIR. Your hair. It shouldn't matter what you do with it.
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:21am
  • NikiFM

    NikiFM (100)

    United States
    I'm glad I'm outta high school my sister is having problems too our school hosted a bald for bucks event and she did it well she got some cute head bands and bandanas to fold up into a headband to wear around school but the principle told them that they weren't allowed to wear bandanas (even as head bands) because they were considered 'hats' which is seriously idiotic and some of the other rules they make, make me seriously question their intelligence
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:12am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    You are right. Your hair color is a natural shade and the school just has a stick up their butt. It would ruin your hair if you changed it now. Maybe try a cheap wig? I went to a store call A Quarter To Ten or something like that and it sells all kinda of wigs. Mine was 30 bucks and it was the middle between real hair and Halloween hair.

    I still use my wig for parties and messing around.
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:12am
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    @ Psychotic Secrets @ kitsch

    That sucks! Oh my gosh! I just think it's so stupid that my hair isn't even a color like purple or red or blue IT IS BLONDE!! Like the kind that comes out of real human beings' heads. I'm not joking when I say it's the same color as my sister's. And I have pictures of me as a baby with the SAME SHADE, maybe even lighter, I just really don't understand.., Especially considering the double standard with some girls... Or the fact that I've never been in trouble EVER at this school. Never gotten a demerit, let alone a detention, seriously NOTHING and now there are threats of not letting me participate in the graduation masses and maybe even the ceremony it's self.
    April 30th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    These hair rules at your school sound terrible. I'm so sorry this is happening. Your school would hate the people at my school. There are people with bright-ass pink hair everywhere you go and some people have blue, purple, you name it. Weirdest hairstyles too.

    My dad went to a Catholic school for both grammar and high school. His high school was for boys only and they couldn't have sideburns (for whatever reason). My dad did, and they noticed a month later. So he was actually grabbed by the sideburn and pulled down the stairs and they made him shave them off.
    April 30th, 2013 at 12:55am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Oh god, I feel ya on that. I went to private, Catholic school and they got mad at this one girl
    for having a few streaks of blue meanwhile this underclassman had TOMATO RED hair and
    they didn't say a damn thing about it. Smh. Facepalm
    April 30th, 2013 at 12:51am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    The exact fucking thing happened to me! The school actually told me if I didn't dye my hair I wouldn't get my diploma at all. I knew they couldn't do that but they would hold it long enough I wouldn't walk the stage.

    I had a theme for prom and my hair was purple. The rule in my district is the hair cannot be distracting. By the time I came back to school most of it washed out. It was a light lavender. When they TOLD ME my hair was ad it was very light lavender. They actually called me out from the stage in front of my whole class. I was so angry. I spent a hundred bucks on my hair. Wanna know what I did for graduation?

    I wore a mother fuckin' wig. Not a nice one either. It was obviously fake and very long. My whole class thought it was hilarious. It made great jokes during the ceremony.

    I was so angry because I worked in the office my senior year. Everyone loved my hair. Even the vice principles. My office was so confused why they would say anything to me because there was a girl with bright ass pink hair.

    The school were used to my hair treatment. I've shaved and colored that hair all the time.
    April 30th, 2013 at 12:50am